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This is my page for quotes from my friends, or just quotes I really like and poetry. The first ones are from my friends, especially Brandon who seems to get them all the time. They aren't all meant the way they sound, they just sounded funny so we wrote them down.


"It doesn't have to be kinky, it just has to be good." ~ me

"Teeth, Smeeth, it's cold, I want it." ~ Brandon

"Stop blowing, you suck." ~ Brandon

"This should hurt . . . but in a good way." ~ Andy

"Lets all just be cheesy" ~ Brandon

"Who is me? Is it you?" ~ Jason

"Oh no! His head fell off, he doesn't work!" ~ Jason

"I like to sing, I just don't like to sing songs." ~ Christine

"Push it in, it's flat." ~ Sarah

"Do you sleep with me every night?" ~ Me

I always whack squirrels with my bazooka!" ~ me

I hate being on wheels, everyone is moving me." ~ Christine

"It makes a noise when you turn it on." ~ Kelly

"That was such a quote!" ~ Sarah

"I'm awake but my face isn't." ~ me

"Have you seen my bird? I can change the size of it's pecker." ~ John

"I'm always in someone else's pants." ~ John

"I'm more hoarse than Mr. Ed." ~ Josh

"Oh, I'm very hot tonight!" ~ Brandon

"Did you know six months is like half a year?" ~ Renee

"Push it in, pull it out, push it in, pull it out . . . it's never enough for her is it?" ~ Me

"Why are you two using the pole when you could be using each other?" ~ Sam

"I do it better the first time 'cos then I get tired." ~ Sarah

"When a man loves a woman . . . it's gotta be smooth." ~ Mr. Young

"Hey Josh! You know what they put in chilli? . . . Dead cow!"

"Ewe! Wait, you just made that sound bad!" ~ My dad and Kelly

"So it's like miracle grow?" ~ me

"Loose lips sink ships." ~ Brandon

"I had a little too much rebel last night!" ~ me

"I don't have a floor at home." ~ Christine

"It doesn't sound as bad as it is." ~ Christine

"Does this look cool? 'Cos it feels cool?" ~ Sarah

"Cats don't have the ridges pumpkins do." ~ Kelly

"I'm right in front of myself only a little to the left." ~ Sarah

"Package people, do not open yourselves." ~ From I'll Be Home For Christmas

"You've gotta take your hand and work it and work it." ~ Mrs. O'dell

"I have static in my pants." ~ me

"Are you in there little man?" ~ Mr. Cox


These are just quotes I like a lot.


"If you live to be a hundred I want to live to be a hundred minus a day so I don't have to live a day without you." ~ Winnie the Pooh

"Gravity cannot be held responsible for people falling in love." ~ Albert Einstein

"Music has always had a transcendental quality insasmuch as it reaches a part of you that you don't expect it to reach. And it can touch you in a way that you can't express. You can think it hasn't reached you, and years later you'll find it coming out." ~ George Harrison

"Once you accept and reoice in your authenticity, you begin to see things as YOU are. You begin to see the authentic self is the soul more visible. Godspeed on your journey to wholeness."


You Can Be Whatever You Want To Be ~ Donna Levine


There is inside of you

all of the potential to be whatever

you want to be ~

all the energy to do whatever

you want to do.

Imagine yourself as you would like to be,

doing what you want to do,

and each day, take one step towards

your dream.

And though at times it may seem too

difficult to continue,

hold onto your dream.

One morning you will awake to find

that you are the person you dreamed of ~

doing what you want to do ~

Simply because you had the courage

to believe in your potential

and hold onto your dream.
