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Ependymin (EPN) 

Ependymin (EPN) is a goldfish neurotrophic factor (NTF) that is one of the most abundant secreted glycoprotein components of brain extracellular fluid (ECF) and cerebrospinal fluid. This protein was first discovered due to its enhanced turnover following learning events, but has since been found to function in other important cellular events such as long-term memory formation and optic nerve elongation (Shashoua, 1976; Shashoua, 1977; Shashoua, 1985). Goldfish EPN has several demonstrated effects on mammalian cells, and immuno-reactive EPN-like proteins have been observed in a variety of organisms ranging from invertebrates (Limulus) to mice.

Some NTFs have been shown to alleviate oxidative stress, one of the primary mediators of cell damage in neurodegenerative conditions. One mechanism by which they accomplish this is to increase cellular levels of anti-oxidative enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD). In fact, our lab recently showed that a synthetic EPN fragment (CMX-8933) increases SOD mRNA and protein levels in rat primary cortical cultures (Parikh, 2003). Transgenic mice and rabbits that overexpress SOD are resistant to ischemia, while mice that lack SOD present with worse ischemic damage. Thus, due to this important SOD activating NTF-like feature of EPN may have potential therapeutic applications for treating neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s or stroke.

* * *

A PILL which could help people live to the ripe old age of 120 is to be tested in Scotland.

Its creators say the wonder drug will slow down the signs of ageing by repairing and restoring the body's natural defences.

The new pill contains the protein ependymin which is produced by the brain and stimulates the body into making its own disease-fighting anti-oxidants.

These are found in fruit and vegetables and can combat the damage caused to our bodies as we age.

Now researchers claim the new pill has the equivalent effect of eating 30 lbs of fruit and vegetables every day.

And the scientists say it will boost average life expectancy from 75 to 120 years.

Steve Parkinson, the Scots-born president of US pharmaceutical giants CereMedix, revealed the drug was set for clinical trials in Scotland.

He said: "Everyone taking a pill will feel better and have more energy. Instead of pumping the patient full of chemicals we will be giving them a more natural drug."

Now trials at Edinburgh University will see if help is at hand and test the drug on those with lung disease.

The university's Professor Bill MacNee said it could also have a huge effect on the treatment of Alzheimer's and strokes.

He said: If it works, it will have all sorts of implications, not only for lung conditions but any other disease in which oxidative stress plays a part."



Pomegranate - PG - Nar - (Punica granatum)


Grenadine (Pomegranate Syrup)

control 23 8 0 - - - - - - - - - - -    61 gun

pomegranate 1/8 tsp 40 40 0 - - - - - - - - - - - 

(paste) 1/2 tsp 80 80 80 80 60 60 60 60 50 40 40 20 10 0  -  124 gun

...comparable human dosage of about 4 tablespoons per day.

Pomegranate is regarded as safe for human consumption, retards atherosclerosis in rodents, and lowers blood pressure in humans.


The analogous magazine in the United States, on the other hand, reports a research study on pomegranate juice, which decreases the accumulation of cholesterol and fats in the walls of the arteries. Fifty milliliters per day would be sufficient to have a protective effect. In both cases, the activity can be attributed to the antioxidants present in the fruits.

Pomegranate polyphenols can protect LDL against cell-mediated oxidation via two pathways, including either direct interaction of the polyphenols with the lipoprotein and/or an indirect effect through accumulation of polyphenols in arterial macrophages. Pomegranate polyphenols were shown to reduce the capacity of macrophages to oxidatively modify LDL, due to their interaction with LDL to inhibit its oxidation by scavenging reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species and also due to accumulation of polyphenols in arterial macrophages; hence, the inhibition of macrophage lipid peroxidation and the formation of lipid peroxide-rich macrophages. Furthermore, pomegranate polyphenols increase serum paraoxonase activity, resulting in the hydrolysis of lipid peroxides in oxidized lipoproteins and in atherosclerotic lesions. These antioxidative and antiatherogenic effects of pomegranate polyphenols were demonstrated in vitro, as well as in vivo in humans and in atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E deficient mice. Dietary supplementation of polyphenol-rich pomegranate juice to atherosclerotic mice significantly inhibited the development of atherosclerotic lesions and this may be attributed to the protection of LDL against oxidation.

- Studies on antioxidant activity of pomegranate (Punica granatum) peel extract using in vivo models.
- Chemopreventive and adjuvant therapeutic potential of pomegranate (Punica granatum) for human breast cancer.
- Antioxidant properties of gallocatechin and prodelphinidins from pomegranate peel.
- Pomegranate juice supplementation to atherosclerotic mice reduces macrophage lipid peroxidation, cellular cholesterol accumulation and development of atherosclerosis.
- Pomegranate juice had potent antiatherogenic effects in healthy humans and in atherosclerotic mice that may be attributable to its antioxidative properties.
- We present the case of a 7-year-old IgE-dependent asthmatic child who, moments after ingesting several pomegranate seeds, showed a clinical condition of bronchospasm which responded to treatment with inhaled salbutamol. Cutaneous tests using the prick-by-prick techniques with extract of the fresh fruit were positive and the RAST for pomegranate was 0.8 PRU/ml. In the literature studied, we have found few specific references to allergy to pomegranate.



Green and black teas contain an alkylamine antigen and its precursor, > L-theanine, but coffee does not. > > After two weeks, gamma-delta T cells from tea drinkers were better > able to produce disease-fighting chemicals, but coffee drinkers were > not. > > The researchers say this suggests that drinking tea can promote a > strong immune response, in addition to other known health benefits.


Wolfberry fruits are used in many herbal formulas to maintain overall health when suffering from chronic conditions, such as weariness of the loins and legs, dizziness and ringing in the ear, visual degeneration, headaches, insomnia, chronic liver diseases, diabetes, tuberculosis, and hypertension.

The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

In addition to having a physical body which is fueled by food, we humans also run on an intricate energy system which is fueled by electrical impulses that run through the body. This energy system holds the key to many of the disturbances we experience in our daily lives. When it is out of balance, our emotional life could be compared to a car that is in desperate need of a tune up. The result may take the form of any type of emotional disturbance including phobias, anger, depression, grief, guilt, anxiety, and a full range of fears, to name a few. There may also be physical symptoms like pain, headaches, asthma and tension that are related to the emotions. EFT provides relief from the majority of these disturbances. What is even better is that it often provides relief in minutes and the results are usually long lasting. In fact, it frequently provides relief where other techniques fail and has a high success rate, typically 80% or better.

Most energetic imbalances may be partially or completely relieved within a short time using this process. Others may be relieved through repetition of the process. Some examples of energetic patterns that have been successfully cleared using EFT:


Reiki uzmani Gulcan Arpacioglu


Armenicum is a complex drug containing iodine, lithium and organic polymers.

Treatment with Armenicum is considered to be mainly a monotherapy. There is no experience in combining Armenicum with current antiretroviral drugs.

Armenicum is given by short courses. It is injected intravenously. Currently different treatment regimens are being investigated.

Armenicum is officially registered in Armenia and allowed for use in humans. Before it is officially approved in any country you may have the possibility to participate in clinical trial of Armenicum being carried out in Armenia.

Armenicum is a highly promising drug for treatment of HIV infection and AIDS-associated diseases.

Armenicum has been tested in animals and has been shown to be safe and effective against wide range of bacterial and viral diseases.

Armenicum reduces viral load (amount of HIV in the blood), increases CD4 cell count, and greatly improves quality of life.

Armenicum means more benefit with less side effects

Clinical research on Armenicum has started in November 1998. Since then 195 HIV-infected patients and 47 healthy volunteers from 13 countries have received experimental treatment with Armenicum. The results obtained up to date are quite promising: In the majority of patients, clinical signs and symptoms of disease disappeared and quality of life dramatically improved. The treatment with Armenicum significantly reduced the amount of HIV in the blood, increased CD4(T) cell count and brought CD4/CD8 lymphocyte ratio to normal values.

“Bioimun forte”

Alman bilim adamları, kanser, hepatit ve AIDS hastalıklarına karşı etkili olduğu düşünülen “mucize ilaç” üzerinde araştırma yapıyor.

Para-Amino benzoic Acid

(PABA) as this vitamin is commonly known is one of the lesser known members of the B complex family, has been shown to be an anti-gray hair vitamin. In tests in black animals that were feed with a diet deficient of PABA, they developed gray hair, when the animals were reintroduced to the vitamin, normal hair color was restored

Research on humans with gray hair being given 200mg of PABA after each meal produced results that showed that a study of the hair afterwards resulted in a seventy per cent result of the hair returning to its original color. Other research claims that PABA combined with folic acid also helps restore hair to its original color.

Deficiency of PABA, Biotin, Folic Acid and Pantothenic Acid appears to affect hair color. Hair color can normally be restored with a diet rich in the B vitamins and in the few cases where color is not restored the hair will improve in quality and strength of growth.

PABA and the B vitamins are found in foods such as liver, kidney, whole grain and yeast. The richest source being liver.

[ 1999-08-24. In addition, they appear to have missed a Russian study which found PABA "lowered the death rate of the laboratory mice with experimental herpetic encephalitis (intraperitoneal contamination)
at the average by 40 per cent and increased the mean life-span of the animals significantly decreasing the virus titre in the mouse brain.", and older studies which found PABA to be of some value for preventing thrombosis (blood clots). With respect to liver or other toxicity, I could find nothing whatsoever on medline, so I expect that if present, this is extremely rare.

I have taken PABA a gram of PABA in my morning drink for many years without any apparent ill effects. -- Tom]


Melanotan I and II are both  synthetic hormones that stimulate the production of the melanin pigment in the skin. Melanotan I and II were created,  synthesized and developed at The University of Arizona and the Arizona Cancer Center. Melanotan II also affects sexual desire as well as physical performance.




- Bronz ve pürüzsüz bir ten - pigmentleri harakete geçirir

- Yüksek seks gücü - bayan ve erkek

- İştah kesici


Melasyn (tm)

Melasyn(tm) is a patented, water-soluble, synthetic melanin. it is a cosmetic, acts as a temporary coloring agent. It can be washed off with soap and water. It gave excellent protection from ultraviolet (UV) light. It is derived from the aloe vera plant.

Melasyn(tm) was developed at Yale University.


SAM-e has many benefits and has been clinically shown to enhance
- mood & emotional well being
- healthy liver function
- joint health and comfort
- joint mobility
- NutraLife SAM-e has a more than two year stability rating.
- Each NutraLife SAM-e tablet contains a full 200 mg of the active ingredient S-Adenosyl-Methionine.
- NutraLife SAM-e tablets are enteric coated to ensure safe and proper absorption.
- NutraLife SAM-e tablets are sealed in perforated cold form blister packs for optimal quality as well as convenience.
- NutraLife SAM-e is Kosher certified by Star K.
- NutraLife SAM-e was featured in Newsweek ["What is SAM-e?" July 5, 1999].
- NutraLife uses the only form of SAM-e (Tosylate Disulphate) backed  by over 20 years of research for safety and efficacy.


Quercetin is the active flavonol part of rutin. It also is used as a capillary protectant and is a more powerful antioxidant than rutin. This product is from Jarrow Formulas.

A dietary supplement of 0.1% quercetin significantly reduced the life span of mice. The effect was predominantly on the 'shorter living' males. A blackcurrant juice extract, containing a mixture of flavonoids in addition to quercetin, prolonged significantly the life span of the 'older dying' females. The significance of these results vis-a-vis aging mechanisms and the dietary intake of quercetin is discussed.

5-HydroxyTryptophan (5-HTP) 

is a metabolite of the amino acid L-Tryptophan. It is a natural product extracted from Griffonia seeds. 5-HTP produces the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain making it helpful in cases of depression, anxiety, sleep problems, and obsessive compulsive behavior including compulsive gambling..

Prozac and other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs raise serotonin levels by recycling it.  However, 5-HTP raises brain serotonin levels more effectively than Prozac without any accompanying side effects. For those not affected by depression, 5-HTP acts as a mild mood elevator.

Drugs like dexfenfluramine (Redux) act as an appetite suppressant by raising brain serotonin levels. Clinical trials have shown that 5-HTP causes people to voluntarily decrease their caloric intake of carbohydrates and fats but not decrease protein intake. 

Substances that raise serotonin:

1. Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft (SSRI's)
2. Dexfenfluramine (Redux)
3. Alcohol
4. Tobacco
5. Caffeine

Taking natural 5-HTP in capsule extracted from Griffonia seeds is a much safer and healthier alternative to any on the above list.

If you do take 5-HTP during the day, it's best to take no more than 25 mg since it could cause sleepiness. 5-HTP is absorbed better taken on an empty stomach.





Pregnenolone is a chemical derivative of cholesterol and is technically considered a steroid like DHEA. Pregnenolone is used for enhanced brain function, memory deficiencies, Alzheimer's disease, mood disorders, chronic fatigue, cholesterol levels, lupus, immune weakness, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and stress.

Pregnenolone is the precursor of many steroids and as such is eventually converted into a multitude of steroids and neurosteroids.

In a 1995 clinical study pregnenolone was found to be the most potent memory enhancing sterone, possibly 100 times more effective for memory than DHEA.

Pregnenolone has been in use for the treatment of arthritis since the 1940's and although it had fallen into disuse for that purpose, its safety record and low toxicity is impressive.







Tetrahydrocurcumin (TC)1 is a metabolite of an antioxidant, curcumin (C) contained in turmeric and is a more potent antioxidant than C itself. A number of studies have shown that TC is effective in preventing pathologies of experimentally induced models of age-associated disorders such as colon2 and breast3 cancer, renal injury4, cataracts, etc. However, no data are available on its effect on animal survivals. We attempted to clarify whether a long term feeding of TC can modify survivals of animals...


The following study [1], from the American Aging Association's 2002 annual meeting, *did* find significant increases in both mean (+10%; P<0.01) and max lifespan (+6.5%; P<0.05) in male C57BL mice fed a diet supplemented with Tetrahydrocurcumin, a metabolite of curcumin, contained in turmeric, at least when the supplements were started early enough in the mice's life.

Curcumin is a potent antioxidant extract from the spice turmeric that has a wide range of health benefits with specific anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and cholesterol-lowering effects. Cancer researchers are developing agents that induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) as potent anticancer drugs. In common with many of the nutrients in the Cancer Treatment Protocol such as selenium, vitamin A, green tea and vitamin D3, curcumin induces cancer cell apoptosis.



Tongkat Ali


eurycoma longifolia, pasak bumi


aids, cancer,

New Sunday Times gazetesinin haberine göre, Malezya hükümetinin desteklediği bir kurum ile Massachusetts Teknoloji Üniversitesi’nin (MIT) ortaklaşa yönettiği bir araştırmada, Malezya’da “Tongkat Ali” denilen bir bitkinin içerdiği bazı kimyasalların kansere ve HIV virüsüne karşı yüksek oranda aktivite içerdiği belirlendi.
       Malezya Orman Araştırmalar Enstitüsü Müdürü Abdürrezam Muhdali, ilk çalışmaların, bitkideki kimyasal bileşenlerin, mevcut kanser ilaçlarından daha etkili olabileceğini gösterdiğini söyledi.
       Bilimsel adı “eurycoma longifolia” olan Tongkat Ali, erkeklerde cinsel gücü artırıcı olarak ün yapmış olsa da, yerel halk tarafından cilt hastalıklarının tedavisinde ve kan dolaşımının düzenlenmesinde kullanılıyor.

- enhance sexual performance,..has been scientifically proven to work on testosterone levels...


Aloe Vera


HIV slowed virus reproduction by as much as 30%, reduced viral load 

Immune Response

lung cancer

wound healing - relieving itching, swelling, and pain: it also is antibacterial and antifungal,

inflammatory bowel disease

Aloe reduced the blood sugar levels in diabetics

causes skin aging 



Fish Oil     


Heart Health

Heart Attack






Rheumatoid Arthritis




ALA--> EPA --> DHA   (% 0.2, %23)   


Grape Seed

Grape Seed Extract is one of the main commercial sources of a family of very powerful antioxidants known as Proanthocyanidins. It is 20times more powerful than Vitamin C and 50% more powerful than Vitamin E in antioxidants power. According to longevity experts, Grape Seed Extract:


Coenzyme Q10 


Coenzyme Q10 is found naturally in the body, and has been linked to prevention of many illnesses associated with aging. According to longevity experts, Coenzyme Q10:



An amino acid (protein) which builds strong, healthy cells. It increases energy and tightens skin. Clients report looking 3-5 years younger in three months. Helps you to have increased energy without the jitters. RNA/DNA is for depression, it is a normalizer, which improves memory and mental sharpness. May take fewer wraps to correct water retention symptoms. Increases sex drive.

 Nucleic Acids Prolong Life Span in Rats     

he longest extension of life span ever reported in a scientific journal was by London physician Max Odens.
 In a study to test the effects of nucleic acids on aging, Odens gave weekly injections of DNA and RNA 
to five rats, starting at the age of 750 days, and compared them to five untreated controls.
According to Odens, all five untreated rats died before the expected maximum age of 900 days, 
whereas four of the treated rats lived 1,600 to 1,900 days, and the fifth lived 2,250 days.       
Thus, the maximum life span of these animals was allegedly doubled in four of the experimental rats 
and tripled in the fifth.
The Odens study, which was published in 1973, has been ignored by gerontologists because of its 
small size, limited data, and remarkable findings-which virtually nobody believes. As a result, no one,
 including Odens, has apparently done any sort of follow-up study. 
Max Odens, 2 Devonshire Place,  London W1, England 


N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone (PBN)

It is a free radical "chain breaker" (called a "spin trap") as opposed to most antioxidants which only change a more reactive free radical into a less reactive one. It is of only a few things which have increased maximum lifespan, and it has completely reduced the increased mitochondrial free radicals caused by using acetyl-L-carnitine to increase energy output from aged mitochondria.
PBN has actually extended maxium lifespan as well as average lifespan.

PBN penetrates well and does not need recycling as do other antioxidants. So a very small amount might still be beneficial. I think they were going by the smaller doses which they had seen to be effective in animals (0.1-10 mg/kg). A dose of 0.5 mg/kg in rats would convert to 10 mg for 70 kg human. However, this is not consistent with the 30 mg/kg dose that Hagen used to elimate the free radical damage due to acetyl-l-carnitine. If that is the purpose for taking PBN (and it is a necessary purpose, IMO) then a dosage of 600 mg would be needed for a 70 kg human. -- Tom

hydroxylamine HCl and diethylhydroxylamine (DEHA)

PBN is a molecular combination of hydroxylamine and benzene. The benzene breakdown portion is the more toxic part, is the heaviest and it not the active one. Therefore, hydroxylamine should be effective and less toxic in much smaller doses. However, remember this is mostly theory. No mouse lifespan tests or human accute toxicity tests have been done. -- Tom



As an essential cofactor of glutathione peroxidase, selenium is an important antioxidant. It is also involved with iodine metabolism, pancreatic function, DNA repair, immunity and the detoxification of heavy metals. Studies have shown that selenium can help prevent some cancers and cataracts. (lef)



Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)


CoQ10 is a dynamic antioxidant, which protects both the mitochondria and the cell membrane against oxidative damage. CoQ10 is also an essential component of the respiratory cycle of the cell that takes place in the mitochondria and generates ATP, the cell’s energy currency. In 1996, at the 9th International Symposium on coenzyme Q10 in Ancona, Italy, researchers reported that:


* CoQ10 preserves the antioxidant action of vitamin C

* CoQ10 may prevent atherosclerosis

* Congestive heart disease patients who took CoQ10 showed enhancements in

  cardiac output

* CoQ10 protects against dopamine depletion in the brain, providing a specific

  antiaging effect by preserving neural function

* CoQ10 protects against dopamine depletion in the brain, providing a specific antiaging effect by preserving neural function



TriMethylGlycine  (aka Betaine Base) $16.00

lecithin (phosphatidylcholine).   Inositol,Choline…Cholineà TMG à SAME

Quantity & Dosage: 150 grams = 100 x 1.5 gram doses. Suggested daily dose of TMG is 500 mg – 1500 mg with other anti-homocysteine nutrients, Vits. B6, B12, & choline. Optimum dosage to raise SAMe levels is 2 grams 3 times a day.

TMG is a natural extract from sugar beets. Recent research has proven TMG to be a multi-faceted anti-aging substance with great cardio-vascular support. TMG literally rejuvenates cells through a process called methylation. This process joins a methyl group onto a cell DNA molecule.

·         Methylation reduces harmful homocysteine, thereby lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke. Methylation transforms homocysteine into nontoxic anti-aging compound SAMe.

·         Methylation produces SAMe, which has potent anti-aging effects. SAMe alleviates depression, regenerates the mylene of nerve cells, helps Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease patients, and protects against live damage from alcohol abuse.

·         Methylation actually protects DNA from defective aging genes that cause diseases. The extra methyl group prevents these genes from being expressed in the cell body. Protecting the DNA may reduce the risk of genetically induced cancers and reduce cellular aging.

Summary of TMG Health Benefits

    TMG helps metabolize fat in the liver

The methylation process converts TMG to DMG with the added benefits :

·   DMG stimulates oxygen metabolism



Deprenyl is a selective depressor of MonoAmino Oxidase B, or MAO-B. This is a very bad enzyme that begins to appear in our brain after about age 40. Many doctors believe MAO-B destroys some neurons in the brain which produce another substance known as dopamine. According to these doctors, after MAO-B appears in our brain everybody loses about 13% of these dopamine producing neurons per every 10 years... But some people lose them faster, and some people lose them slower. If we live long enough to lose about 70% or 80% of these neurons, we are then diagnosed as having Parkinson's desease... but by then it is too late, because the dopamine producing neurons will never grow back again.

Deprenyl, I think it is very important that I should try to prevent Parkinson's in my own body. Deprenyl is effective, easy to take, and inexpensive. Some life extensionists recommend 1.25 mg. every day, and others recommend one 5 mg. capsule per day. I am taking 1.25 mg every two days because I am also taking growth hormone, and I think GH probably helps me to reduce MAO-B to 40 year old levels. Nobody really knows which is the optimum dose of Deprenyl, so one guess is as good as another.





·         Neurological degeneration

·         Cellular Senescence (cell aging)

·         Cross-linking in the eye lens

·         Accumulation of damaged proteins

·         Muscle atrophy

·         Brain circulatory deficit

·         Skin collagen cross-linking

·         LDL cholesterol oxidation

·         DNA chromosome damage

·         Formation of Advanced Glycation End products (AGE)

·         In an experiment with senescence-accelerated mice, Carnosine extended their life span by an average of 20%. Mice given Carnosine were twice as likely to reach old age. The aged Carnosine mice had much fewer signs of old age than the controls. Glossy coats: 44% vs 5%. Skin ulcers: 14% vs 36%. Normal reactivity: 58% vs 9%.

·         Russian scientists reported that not only did the carnosine-fed SAMP1 mice appear much more youthful than controls, but experienced a 20% increase in lifespan (Yuneva, et al, 1999).  


  1. Carnosine’s ability to help prevent glycosylation- the cross linking of proteins (and DNA molecules) caused by sugar aldehydes reacting with the amino acids on the protein molecule and creating Advance Glycosylation End-products (AGE’s). If you want to see protein cross linking in action cut an apple in half and watch it turn yellow! Such anti-glycosylation may be beneficial for diabetes, cataracts, neuropathy, kidney failure and skin conditions, as well as “general” anti-aging properties.
  2. In 1999, Australian researchers confirmed that carnosine increases longevity of human fibroblast cells in the laboratory. Carnosine extended the Hayflick limit (the maximum number of times a cell can divide), from a “normal” 50 by up to an additional 10 times! Although not enough time has passed to test these results, carnosine may be a supplement of choice for longevity.
  3. The Russians used Carnosine (in an eye-drop form) to help treat glaucoma with considerable success. Carnosine may have important anti-aging eye functions.


DMAE inhibits and reverses the Cross-Linking of proteins.        
DMAE extends the lifespan of mice by 27-49%.
DMAE facilitates the removal of Lipofuscin from Neurons.

DMAE increases Intelligence (especially in children).
DMAE improves Learning and Memory.
DMAE removes Lipofuscin (age spots) from the skin.

    DMAE is another extremely valuable vitamin-like substance that is not widely known. It is a basic building material that the body uses to make acetylcholine, the most generalized neurotransmitter in the body. Small quantities of DMAE are found in fish, but the body usually makes it in a multi-stage synthesis that starts with the amino acid choline, arrives at DMAE at about step number three and ends up finally with acetylcholine.
    The body's nerves are wrapped in fatty tissue that should be saturated with acetylcholine. Every time a nerve impulse is transmitted from one nerve cell to the next, a molecule of acetylcholine is consumed. Thus acetylcholine has to be constantly replaced. As the body ages, levels of acetylcholine surrounding the nerves drop and in consequence, the nerves begin to deteriorate. DMAE is rapidly and easily converted into acetylcholine and helps maintain acetylcholine levels in older people at a youthful level.
    When laboratory rats are fed DMAE they solve mazes more rapidly, remember better, live about 40 percent longer than rats not fed DMAE and most interestingly, when autopsied, their nervous systems resemble those of a young rat, without any evidence of the usual deterioration of aging. Human nervous systems also deteriorate with age, especially those of people suffering from senility. It is highly probable that DMAE will do the same thing to us. DMAE also smoothes out mood swings in humans and seems to help my husband, Steve, when he has a big writing project. He can keep working without getting 'writers block', fogged out, or rollercoastering.
    DMAE is a little hard to find. Prolongevity and VRP sell it in powder form. Since the FDA doesn't know any MDR and since the product is not capped up, the bottle of powder sagely states that one-quarter teaspoonful contains 333 milligrams. Get the hint? DMAE tastes a little like sour salt and one-quarter teaspoonful dissolves readily in water every morning before breakfast, or anytime for that matter. DMAE is also very inexpensive considering what it does. A year's supply costs about $20.



The DMAE in GH-3 blocks the action of MAO in the brain, thereby increasing the amounts of Serotonin, Dopamine, and other important neurotransmitters. 85% of patients on GH-3 (felt a greater sense of well being & relaxation, slept better, and many obtained relief from the discomforts of degenerative disease). The full range of benefits is still unknown.


  Enhances "vigilance" (roughly translated, this means it makes you more alert and responsive to your environment and increases "presence of mind".)

Naturally found in the brain it is used to stimulate memory and help in cases of Alzheimer’s disease. It stimulates the production of acetylcholine, a chemical necessary for memory. It increases the levels of phosphatidyl choline which is also needed for memory, and was found to extend the life of laboratory animals. Side effects are headaches, insomnia and muscle ache. Dose is up to 500-1000mg a day depending on the individual. Epileptics and those with manic-depression should not use this supplement.


CENTROPHENOXINE (Trade Name: Lucidril)

Centrophenoxine is an intelligence booster and also an effective anti-aging
therapy. It has been shown to cause improvements in various aspects of memory 
function and a 30% increase in lifespan of laboratory animals.
 One of the most widely recognized aspects of aging is the buildup of
lipofuscin in brain cells (lipofuscin is the stuff that age spots are made
of.) Centrophenoxine removes lipofuscin deposits from brain cells and reduces its 
rate of accumulation in young brain cells. It also rejuvenates the synaptic 
structure - the area where the actual transfer of information takes place between 
nerve cells.

It is used to boost brain energy, by increasing the use of oxygen and glucose in the brain. Used in the treatment of age-related damage to the brain, stroke, injury or drug damage. Increases memory and learning. Reduces the levels of lipofuscin (a waste material found in the brains/muscles of aged organisms), and increases the production of RNA. It was found to extent lifespan in laboratory animals. May strengthen the effects of other brain boosters such as Hydergine or Piracetam. The dose is 250mg twice a day, with regular breaks. It should not be taken by epileptics or those with severe high blood pressure and can cause nausea, dizziness and muscle stiffness.


I take both, 250 mg of lucidril twice daily and about 1350 mg of DMAE once daily. Lucidril (also called meclofenoxate) is dimethylaminoethyl p-chloro-phenoxyacetate, ie DMAE is one part of it, and btw, Lucidril is the hydrochloride of this compound. Since they have different properties, there is no real equivalency of dose, however, on a molecular basis of what are supposed to be the active components (the DMAE), 500 mg of lucidril should be equivalent to about 150 mg of DMAE. However, DMAE is much slower acting and may not pass as quickly into the brain. No real equivalency experiments have been done since it is hard enough just to get a standardized model to show benefits from either one. -- Tom

N-t-butyl hydroxylamine (NtBHA)

J Biol Chem 2000 Mar 10;275(10):6741-8
N-t-butyl hydroxylamine, a hydrolysis product of alpha-phenyl-N-t-butyl nitrone, is more potent in delaying senescence in human lung fibroblasts.

Atamna H, Paler-Martinez A, Ames BN.

Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-3202, USA.

Alpha-phenyl-N-t-butyl nitrone (PBN), a spin trap, scavenges hydroxyl radicals, protects tissues from oxidative injury, and delays senescence of both normal human lung fibroblasts (IMR90) and senescence-accelerated mice. N-t-butyl hydroxylamine and benzaldehyde are the breakdown products of PBN. N-t-Butyl hydroxylamine delays senescence of IMR90 cells at concentrations as low as 10 microM compared with 200 microM PBN to produce a similar effect, suggesting that N-t-butyl hydroxylamine is the active form of PBN. N-Benzyl hydroxylamine and N-methyl hydroxylamine compounds unrelated to PBN were also effective in delaying senescence, suggesting the active functional group is the N-hydroxylamine. All the N-hydroxylamines tested significantly decreased the endogenous production of oxidants, as measured by the oxidation of 2', 7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescin and the increase in the GSH/GSSG ratio. The acceleration of senescence induced by hydrogen peroxide is reversed by the N-hydroxylamines. DNA damage, as determined by the level of apurinic/apyrimidinic sites, also decreased significantly following treatment with N-hydroxylamines. The N-hydroxylamines appear to be effective through mitochondria; they delay age-dependent changes in mitochondria as measured by accumulation of rhodamine-123, they prevent reduction of cytochrome C(FeIII) by superoxide radical, and they reverse an age-dependent decay of mitochondrial aconitase, suggesting they react with the superoxide radical.

PMID: 10702229 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The ability of

these compounds to inhibit lipid peroxidation was, in decreasing

order, rosemary > oregano > propyl gallate > annatto > BHA > sweet

paprika > cumin > hot paprika > saffron > BHT. ..

4-phenylbutyrate (PBA)

Natrium phenylbutyrat
Sodium phenylbutyrate
PBA has been approved as Buphenyl(TM) (sodium phenylbutyrate) however
it is not inexpensive, costing $4 to $5 for a 30 mg tablet, in lots of
100 to 300 tablets.  Seems excessive for a simple chemical.

 The FDA has approved the marketing of this orphan drug for the
treatment of urea cycle disorders. Urea cycle disorder is a rare
disease, with approximately 400 known cases worldwide, which could
result in brain injury and death. The body is unable to synthesize and
excrete waste nitrogen; as a result, the patient accumulates glutamine
and ammonia in the blood. With Buphenyl, the body is able to excrete

nitrogen which would otherwise accumulate as ammonia.

Scientists working on a discovering an elixir of life say it has 
already worked on fruit flies. The drug is said to increase longevity while maintaining youthful

US researchers are confident enough to be planning a new set of
experiments on mice.

The processes involved could open up important new leads in
understanding ageing.

The drug is called 4-phenylbutyrate (PBA) and has already been
approved in the US for treating cystic fibrosis and sickle cell

Its influence on lifespan was discovered by accident while the
scientists were investigating its effect on fruit flies with
neurodegenerative disease.

Giving the drug to healthy flies extended their maximum lifespan by
more than 50% and their average lifespan by a third.

But the most significant outcome was the fact that there was no price
to pay for the extra time, New Scientist magazine reports. Previous
research has indicated that normally there is a trade off between long
lifespan and health and sexual vigour.

The flies, far from paying for their longevity with a weaker
constitution, survived better than those not given PBA. Their weight
remained normal and they produced normal numbers of offspring.

Kyung-Tai Min, leading the research team from the National Institutes
of Health and California Institute of Technology, said: "We are going
to test more, but so far, it seems they are perfect."




Tributyrin - A new cancer drug

Some German clinics are treating cancer patients with Butyric acid, a substance that can be isolated from butter. Butyric acid has the interesting effect of normalising cancer cells . That is malignant cells change back into normal cells under the influence of butyric acid. (a demonstration perhaps that malignant cells are merely normal cells living under abnormal tissue conditions, as many alternatives have argued - and not an evil demented cell that has to be destroyed by cytotoxic chemotherapeutic drugs). For more information see the Spring Cancer Chronicles at

Tarih:2002-12-02 00:18:56 PST

Although there is less research, it may be better to take the variant tributyrin which should be less toxic than phenylbutyrate because of the absence of the phenyl (benzene) group. The butyric acid is what seems to cause the benefit, yet it is too transitory in the body. Tributyrin acts as a storage form and pro-drug of butyric acid. The difference here is potentially similar to the difference between taking PBN (containing a phenyl group) and NtBHA (the same hydroxylamine without the phenyl group). However, without some comparative experiments it is really not possible to be sure. Personally, I am leaning toward trying tributyrin as soon as I see a little more research. Based on its relationship to butyric acid (which the body sees all the time), I think that it should reasonably be safe to take. --Paul Wakfer (was: Tom Matthews) 

Heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) plays a major role in the pathophysiology of inflammation, and the induction of HSP70 before the onset of inflammation can reduce organ damage through a self-protective system. Glutamine is known to be an inducer of HSP70, and its preoperative administration seems useful in attenuating cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)-induced inflammatory response. PMID 12427658


Other means to increase HSP70 expression include glutamine, PBN, and curcumin and probably some others.


Inactivation of p53and lifespan extension of human diploid fibroblasts.


Just wondering if you have seen the research referred to in the article
below which implies that low levels of the enzyme Rpd3 histone deacetylase
could be the pathway via which calorie restriction extends lifespan?

[Yes, I have seen it and it has been discussed on the newsgroup However, fruit flys are very different than humans. One
very important difference is that they have no mitotic (dividing) cells.
Therefore, experimental results for fruit flies do not necessarily apply to
humans. --Tom]

Do you know of any supplement that can suppress this enzyme?

[Butyrates (either 4-phenylbutyrate or tributyrin) probably do that and they
also appear to suppress cell differentiation with age. I am watching the
research on them closely, but am not ready to take or recommend either yet.




Bee Pollen

History: Plant pollen collected by the honey bee is the finest food source discovered by man. It contains all the vitamins, amino acids, essential minerals and active antioxidants needed for a full active life. It is well known in European and Oriental folk medicine and its healthful benefits were appreciated by Emperors, Pharaohs and Kings. (To top of page)

Bioavailability: The term used to describe the digestibility in the human gut. It is well known and scientifically documented that plant pollen is hard to digest. In fact only 3% to 30% of the pollen’s goodness is available to the human digestive system. Many attempts have been made to improve pollen bioavailability, such as milling and crushing mechanically which degrades the food value due to the heat generated. (To top of page)

Potentiation: A process pioneered by Dr. Kelvin Duncan, Dean of Science at Canterbury University, which uses a break through technique to rupture the cell wall of the pollen without degrading the pollen in any way. Dr. Duncan has patented the process. This process enhances the bioavailability to 90% and higher. (To top of page)

Benefits: It is a food and not a drug. It has no known side effects. Benefits include increased stamina, strengthened immune system, resistance to colds, coughs and flu. (For more benefits read Carlson Wade’s book.) (To top of page)

What Is Pollen? Pollen carries the male DNA to the female parts of a flower or plant of the same species. It is the traveling part of the plant that enables reproduction between male and female elements to form a new individual.

Pollen is produced on the stamens or male parts of a flower. The stamens are normally long thin threads or filaments beating anthers at their far ends. Pollen cells are produced by the anthers. Pollen normally consists of three cells. There are two sperm cells which are contained within a tube. The tube cell is covered by a tough, resistant coat which is so tough that pollen grains thousands of years old have been found in peat bogs. The pollen grain is packed with nutrition for the germination of the pollen tube. To nourish the DNA and to provide the cell with sufficient energy and nutrition, each pollen cell has a very dense package of cytoplasm inside the cell wall. Because the cell must be small and light, the nutrition is very concentrated. It is this concentration of nutrition that makes pollen so valuable for human consumption. (To top of page)

Why Is Pollen So Indigestible? To survive the hazardous journey to the female plant, pollen must be well protected. It has two layers coating the cell, the exine and the intine, which protects it. The presence of these tough resistant coats presents some problems to humans consuming pollen because the cell wall is made from the plant molecule cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin which cannot be digested by the human digestive system. So the digestibility of pollen is comparatively low.

When unprocessed pollen is eaten, it can hardly be digested by pepsin, a human protein-digesting enzyme, at all. It is essential that the pollen walls be broken so that the human body can digest and absorb all the nutrients. (To top of page)

Making Pollen More Digestible! There have been many attempts to improve the digestibility (bioavailability) of pollen. Four main methods are in use internationally: mechanical disruption (such as milling), using violent changes in temperature, freeze thawing, fermentation/enzymatic degradation and shear plane degradation.

Mechanical disruption is difficult to do and the heat can cook the cells. Freeze thawing is prolonged and significant product degradation occurs. Fermentation can add unwanted chemicals to the pollen and it can result in the breakdown and wasting of the nutritional value in pollen. Lastly, shear plane technology is extremely expensive. (To top of page)

Dr. Duncan’s Approach! It is to homogenize the cells by using a very safe process that effectively cracks a hole in the pollen’s cell wall. It is like cracking a hole in an egg shell to get at the digestible materials inside. Only the shape of the cells is disrupted, not the chemical composition. This process is called potentiation and it is covered by patents. The result is that over 90% of t nutritional value in pollen is now available to humans. (To top of page)






Vitamin U


Anti-Ulkus Factor MMSC

Dimethylsulfonium chloride, a methionine derivative (3-amino-3-cerboxipropyl): Methylmethioninesulfonium chloride, MMSC.


* has a beneficial power action on gastric and intestinal functions in general.
* has a cytoprotective mechanism which may possibly be related to surface mucosal mucin.
* stimulates the formation of various categories of RNA and causes a quantitative increase in  

   the RNA temperature function.S-methyl methionine was found to increase activity of 

  S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine, selectively   methylating the released homocysteine. This decrease the inhibition of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine and stimulated methylation process.



In modern times, Vitamin U was defined as the Anti-Ulkus Factor. Vitamin U was proven to be effective on treating gastric and intestinal disorders. Vitamin U is also effective if used as a co-adyuvant with other medicinal treatments for stomach and intestinal disorders.
In France, clinical studies were carried out on patients suffering from gastro-duodenal ulcers, peptic ulcers, gastritis and gastro-duodenitis, diaphragmatic hernias, and peptic oesophagitis. Patients were 80% relieved from their pain
The therapeutic effect of Vitamin U has been clinically proven. Medical researchers have also conducted successful tests in Germany, Italy, Japan, and United States.

Cabbage juice contains vitamin U


Vitamin B13

orotic acid (vitamin b13) is not really recognized as a vitamin, and is manufactured by the body by intestinal flora. Very little is known, and therefore our information is also very sketchy.

Orotic acid helps with the production of genetic material and may be beneficial after a heart attack. It is also used in conditions such as multiple sclerosis and chronic hepatitis.

It is found in root vegetables, such as carrots and beets as well as liquid whey.


Vitamin B15

Pangamic acid, also known as vitamin b15, has not been qualified as being essential to our diets. 

Until further research is available, be careful of supplements containing pangamic acid, calcium pangamate, DMG or B15.

Although pangamic acid is not toxic when taken in as part of normal food, the ingredient, thought to be the active ingredient in pangamic acid, called dimethylglycine (DMG), is though to be cancer causing.

It is present in brown rice, brewers yeast, grains, as well as sunflower and pumpkinseeds.


Vitamin B17

laetrile, amygdalin is another one of those ingredients, that even if called vitamin B 17, it is really dubious if it is a vitamin as such. 

It is touted as an ingredient, which can prevent the growth of cancers, but has been outlawed for sale in many countries. Laetrile may however help with reducing blood pressure and the pain associated with arthritis.

Laetrile is present in apricot kernels and to a lesser degree in other stone fruit kernels. It is also found in sprouting seeds.


Vitamin T

vitamin t, is found in sesame seeds as well egg yolks. 

It is thought to strengthen the red blood cells


Vitamin P


bioflavonoids also called Vitamin P are not strictly speaking a vitamin, but for easy classifications, we are listing it as a vitamin. The term bioflavonoids refer to many different ingredients and include hesperin, hesperidin, eriodictyol, quercetin, quercertrin, rutin etc. 


Vitamin H, Biotin

Vitamin M, Folic Acid

Also Folacin, Folate, Vitamin Bc

Folic acid is a water soluble member of the vitamin B complex group. It is essential in the formation of red blood cells and aids in the metabolism of proteins. It is important for the production of DNA and RNA and is necessary for cell division. Folic acid is also needed for the utilization of sugar and amino acids.

 Vitamin Y  Vitamin B6

Provitamin B6 is the same as Vitamin B13.



Element number 49. 48 cadmium, 50 tin, The problem with indium is that because of its unique chemical make-up, it is not readily available in foods. Since we cannot add it to our bodies by what we eat, we are all 100% deficient in indium.

In addition, Dr. Schroeders studies show that mice given indium experienced up to 42% less cancers and malignant tumors than those not given indium. This makes indium, in those tests, more than non-carcinogenic ... it makes it anti-carcinogenic. It not only does not cause cancer ... it helps reduce its incidence by a significant margin. In fact, in numerous studies on indium, absolutely no cancer effects have ever been found.


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A to Z about Minerals & Vitamins


Not an essential mineral, and may be toxic. Avoid aluminum-based baking powders, aluminum cans, especially with pop or acidic juices, and aluminum cookware, as well as aluminum-containing antiperspirants.

A toxic mineral.

A non-essential mineral, but can be toxic in certain forms.

A substance from clay which contains a lot of aluminum.

A toxic mineral.

A non-essential mineral, but excellent for quieting down an irritated bowel and diarrhea.

An essential mineral very involved in calcium and bone metabolism, as well as the manufacture of testosterone.

A toxic mineral.

The most abundant mineral in the body, most of it in bones and teeth and connective tissue. Calcium requires magnesium, phosphorus, and Vitamins A, C, and D for adequate metabolism. It is essential for maintaining the pH of the blood and regulating cell membrane potential. It helps in insomnia and irregular heart beat and is essential in preventing high blood pressure, aids in blood clotting. If you do not drink milk, you should probably take 1000 to 1500 mg of calcium citrate daily.  

Depressed individuals often have excessive calcium levels, particularly those with bipolar disorder (see Chapter 2). When these patients recover, their calcium levels usually return to normal. Depression can also occur in cases of calcium deficiency, long before the appearance of physical deficiency symptoms. In addition, calcium works with magnesium to maintain balance, or homeostasis, in the body, much as sodium and potassium work together to achieve balance in water levels. If you are supplementing with calcium, you will need to take one-half as much magnesium, sometimes even more, to keep the two properly balanced. This includes women who are taking calcium supplements to prevent osteoporosis. A good daily dose is 800 to 1,000 mg.

An essential mineral, and interrelated with sodium and potassium. It helps regulate the pH of the blood, and the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It is useful in the liver's detoxification process and is essential for normal joints and tendons. It is highly undesirable in chlorinated water, as high intakes of city chlorinated water significantly increase the risk of bladder cancer and may increase blood pressure, as well as interfere with iodine absorption.

An essential mineral involved in a variety of enzymes and in the metabolism of sugar and fatty acids and cholesterol. It improves the effectiveness of insulin and is involved in synthesis of protein.

An essential trace mineral involved with Vitamin B12 in the manufacture of blood, and in many enzyme functions including manufacture of DNA.

An essential trace mineral, imported in the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells, and involved in many enzymes, protein metabolism, and synthesis of phospholipids, including the production myelin sheaths. It helps the antioxidant effect of Vitamin C, and is essential in the production of elastin, a component of muscle fiber. Is also is necessary for proper bone formation and production of RNA and melanin. Aids in conversion of nutrients to energy.

An essential trace mineral involved in deposition of calcium and in preventing tooth decay. However, there is no evidence that added fluoride is of any benefit or is essential after age five to seven, and excessive intakes of it can interfere with phosphorus and inhibit many enzymes as well as cause bursitis.

Although there is no known involvement of gold in metabolism, many manufactured gold salts are used in treating rheumatoid arthritis. It is potentially toxic in large amounts.

A trace mineral which may be involved in many metabolic processes, enzyme functions, and hormonal productions.

An essential trace mineral, most critical in the development and function of the thyroid gland. Also important in assisting in energy metabolism, growth development, and helping to burn excessive fat. Babies who are deficient in iodine develop cretinism, a very serious form of brain damage. Iodine is involved in the production of collagen, and is important in maintenance of healthy hair, skin, nails, and teeth. It is important in protein synthesis, absorption of carbohydrates, and indirectly, in cholesterol management. If your body temperature is consistently below 97.6 degrees Fahrenheit on awakening and below 98.6 degrees in the afternoon, you are probably iodine deficient!

An essential mineral, whose major function, in combination with protein and copper, is in the manufacture of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen throughout the body. Myoglobin, found in muscle tissue, also contains iron and assists in the transfer of oxygen into the muscle. Very important overall in protein metabolism and the immune system. It works closely in sync with calcium and copper. Excesses can create serious problems with the liver.  
Iron deficiency can result in anemia, which can produce symptoms such as depression, irritability, fatigue, loss of attention span, and insomnia. One study found that nearly half of all pre-menopausal women and a third of all children do not get enough iron, so supplementation in these groups could have a significant impact on the frequency of depression and other disorders. From 15 to 30 mg a day is a good maintenance dose. On the other hand, excessive iron can lead to toxicity, especially in men, who are not losing the mineral regularly through menstruation. Therefore, men shouldn't supplement with iron unless under a doctor's direction.

A toxic mineral.

An essential trace mineral that is very important in the manufacture of serotonin from L-tryptophan, in overall mood, and probably in health of the heart. There is a significant relationship with norepinephrine, sodium metabolism, and bone metabolism, and it relates very strikingly with magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, thyroid metabolism, insulin, and aldosterone metabolism.

A major component of cereals, especially bran. Individuals on a very high whole-grain diet may have a deficiency of calcium, and possibly of other minerals because phytic acid binds with them and prevents absorption.

The third most abundant mineral in the human body. Seventy percent of it is located in bone, and it is essential for healthy bones and teeth. It is also critical for maintenance of cell membrane potential and works very synergistically with the amino acid, taurine. It is involved in maintaining nerve-muscle interaction. It regulates heartbeat. It helps utilize B complex and Vitamin C and E, bone growth, and the function of all muscles, especially including the heart. It appears to be associated with the regulation of body temperature, and is essential for conversion of blood glucose into energy. Is also of benefit in migraine headaches, epilepsy, and muscle spasms. The single most important and most common mineral deficiency is probably magnesium.  

This mineral assists in all of the body's energy reactions. Deficiency can result in depressive symptoms, along with confusion, agitation, anxiety, and hallucinations, as well as a variety of physical problems. Most diets do not include enough magnesium, and stress also contributes to magnesium depletion. Other possible reasons for a deficiency include kidney or parathyroid disease, high blood pressure, chronic fluid loss, alcoholism, and malabsorption disorders. Several studies have shown that magnesium injections can bring relief from symptoms such as fatigue, aches and pains, weakness, and lethargy. I frequently give magnesium shots for migraine headaches, PMS, and allergies. A daily maintenance dose is 400 to 800 mg, with more needed to correct deficiencies.


Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common problems that we encounter in patients in this country. At least 70% of men and 80% of women do not consume enough magnesium in their diets to maintain normal levels. Magnesium is an essential component of protein synthesis in the body. It is important in the proper functioning of all muscles, including the heart.

There are many factors that prevent the body from absorbing magnesium:
Relatively high calcium intact (dairy products)
High phosphate intake (meats, pop)
High intakes of sodium, protein, and fat
High vitamin D intake
High phytase intake (whole wheat products)
High potassium intake
Stress also significantly increases excretion of magnesium from the body, leading to deficiency.

Illnesses associated with magnesium deficiency include:
Cardiac arrhythmia
Chronic and acute pain
Immune dysfunction
Muscle tension
Myocardial infarction
Possible TIAís and strokes

The only reliable tests for magnesium deficiency are the magnesium load test (not serum magnesium), or the intracellular magnesium test. Intracellular Diagnostic Laboratories, 553 Pilgrim Drive, Suite B, Foster City, California 94404.

A trace mineral important in many enzymes and the metabolism of many vitamins as well as in the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol, protein, carbohydrates, and fat metabolism, as well as sex hormone production, bone and connective tissue, health, and nerve and brain function.

A toxic mineral. Silver or amalgam fillings contain 50 to 60% of mercury and are highly undesirable.


Names include: Mb, element 42.
Deficiency symptoms include: anemia, fatigue, decreased urine formation, increased fatty acid oxidation, reduced life expectancy, tachycardia (increased heart rate), visual problems, male impotence, mouth and gum disorders, and cancer.
Toxicity symptoms include: copper deficiency, gout, bone disease, diarrhea, anemia, decreased growth.
Inhibitors include: tungsten and excess copper. Heat and moisture change its action.

A trace mineral essential for enzymes involved in the metabolism of iron and the oxidation of fat, as well as normal growth and development and sulfur metabolism.

Molybdenum is a little-known, though essential, trace mineral. It is instrumental in regulating pH balance in the body. For each pH point increase (e.g., 6.1-6.2), the oxygen level is increased ten times, thus increasing the metabolism and enhancing the body's ability to burn fat.

Although very small amounts are needed, molybdenum is a vital part of three important enzyme systems and is necessary for the proper function of certain enzyme-dependent processes, including the metabolism of iron. When the iron stored in the liver is freed, it can then carry oxygen to body cells and tissue. Molybdenum works with the enzyme systems to help eliminate toxic nitrogen waste by turning it into uric acid. The uric acid then can be converted and more easily flushed out of the system.

Molybdenum promotes general well being, aids in carbohydrate metabolism, has proven itself useful in MSG (or other chemical) sensitivity, increases libido, and may enhance the effect of fluorine in tooth decay prevention (dental enamel is rich in molybdenum). It also induces sleep.

Because of molybdenum's ability to raise the body's pH, it may be beneficial in the treatment of cancer, viruses, and parasites.

There is no recommended dietary allowance (RDA) established for molybdenum, and it is considered safe up to 15 mg. per day. It has been found to interfere with the absorption of copper.


Is the second most abundant mineral in the body. It works very closely with calcium. It plays an extremely important part in every chemical reaction in the body because it is present in every cell. It is essential for life and energy production, maintaining pH of blood and activation of B vitamins.

An essential mineral that helps regulate sodium and water balance. It is very important in growth, nerve function, and proper pH of the body. Involved in the conversion of glucose to glycogen and in many enzyme reactions in general cell metabolism. One of the critical minerals in maintaining a normal heart beat, as well as nerve conduction, production of energy and synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins.

Is a radioactive form of strontium, produced by nuclear explosion. It is very toxic and is concentrated in bone, where it has a half-life of 28 years.

An essential mineral which works synergistically with vitamin E as an antioxidant; promotes normal body growth, health of the heart, elasticity of tissue, and fertility. Part of glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme.

Is the second most abundant element in nature, being less common only than oxygen. It is an essential trace mineral involved in the manufacture of cartilage, as well in the elastic tissue in arteries, and all connective tissue. There is some metaphysical belief that silicon is converted into calcium in the body. Silicone, on the other hand, is oxidized silica. Silica dust is very toxic and can lead to severe lung disease called silicosis. Silicone, the material used in breast implants, has been thought by many to create some serious immune problems.

Silver may be an important trace mineral. Colloidal suspensions of silver were widely used as anti-infective agents early in this century, and some people believe that modest doses of colloidal silver improve health and immune functions.

An essential mineral found predominately in blood serum, and extracellular fluid, as well as in bone. It functions synergistically and inversely with potassium to assist in pH balance, and helps keep other blood minerals soluble. It is essential for hydrochloric acid production and very involved in overall adrenal function.  
Sodium and potassium. 
These minerals are considered together because they determine the body's electrolyte balance, which regulates water levels. Eating a lot of salty food (sodium) disrupts this balance. This not only produces high blood pressure, but also affects neurotransmitter levels, producing depression and PMS. In addition, the misuse of diuretics, or "water pills," can lead to potassium deficiency, which in turn can manifest itself as depression. A good daily dose is from 200 to 400 mg.

Is a non-essential mineral that often accompanies calcium in the diet, and is concentrated in broccoli.

An essential mineral particularly involved in the metabolism of protein and collagen production. It is also part of insulin so that it helps to regulate carbohydrate metabolism and it works with the B Vitamins for normal nerve function. An organic form, MSM or methylsulphonylmethane, is crucial for immune function and DHEA maintenance.

It is thought to be a non-essential mineral in human beings, although minute amounts of tin in animals have some effect on growth and protein synthesis.

A non-essential mineral. As titanium dioxide, it is a food additive and coloring agent, known as Pigment White 6.

A trace mineral essential for metabolism of cholesterol and the circulatory system.

May support healthy bone glucose metabolism.

An essential trace mineral, particularly involved in the immune system, nervous system, digestive, and reproductive systems. It is involved with a wide variety of enzymes necessary for metabolism. It is also a major component of insulin. It is essential in formation of protein, general growth and development, synthesis of DNA (genetic code), and all healing. Helps regulate blood levels of vitamin A.  

Zinc deficiencies frequently lead to depression, since this mineral is essential to many processes related to brain function. In addition to irritability, mental slowness, and emotional disorders, zinc deficiency can produce changes in taste and smell sensations, a loss of appetite, reduced immune function, and rough skin. These symptoms are particularly common among older people and in women, especially those with eating disorders. An excellent treatment for anorexia and bulimia uses high doses of zinc, beyond the recommended 15 to 30 mg daily.


Strengthens blood vessel walls, gums, skin, vision; promotes wound healing, and collagen production; helps control blood cholesterol, and arteriosclerosis; essential for making many hormones. A key antioxidant to help protect against all free radicals. Enhances the immune system.   Vitamin C, widely known for its antioxidant abilities, is also important for mental health. Subclinical deficiencies can produce depression, which requires the use of supplements. One study showed that a single 3-gram dose of vitamin C reduced symptoms by 40 percent in eleven manic and twelve depressed patients after only four hours. Supplementation is particularly important if you have had surgery or an inflammatory disease. Stress, pregnancy, and lactation also increase the body's need for vitamin C, while aspirin, tetracycline, and birth control pills can deplete the body's supply. A good maintenance dose is 1 to 3 grams daily, with more for depressed people, smokers, and those exposed to toxins of various kinds.

Helps strengthen the integrity of blood vessel walls (capillaries).

Essential for energy metabolism and healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes.

FOLIC ACID (folate)
Essential for making DNA, RNA, red blood cells, and synthesizing some amino acids. May play a very major role in a healthy immune system, gums, red blood cells, skin, and prevents myelomeningocele. It is essential for regulation of homocysteine, a major cause of arteriosclerosis.   Folic acid, another B vitamin, helps assist in the creation of many neurotransmitters. It is also essential to the production of hemoglobin, the oxygen-bearing substance in red blood cells, so deficiencies often lead to anemia. Studies have shown abnormally low levels of this vitamin in from a quarter to a third of all depressed persons. Other symptoms include fatigue, lower-extremity problems, and dementia. Orthomolecular psychiatrists have used folic acid supplements for many years to reduce the frequency of relapses in their patients. Poor dietary habits contribute to folic acid deficiencies, as do illness, alcoholism, and various drugs, including aspirin, birth control pills, barbiturates, and anticonvulsants. It is usually administered along with vitamin B12, since a B12 deficiency can mask a folic acid deficiency. The usual dose is 800 mcg. Higher doses, though safe, require a prescription.

Essential for energy metabolism, growth, lowering cholesterol, and immune competency. Vitamin B3 (niacin). Pellagra - which produces psychosis and dementia, among other symptoms - was eventually found to be caused by niacin deficiency. Many commercial food products now contain niacin, and pellagra has virtually disappeared. However, subclinical deficiencies of vitamin B3 can produce agitation and anxiety, as well as mental and physical slowness. Mega-doses of the vitamin have been found to reduce these symptoms.

Aids greatly in energy metabolism, helps normalize blood sugar. May be a great adjunct in loosing weight, especially in large doses with a low-calorie diet. It diminishes hunger in a low-calorie diet. It is essential in making antibodies and production of cholesterol, hemoglobin, and a number of hormones.

Essential for energy metabolism and adrenal function. May be very useful in migraine headaches. Supports hormone production, neurotransmitter function, healthy eyes and skin, and production of red blood cells.

Essential in conversion of fat, protein, and carbohydrate into energy. Also important in digestion, appetite, heart and nerve function, and detoxification.   
The brain uses this vitamin to help convert glucose, or blood sugar, into fuel, and without it the brain rapidly runs out of energy. This can lead to fatigue, depression, irritability, anxiety, and even thoughts of suicide. Deficiencies can also cause memory problems, loss of appetite, insomnia, and gastrointestinal disorders. The consumption of refined carbohydrates, such as simple sugars, drains the body's B1 supply.

Best taken as Beta carotene, a major antioxidant. Essential for growth, immune competency, cell development, vision, healthy skin, hair and nails, gums, glands, bones, and teeth.  

VITAMIN B1 (Thiamine)
Essential in conversion of fat, protein, and carbohydrate into energy. Also important in digestion, appetite, heart and nerve function, and detoxification.   
The brain uses this vitamin to help convert glucose, or blood sugar, into fuel, and without it the brain rapidly runs out of energy. This can lead to fatigue, depression, irritability, anxiety, and even thoughts of suicide. Deficiencies can also cause memory problems, loss of appetite, insomnia, and gastrointestinal disorders. The consumption of refined carbohydrates, such as simple sugars, drains the body's B1 supply.

VITAMIN B3  (Niacin)
Essential for energy metabolism, growth, lowering cholesterol, and immune competency. Pellagra - which produces psychosis and dementia, among other symptoms - was eventually found to be caused by niacin deficiency. Many commercial food products now contain niacin, and pellagra has virtually disappeared. However, subclinical deficiencies of vitamin B3 can produce agitation and anxiety, as well as mental and physical slowness. Mega-doses of the vitamin have been found to reduce these symptoms.

VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine)  
Promotes metabolism, especially of carbohydrates, and a release of energy. Useful in protein metabolism, nerve and brain function, synthesis of red blood cells, hormone regulation, enzymes and immune competence. Essential for making serotonin.  
This nutrient is essential for the creation of neurotransmitters. Studies have found a strong correlation between vitamin B6 deficiency and depression. Shortages can also produce anemia, numbness, tingling in the limbs, and convulsions. Vitamin B6 has been shown to help women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Malabsorption diseases and certain drugs, including MAOI antidepressants and birth control pills, can cause deficiencies.

VITAMIN B12  (Cobalamin)
Essential in making red blood cells, DNA, RNA, and myelin, the covering of nerve fiber. Aids in replication of genetic code and in processing carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Because vitamin B12 is important to red blood cell formation, deficiency leads to an oxygen-transport problem known as pernicious anemia. This disorder can cause mood swings, paranoia, irritability, confusion, dementia, hallucinations, or mania, eventually followed by appetite loss, dizziness, weakness, shortage of breath, heart palpitations, diarrhea, and tingling sensations in the extremities. Deficiencies take a long time to develop, since the body stores a three- to five-year supply in the liver. When shortages do occur, they are often due to a lack of intrinsic factor, an enzyme that allows vitamin B12 to be absorbed in the intestinal tract. Since intrinsic factor diminishes with age, older people are more prone to B12 deficiencies. Thus, this vitamin is often given as an injection, or as tablets that dissolve under the tongue, to bypass the digestive tract. Vitamin B12 can benefit the 10 to 30 percent of depressed individuals who are deficient. The dose is 1,000 micrograms (mcg).

VITAMIN C  (Ascorbic acid)
Strengthens blood vessel walls, gums, skin, vision; promotes wound healing, and collagen production; helps control blood cholesterol, and arteriosclerosis; essential for making many hormones. A key antioxidant to help protect against all free radicals. Enhances the immune system.   Vitamin C, widely known for its antioxidant abilities, is also important for mental health. Subclinical deficiencies can produce depression, which requires the use of supplements. One study showed that a single 3-gram dose of vitamin C reduced symptoms by 40 percent in eleven manic and twelve depressed patients after only four hours. Supplementation is particularly important if you have had surgery or an inflammatory disease. Stress, pregnancy, and lactation also increase the body's need for vitamin C, while aspirin, tetracycline, and birth control pills can deplete the body's supply. A good maintenance dose is 1 to 3 grams daily, with more for depressed people, smokers, and those exposed to toxins of various kinds.

Essential for calcium absorption and healthy bones and teeth; regulates calcium and phosphorus absorption, metabolism, and immune competency.

A major antioxidant; prevents oxidation of fatty acids; helps muscles, nervous system, skin, and red blood cells.

Is essential for proper blood clotting; may help pain. Helps regulate calcium and bone formation



Naked/free nucleic acids

It has long been assumed that DNA cannot be taken up through intact skin, surface wounds, or the intestinal tract, or that it would be rapidly destroyed if taken up. Those assumptions have been overtaken by empirical findings. The ability of naked DNA to penetrate intact skin has been known at least since 1990. Cancer researchers found that within weeks of applying the cloned DNA of a human oncogene to the skin on the back of mice, tumours developed in endothelial cells lining the blood vessel and lymph nodes [18].


Recent investigations associated with gene therapy and vaccines leave little doubt that naked and free nucleic acids are readily taken up by the cells of all species including human beings, and may become integrated into the cell’s genetic material. There is also abundant evidence that the extraneous nucleic acids taken up can have significant and harmful biological effects including cancers in mammals.


Gene therapy

The DNA usually won't penetrate into cells, so it must be somehow transported in. Viruses are the most widely used carriers because they are little more than genes wrapped in a protein coat. But this is a very special protein coat; sticking out of it are specialized proteins that bind to receptors on the surfaces of cells. Once locked in place, they either force their way in or are sucked in by the cell itself.

 Naked DNA as vaccine

Naked DNA expresses low levels of proteins when introduced into the muscle of animals. There, it can raise an immune response which protects mice against viral infections or tumor cell challenge.


Oral uptake of peanut DNA generates immunologic protection against peanut allergy (Roy et al 1999).

In the past it has been assumed that naked DNA is rapidly destroyed on exposure to the animal digestive systems or microbes in water or soil. As experimentalists became daring it was found that DNA may be taken up by cells and express its genes .




The most versatile and widely used organic acid in foodstuffs, citric acid is a colourless, crystalline organic compound, belonging to the family of carboxylic acids.

It is present in practically all plants, and in many animal tissues and fluids, but it is in particularly high concentrations in lemons and other citrus juices and many ripe fruits.

However there have been erroneous reports, caused by different languages, that it is a major cause of cancer. This has been brought about by misunderstanding and confusion over the word Krebs.

Citric acid is one of a series of compounds involved in the physiological oxidation of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to carbon dioxide and water.

This series of chemical reactions, which is central to nearly all metabolic reactions and the source of two-thirds of the food-derived energy in higher organisms was discovered by the German-born British biochemist Sir Hans Adolf Krebs. He actually received the 1953 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for the discovery, and as well as being known as the tricarboxylic acid cycle (its correct name), it is also known as the citric acid cycle or the Krebs cycle.

Hence, citric acid is fundamental to the Krebs cycle and Krebs is the German word for cancer!


Inositol hexaphosphate (IP-6)

In this exciting book, Dr. Shamsuddin describes the amazing results of his ground-breaking experiments of the last 15 years, as to how the B-vitamin inositol and its derivative inositol hexaphosphate (IP-6) prevent the formation of cancer and even shrink pre-existing experimental cancers, in clear easy to understand language, yet providing all the scientific data and references for those who would like more details. He also describes the many other fascinating health benefits of these natural products. Learn how IP-6 and Inositol boost immune system, help lower cholesterol, prevent kidney stones and the complications of diabetes and sickle cell anemia, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack and stroke.

reduce life span? (PMID 11780111)

Bee pollen -


NAC  N-acetyl-cysteine

Other names for cysteine include: CYS, amino acid C, and 2-amino-3-mercatopropanoic acid.

Helpful against viruses. .. aids.

Can boost glutathione levels in cells

Liver protectant.. helps to detoxify harmful toxins

Breaks up pulmonary and bronchial mucus.

Act as an antioxidant  

Dose-dependent increase in median and maximum life span.16.6-26.6% 
Has a protective effect on cells exposed to radiation
Has the ability to slow abnormal crosslinkages in collagen


L-cysteine is a conditionally essential amino acid, one of only three sulfur-containing amino acids, the others being taurine (which can be produced from L-cysteine) and L-methionine from which L-cysteine can be produced in the body by a multi-step process. L-cysteine can act as an antioxidant, may prevent liver diseases, and can help to thicken the individual diameters of existing hair if taken regularly.

N-acetyl-cysteine is the acetylated form of L-cysteine which is more efficiently absorbed and used. It is also an antioxidant that is helpful against viruses. N-acetyl-cysteine has been used as a liver protectant and to break up pulmonary and bronchial mucus. N-acetyl-cysteine can boost glutathione levels in cells.

Glutathione (gamma-L-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine) is a peptide (short protein)-like molecule synthesized in the body from the three amino acids L-glutamic acid, L-cysteine, and glycine. Glutathione is one of the body’s most important and powerful antioxidants. A major function of vitamin C is to keep glutathione, L-cysteine, and N-acetyl-cysteine in reduced form so that they can continue to have their powerful free radical quenching effects.

Even though many published studies show that garlic, selenium, alpha-lipoic acid, L-cysteine and N-acetyl-cysteine can boost cellular glutathione levels, people with health problems may benefit from taking high doses of glutamine. Those with cataracts or liver disease may want to take 500 mg a day of this very potent antioxidant.

When taking L-cysteine, N-acetyl-cysteine, or glutathione, it is recommended that three times as much vitamin C should be taken at the same time to prevent these amino acids from being oxidized in the body.

N-acetyl-cysteine is the more efficiently absorbed and used form of L-cysteine. N-acetyl-cysteine can act as an antioxidant and is helpful against viruses. N-acetyl-cysteine has been used as a liver protectant and to break up pulmonary and bronchial mucus. N-acetyl-cysteine can boost glutathione levels in cells and is an FDA-approved prescription drug sold under the tradename 





Elderberry has been used in Europe for centuries as a traditional winter tonic. Elderberries are a source of vitamins A, B and C. They contain bioflavonoids and anthocyanins, which have a positive influence on cell function.

Elderberry extract is a delicious and safe way to combat cold and flu symptoms. In 1992, a double-blind study was conducted in Southern Israel where one half of the patients were given a placebo and the rest given elderberry syrup. After 24 hours, 20 percent of those who received the elderberry syrup had less muscle soreness, cough, and fever. By the second day, 75 percent of those receiving the elderberry extract were improved, and by the third day, 90 percent of them felt completely well. Among those receiving the placebo, only 8 percent were improved after 24 hours and the remaining 92 percent took six days to feel relieved of their flu


I have read that a good antiviral, and it is proven scientifically too, is elderberry which is sold as Sambucol. It is effective against flu in particular, but I am sure it may have some other kinds of antiviral effects as well.



































elderberry 200%

















500mgx60  9 usd, 500mgx120 24 usd

Everlasting Flower (Helichrysum italicum
ssp. serotinum)

HELICHRYSUM, Organic (Corsica): Helichrysum italicum
May assist with allergic conditions, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory (properties that may reduce inflammation exceed those of any other oil), chronic dermatitis (virtually unlimited value in treating dermatitis and other skin disorders), spots, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, sprains, respiratory conditions, whooping cough, nerves, spleen, headaches, pulmonary spasms, stress-related conditions, depression, detoxifying, blood cleansing, psoriasis, stomach cramps, sinus infection, anti-coagulant, phlebitis, hematoma (swelling or tumor full of diffused blood), hypo-cholesterol, stimulant for liver cell function, anti-catarrhal, viral colitis, gallbladder infection, pancreas stimulant, lymph drainage, sciatica, liver, sunburns, connective tissue repair (repairing nerve endings). May be a great pain reliever and infection fighter. May assist in healing and repairing, activating right side of brain. May be good for visualization, personal growth, compassion. Mix with Rose to unite head and heart. Aromatic influences: uplifting and enhances the subconscious. When we lock up inside, get angry and don't want to forgive trespasses, we create barriers which keep us from going forward in our lives.


Guggul (Commiphora mukul)

Guggul (Commiphora mukul) is an Ayurvedic herb that has been shown to reduce total cholesterol levels while increasing the beneficial high-density lipo-proteins. Guggulsterones, found in guggal extract, are believed to be the components that help maintain healthy levels of cholesterol. In clinical studies where 25 milligrams of gugglusterones were given three times daily, cholesterol and triglycerides were lowered in 70 percent of the patients.


Pyruvate, a byproduct of carbohydrate metabolism, is available as a dietary supplement that can improve athletic endurance (it's an antioxidant as well). Although pyruvate is found in many foods such as fruits and vegetables, it is usually in very small amounts. When sold as a supplement, pyruvate usually is combined with minerals, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium. One study showed that when a pyruvate mixture was given, the group experienced a 20 percent decrease in perceived exertion and felt that physical activity was easier to perform.


Vanilla  -68

Gelatin  -46



Forskolin  55 ( alpha lipoic group)

Lycopene  30 ( alpha lipoic group)

NADH  55 ( alpha lipoic group)

Pregnenolone  30 ( alpha lipoic group)



At that time, I will be happy to take orders for 40 grams of pure powder for US$100 packaged in triple zip-lock bags and delivered by priority mail within the US at no additional charge. If you wish to take advantage of this offer, email me sometime before the end of September with your order (including full name, mailing address and phone number) and I will tell you how payment should be made. For dosage estimating purposes, my suggestion based on the references at my website is to take about 5 mg/kg body weight daily, so 40 grams should last most people 3 to 5 months depending on weight. Suggestions on usage will be included with the package, however, you should certainly take at least an extra 1 mg of biotin daily with the RLA, so you might wish to get that ahead of time. Since biotin is available cheaply from many good sources, I have no wish to supply it.



19. Larch (dt. Lerche / lat. Larix decidua)
Negative state of frame:
a lack of self-confidence.
Positive development potential:
self-confidence and a realistic estimate of your own limits.

Flower Essence FB 19 : Larch
The person Larch always looks beaten and desperate. Wants to convince you that he/she cannot do anything (even though capable of handling it). Lacks self-esteem and never try anything before he/she is afraid to look silly and afraid of failure.
Larch will help to find self-esteem, a will to succeed.

Larch is for people who lack self-confidence and self-esteem. So sure that they will fail, they often do not exert much effort. They are easily discouraged and have feelings of inferiority. Larch helps return confidence and a realistic sense of ability.

20. Mimulus (dt. gefleckte Gaucklerblume / lat. Mimulus guttatus)
Negative state of frame:
concrete fears, you can name (fear of illness, poverty, misfortune, disaster and crowds).
Positive development potential:
confidence, bravery and courage in difficult situations in life.

Flower Essence FB 20 : Mimulus
The person Mimulus is a person who is afraid. These fears are precise and kept hidden : diseases, darkness, solitude, from animals, from dentist, from aging, to lack money, to speak in public, of responsibilities.
Mimulus will help the person to confront his/her fears, to fight them, and more importantly to accept them.

Mimulus is for people who have a shy or nervous nature. It is also for people who have specific fears, such as being afraid of the dark, spiders, public speaking, or the doctor. It is particularly helpful for sensitive, timid children.  homeopathic remedies. flower essences.  ( buy online)  homeopathic remedies. flower essences.  homeopathic remedies.Lycopodium Clav

potency (strength) 

6x  12x  30x

6c 12c 30c 200c


Very high potency CM, 50M, 10M.
High + 1M, 200C.
Medium=30C, 30X, 24X.
Low = 3C, 3X, 6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, in Europe there are also 9C, 15C, 7C.

1M (1000c).



  An original plant extract active ingredient taken from biotechnology, Aminokine ™ was selected for its stimulating role in the production of glycanes (test in vitro). Glycanes are one of the principal components of the dermis, a real supporting mattress for the skin: the richer the skin is in glycanes, the younger and smoother it is.

Results of LiftActive Eyes with Aminokine ™  :
visible reduction in wrinkles, crows feet, toning down of dark circles. Smoothed, the skin regains its softness and looks fresher.



Liftactive Eyes, contains Aminokine, a new generation powerful activator in the synthesis of dermic glacans which are the essential components of the skin's supporting issues, where wrinkles are created. It is most suitable for middle-aged women.


Çinli şirket Desano’nun sade, gösterişsiz paketlerdeki AIDS kokteyl ilacının gelecek ay piyasaya çıkması bekleniyor.28 Kasım -  Shanghai Desano Biopharmaceutical adlı şirket, AIDS tedavisinde kullanılacak kokteyl ilacının, bir hastanın yıllık tedavisinde sadece 3,000 ile 5,000 yuana (360 ila 604 dolar) malolacağını bildirdi. Batılı Bristol-Myers Squibb ve GlaxoSmithKline gibi ilaç devlerinin benzeri AIDS kokteyl ilacıyla, bir hastanın yıllık tedavi masrafı ise 10,000 dolara çıkıyor.


ÖFKE ; Kizgin ve öfkeliyseniz, sizi daha da

sinirlendirecek, burnunuzdan solur hale getirecek

uyarici niteliklere sahip olan çay, kahve ve saraptan

kesinlikle uzak durun. Kirmizi eti de agziniza sürmeyin.


YALNIZLIK SIKINTISI ; Yalnizsiniz ve içiniz s?k?l?p

duruyor. Rahatlamak için domates, patlican, biber,

patates yumurta ve karnabahar yiyin.


BEZGINLIK; Güvensizlik ve bezginlikte peyniri, kirmizi

eti unutun.


KEYIFSIZLIK; Hiçbir seyden memnun olmuyorsaniz, hiç

keyfiniz yoksa, sogan ve pirasayi tercih edin.


KARASEVDA; Pirinç ve sekerden kaçinin. Bu iki gida,

melankoliyi azdiriyor.


ÖZGÜVEN ;Turunçgillerin hepsi insana özgüven asiliyor

ve umut saçiyor.


DÜS KIRIKLIGI; Kereviz ve havuç, kaybolan hayallerin,

düs kirikliklarinin yaralarini sarmaya birebir geliyor.


ÇEKINGENLIK; Kusku ve çekingenlige karsi mercimek en

iyi ilaç.


YORGUNLUK; Çalismaktan yipranmaya karsi bezelye yiyin.


ENDISE; Üzerinizdeki endiseyi atmak, hata yapabileceginiz

saplantisini aklinizdan çikartmak için marula güvenin


AGRESIFLIK; Saldirganliginizi, agresifliginizi kontrol

altinda tutmak için cevize basvurun.


IHTIRAS; Çok dikkat edin, çikolata her türlü istegi

kamçilar, ihtiraslari sahlandirir.


HIDDET; Badem hiddeti dindirir.


ASIRI ÖFKE; Patlama durumundaysaniz makarna, ekmek,

taze meyve ve sebzeye takilin.


ZIHIN KARISIKLIGI; Kafaniz karisiksa nane çigneyin.


DEPRESYON; Bergamot ve maydanoz, bir numarali ilaci.


Prof. Di Flaviano ©  


  The active ingredient in Opalescence® is carbamide peroxide. Opalescence® PF is available in a 10%, 15% and 20% concentration. The PF stands for fluoride and potassium nitrate, which are added to reduce the amount of tooth sensitivity. The safety and efficacy of the Opalescence products are unsurpassed

20% Bleach should only be used for a maximum of 1 hour per day (NOT  overnight)

Ginkgo biloba

EGb 761, a standardized extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves, has been used in clinical trials for its beneficial effects on brain functions. In mammals, EGb 761 has been shown to enhance cognition, stress resistance, and longevity, but its molecular and cellular mechanisms are not known. In the present investigation, we used the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans to evaluate pharmacological effects of EGb 761 on aging. We tested the theory that EGb 761 augments the natural antioxidant system of C elegans, and thus increases stress resistance and longevity. We found that treatment of the wild-type worms with EGb 761 extended their median life span by 8%. Amongst several purified components of EGb 761, the flavonoid tamarixetin showed the most dramatic effect: it extended the median life span by 25%. Furthermore, EGb 761 increased the wild type's resistance to acute oxidative and thermal stress by 33% and 25%, respectively. Treatment of the prematurely aging mutant worms mev-1 with EGb 761 increased their resistance to acute oxidative and thermal stress by 33% and 11%, respectively. It appears that oxidative stress, a major determinant of life span, as well as other types of stress, can be successfully counteracted by the Ginlkgo biloba extract EGb 761.


Name:Idebenone, 45 mg, 60 capsules

Idebenone is a potent cerebal stimulant that can dramatically increase brain energy. Like Coenzyme Q10, Idebenone has protection qualities for the heart and is seen as a potent antioxidant. But Idebenone also enhances brain levels of serotinin, norepinephrine, and increases brain levels of nerve growth factor; effects that have not been demonstrated with CoQ10. Idebenone also protects the brain's myelin sheath and prevents damage to mitochondria. Idebenone has no known side effects. Idebenone is regarded as an important anti-aging supplement. Recommended dosage: one capsule, twice per day. 

Vitamin C

Blair said his group found that vitamin C was highly efficient in converting lipid hydroperoxide into the gene-damaging toxins.

Frei: Yes, this study is poor science, and I am very surprised that it was published in Nature, even if it is "only" in the correspondence section. The study claims that supplementation by humans with 500 mg of vitamin C per day causes oxidative DNA damage, i.e. genetic damage, in a type of white blood cells called lymphocytes. The study has so many flaws, I don't even know where to start. The two biggest ones are its poor design, which is completely unacceptable by current standards and guidelines for testing a compound in a clinical trial, and the methodology for measuring oxidative DNA damage

Grip Asisi

Grip aşısı; kalp, zatürre, inmeye karşı koruyucu. Aşağı yukarı %20 azalma.

minneapolis yaşlılar merkezi, new england tıp dergisi


The study concluded, she said, that a chocolate bar is better than low-fat snacks such as pretzels, juice or baked chips because it increases HDL (high-density lipoproteins) -- the "good" cholesterol. Recently, the research group has been studying the effects of dark chocolate and cocoa powder. Compounds in the cocoa seem to prevent LDL (low-density lipoproteins), the "bad" cholesterol, from being oxidized. When LDL becomes oxidized, it can lead to heart disease.


 Richard Hochschild,UC Irvine professor suggests aging may be triggered >by leakage of lysosomal enzymes into the cells and surrounding connective >tissue.This leakage occurs according to Hochschild as a result of >membrane damage caused by factors such as free radicals,male and female >sex hormones,bacterial poisons,radiation,and peroxidation of >polyunsaturated fatty acids(precursors in sebum?).Virtually all of the >above factors have been discussed in this ng with good evidence they >are partly causal in mpb,or cause hair loss.He suggests dmae or paba >to stabilize these lysosomes.The question is have you tried dmae or paba >or similars in any prior formulation?


N-t-butyl hydroxylamine (NtBHA)

N-t-butyl hydroxylamine, a hydrolysis product of alpha-phenyl-N-t-butyl nitrone, is more potent in delaying senescence in human lung fibroblasts.

Alpha-phenyl-N-t-butyl nitrone (PBN), a spin trap, scavenges hydroxyl radicals, protects tissues from oxidative injury, and delays senescence of both normal human lung fibroblasts (IMR90) and senescence-accelerated mice. N-t-butyl hydroxylamine and benzaldehyde are the breakdown products of PBN. N-t-Butyl hydroxylamine delays senescence of IMR90 cells at concentrations as low as 10 microM compared with 200 microM PBN to produce a similar effect, suggesting that N-t-butyl hydroxylamine is the active form of PBN. N-Benzyl hydroxylamine and N-methyl hydroxylamine compounds unrelated to PBN were also effective in delaying senescence, suggesting the active functional group is the N-hydroxylamine. All the N-hydroxylamines tested significantly decreased the endogenous production of oxidants, as measured by the oxidation of 2', 7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescin and the increase in the GSH/GSSG ratio. The acceleration of senescence induced by hydrogen peroxide is reversed by the N-hydroxylamines. DNA damage, as determined by the level of apurinic/apyrimidinic sites, also decreased significantly following treatment with N-hydroxylamines. The N-hydroxylamines appear to be effective through mitochondria; they delay age-dependent changes in mitochondria as measured by accumulation of rhodamine-123, they prevent reduction of cytochrome C(FeIII) by superoxide radical, and they reverse an age-dependent decay of mitochondrial aconitase, suggesting they react with the superoxide radical.