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Winter Formal Pictures

Yes! A big picture of my head! How exciting! didn't my mom do a wonderful job on my hair?!
Full body dress! I got that from my cousin! Thanks Michelle! Mom did the hair and nails..which you can't see very well!
The back of the dress, very nice! I do think I could have smiled more! STUPID SUN!that is why i look so....well WEIRD!?
I would have to say this is one of the favorites of the prom pictures i look like an Angel someone once recalled!**such a princess Angel huh?**
Eric and me standing in my front yard, be came to my front steps with a dozen roses! How sweet!We are in love!
I still think that Winter Formal pictures were better!But that is a very cute pic wouldn't ya say?
Ok Eric!! SMILE please baby!lol we both look a lil evil? But we all know behind those "faces" there are some pretty cool people right?
A very cute pic! Eric gets like behind me when he is embarrassed..this time wasn't..i don't think
This is the other best on this page i think! We both could have smiled more if it wasn't for that STUPID SUN!
This one seems pretty interesting huh? Well trust me he was looking at the cat at my feet!! I promise!
Interesting! Inside my kitchen!
We had a great time! and if you would like to know more!! I am thinking about writing a paragraph down here on it! oh well!lol
Sadly that night ended..we don't have very many dates together...we both have "stuff" to do! But that doesn't keep us off the phone sorry mom and dad!lol