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{**PYROES Shoot Of…Fire Burts From the Ring Post as Nuclear Winter Starts up…And The Fans Are blowing the roof of the Place…

{**PYROES Shoot Of…Fire Burts From the Ring Post as Nuclear Winter Starts up…And The Fans Are blowing the roof of the Place….Hundreds of Signs are seen…As The Camera moves around and it pans in on John Cole and Craig Mean Dog Person**}

Cole: We're live here from Miami, Florida in the brand new American Airlines Arena for SWF Nuclear Winter! This entire event is filled with big matches, and while our next match won't be the most talked about, it will be one of the most brutal of the night. Prodigy the new Triple Threat Champion puts his title on the line against Mike Walters and former Suicide Champion Rikky Rage!

Dog: One of the most brutal? John, this will be THE most brutal match of the night, and it's all because of Rage. He's a time bomb waiting to go off in Prodigy's face, he's the walking deathwish, he will be the new Triple Threat Champion tonight, trust me.

Cole: Well, we'll find out here in just one second Mean Dog. Brucie Rainbow is in the ring ready to make introductions.

(Camera cuts to Brucie Rainbow standing in front of 9,000 screaming fans with a mic.)

Rainbow: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match is scheduled for one fall and has a 45 minute time limit. It is for the Hardcore Triple Threat Championship of the World! Introducing first, challenger #1, MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE WAAAAAAAAAAALTERS!

(Mike Walter's music hits the PA and he walks out to a mild crowd pop.)

Rainbow: Now introducing the champion, PROOOOOOOOOODIGY!

("Breathe" by the Prodigy starts up and he walks out to a mixture of boos and applause from the Miami crowd.)

Rainbow: And last but not least, from Cedar Rapids, Iowa! He is Mr. Start-Up, RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKY RAAAAAAAAA-

("Come Out and Play" by the Offspring interrupts the introduction and a loud growl can be heard echoing throughout the arena. After about 5 seconds a huge yellow school bus with Rage County School District on the side pulls out and the crowd goes fucking nuts. Rikky parks it at ringside and crawls up on top of the hood with a mic while Prodigy and Mike Walters stand there in awe.)

Cole: Rikky Rage has driven a school bus down to the ring! First it was Stone Cold and the black truck and the zamboni, then Field Dawg and the dumptruck! Now it's Rage and the school bus! He's got a mic!

Rage: Prodigy and Mike Walters, as I stand before you two mis-educated fools I can't help but laugh at the stupid look on both your faces. Prodigy, I know you quit high school to pursue your wrestling career, and Mike Walters, I question whether you made it past the first grade. In any case scenario, I've chosen a school bus as my ride to the ring for one reason and one reason only. I'm about to take you punks to a place you've never been before, I'm about to TEACH you fucks how to play HARDCORE!

(Rikky throws the mic down and flies off the hood of the bus and takes out both men with a flying cross body block. A huge pop from the crowd is heard.)

Dog: Rage just nailed both men with a fucking cross body block off the hood of that damned bus! Holy shit!


Cole: This match is now officialy underway, and I'm officialy taking back what I said about this match not being the one to be talked about. That move will have snot-nosed little 5th graders talking all next week. Rage is pounding away on both men, DROPKICK FOR PRODIGY! SPINNING HEEL KICK FOR MIKE WALTERS! This crowd is into it already! Scoop slam on Prodigy, Rage off the ropes, knee drop! Pickin him up by the hair and sending him back down with a snapmare, oooooh spinal tap! Rikky now focused on Walters, snap suplex! Off the ropes, SLIDING DROPKICK FOR PRODIGY! Mike Walters back up, CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL ON RAGE! That will stop you dead in your tracks. Prodigy and Mike Walters proceeding to stomp the hell out of Rage to keep him down.

Dog: They have to remember that they're fighting each other too, they can't just stay focused on Rage the whole time.

Cole: I think Prodigy just took you up on your word! Big fist to the grill of Walters, and now Prodigy and Mike are gonna go at it. Sends him off the ropes, back body drop by Prodigy! He got good elevation on that one. Rage is still on the floor holding his gut and Prodigy is pickin him up by his golden locks and setting him up for a DDT...PLANTED HIM! THAT WAS A FIRESTARTER DDT! Prodigy's got the cover, 1...............2.......- Walters kicked him off. But wow, that Firestarter came out of no where. Rage is a little whoozy but manages to get a low blow in on Prodigy! Walters from behind, reverse DDT! The cover on Prodigy, 1.....................2..............- Rage disrupted the count. Remember folks the first person to get a cover is the victor, so these competitors have to be alert at all times.

Dog: Prodigy is dazed and Rage is attacking Walters, sends him into the ropes, kick to the gut, SHORT POWERBOMB! Prodigy has managed to leave the ring to look under the ring for some goodies. Rage sees him and SUICIDE FLIP OVER THE TOP ROPE! RAGE LANDED RIGHT ON PRODIGY'S HEAD! Now Walters, SUICIDE DIVE THROUGH THE SECOND ROPE! Took out Rage. We have carnage at ringside and I like it dammit! Rikky Rage is the first to get up, and he's getting back in the ring and he's going up top!

Cole: ASAI MOONSAULT! Rikky Rage just knocked out Prodigy and Walters who were just getting up at ringside. I think Rage might have broken a rib or something. Walters is up and he's got a chair, WHACK! Over the head of Rage! Prodigy is back up as well, WHACK! Walters with the chair over Prodigy's head and he slides back into the ring and takes the chair with him. Prodigy and Rage coming too, and Rage throws Prodigy inside and follows. Mike Walters with that chair takes a swing at Rikky on the apron, he ducks! Kick to the gut, SUNSET FLIP, Walters kicked out at the last second. Prodigy is a little wobbly and Rage, throws him onto the hood of the school bus, what good is he gonna do out there?! Rikky Rage sends Mike Walters off the ropes, firemans carry hold...EDGECRUSHER ON MIKE WALTERS! EDGECRUSHER HE'S GOT IT! PIN HIM! Wait, he's not going for the cover, Mike Walters is out cold but he's going after Prodigy who is propped on that hood. Wow, we've never seen that variation of the Edgecrusher, from the firemans carry. But not going for the cover could be a fatal mistake by Rage folks.

Dog: Rage is telling the crew at ringside to set up a table behind the bus, but what the hell for?! Rage and Prodigy are standing on the hood of that bus trading blows, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT! The table has been set up and Rage is taking this to the very top of the bus! I think I see where this is going and I love it! Rage, DDT ON THE TOP OF THAT BUS! Prodigy is gone, Walters is still out and Rage is loving every minute of it. The crowd is ecstatic, just look at all the camera flashes as Rage walks along on the top of that bus. He looks over the edge of the rear of that giant yellow vehicle and sees the table, he asked that to be put there. He's got Prodigy's head between his legs like he's gonna set him up for a powerbomb, but...OH NO...NO!

Cole: No way, Rage is setting Prodigy up on the top of that bus towards the rear, no...YES! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! RIKKY RAGE JUST THREW THE CHAMPION OFF THE TOP OF THAT BUS THROUGH THE TABLE! Forget about Prodigy he's gone and the EMT's know it, they're already heading down the aisle with a stretcher but we still have a match here ladies and gentlemen. Rage is still standing at the back of that bus and Walters is still out from that Edgecrusher. RIKKY GETS A RUNNING START TOWARDS THE RING, FROGSPLASH! FROGSPLASH INTO THE RING FROM THE TOP OF THE BUS! Rikky with the cover! 1...............2.................3! We have a new Triple Threat Champion!



Dog: We don't have a match anymore John, but we DO have a new champion!

Cole: Could this be that gateway to bigger and better things for Rikky Rage? We'll find out here in the future. And a good show of sportsmanship by Rikky helping up the fallen Mike Walters on his way out...WHACK! Woah! Rikky just picked up the chair that was on the mat and nailed Walters with it! That just adds insult to injury, Rage is throwing salt on the wounds now, and he's gonna celebrate tonight! That belt held high in the air, Rage is a champion once more.

Dog:Now that was a match..But The PPV is Still young lets move right along

Rainbow:Our Next Bout is for one fall and is a Tag Team Grudge Match…Introducing First…He is the Big Balla From San Francisco…here is….mmmmmrrrrrrr. Arrrrmmmmmaaaaaaggggggeeeeeedddddoooooonnnnnnnn…..And his Tag Team Partner..Jeeeerrrrrryyyyyy Suuuuulllliiiiivvvvaaaannnn

{Both men come out to Armageddon music and Mr.Armageddon walks slower and they roll in the Ring}

…And their Opponents…Repersenting the SUICIDE ARMY…..They need no is…the Ennforcer and PULSE!!!}

{They come out as the Crowd Pops and they run to the ring}


Cole: The bell has sounded, The Enforcer and Jerry Sullivan starting things off...They lock up quickly..The Enforcer breaks the hold...And a quick short arm closeline levels Jerry..

Dog: That guy still has a lot of power..I'll tell you that..Enforcer picking Jerry off the ground, Jerry counters with a kick to the face...The Enforcer reeling back as Jerry gets to his feet..He goes to the ropes..Armageddon with a blind tag..He jumps in...Both men grab hold of The Enforcer..whip to the ropes...DOUBLE BODY TACKLE.....Enforcer picks up armageddon...T-Bone Suplex.....He picks him up again..Side suplex...

Cole: Enforcer tags in Pulse....Pulse in the ring...Enforcer and Pulse double team Armageddon...Pulse to the top ropes...Throws up Armageddon, PULSE FLYING DOWN WITH A BULLDOG!! Nicely done..

Dog: Pulse taking it to Armageddon..Irish whip to the ropes..Reversed By Mr. A....Front thrust kick right to the throat of Pulse...MR A going to tag in Jerry...

Cole: Check it out!! Jerry doesn't want to tag..In fact he's leaving the ring!!!

Dog: Mr A jumps out of the ring after him..Pulse and The enforcer standing in the ring..

Cole: What the hell is going on?

Dog; Those two bastards hate each other. Mr A closelines him from behind...Meanwhile..The Enforcer taking lighter fluid out of his pocket...

Cole: Oh shit..Now Pulse hands him a lighter...He's squirting that shit in his mouth! Gross..Damn lighter fluid!!

Dog: Armageddon pounding the shit out of Jerry ....Armageddon now walking towards teh back locker room...Jerry Sullivan getting up slowly..


Cole: DAMN!! ENforcer just nailed a fireball right in his face...Jerry grabs his eyes...Pulse grabs hold of him..CARDIAC ARREST ON THE STEEL RAMPWAY!!!

Dog: Pulse with the cover.....The Enforcer counts..1........2........3!!!

Cole Was that legit?


Dog; The winner of this match.......PULSE AND ENFORCER!!

[Crowd pops]

Cole: That was short but sweet...We got us a new feud now....Mr Armageddon and Jerry sullivan apparantly don't like each other too much..

Dog; Well 2 Decent matches so far…

Cole:That’s right and we still have many big matches to come!

Meandog: well it loks like were all set of the SWF IC title match, and Bloodlet is standing tall in the ring, and awaiting his mystery opponent. Here is Bruice Rainbow for the intro....

Rainbow: The following contest is for one fall and is for the SWF IC Championship! here in the ring is the champion, representing the Nest, BLOODLET!

::Crowd pops:::

Rainbow: And his opponent..........Jin Dark!

::Crowd doesnt know how to react, and half cheers and half is in silance::

Cole: Dark rushes to the ring, and Rainbow flies out of there,a nd we are under way! Jin tae Bloodlet down with a double leg pick up, and bashes his skull in with furrious punches to the head, and now kicking in his stomach with three, four, now five, boots to the ribs, and stomach! Bloodlet is tring to breath and Jin lets up, Jin walking to the corner, and rushes for a elbow drop....and Bloodlet moves out of the way, and again get his chance to breath and get re-copperated! jin is back to his feet and Bloodlet is slow to make it up, and finaly does. Both men standing tall and trading blows, Bloodlet gets the upper hand, and plants a huge right jab into Jin's jaw, and off the ropes....spinning neck breaker! Bloodlet is starting to mount an offence here, and he need to if he wants to keep his IC Title here tonight.

Meandog: But still Jin is hanging in there, and back to his feet...but Bloodlet is staying on top of him....Bloodlet hoocks him in for a belly to belly....blocked....Bloodlet spins him around, and SIDE SUPLEX! Nicly done by the Champ. Jin is down, but not out....Bloodlet makes his way over to him,and Jin hits a low blow!akes to the out side, and underneth the ring....he's got a table out there! He sets it up, and bloodlet is to his feet and baseball sides Jin! Now Bloodlet is in control yet again, and sets Jin up on the table, and the ref is utilizing his ten count! Jin is out, and Bloodlet is climbing to the top rope! the ref is at six! Bloodlet is leaping off, ELBOW DROP ON JIN THROUGH THE TABLE! And we have a bell sounding out here?!

Cole: Thats right, it looks like the ref, has called for a double count out! Lets go to Bruice for the official word...

Rainbow: The official has just informed me that BOTH MEN have been counted out, and this match is a DRAW!

Cole: Well the Nest is making their way out here, and is lifting the injured Bloodlet up and helping him to the back...OH MY GOD! They are beating him likie a dog out there?! Holy shit, whats going on here?!

Meandog: Jin is up, and is helping the Nest take care of the battered and brusied Bloodlet! Oh no, Jin has a live MIC, lets see about this shit here....

Jin Dark: All of you people have just seen a revalation in SWF, and a dawning of a NEW NEST, Here I stand the man who has AXED Bloodlet and these men here who stand behind me and named me the NEWEST MEMBER OF THE NEST!

Cole: I dont beleve this, as if Bloodlet wasnt bad enough, we have to put up with this guy?! Oh shit, just cut to a fucking commercial!

Dog:This is a PPV there is no Commercials dumbass..

Cole:Umm Well then…Whats our next match….

Dog:The Tag Team Brawl… Ok, looks like we are ready for out next contest here, but Joey Childs is here with us with news on Bloodlet. Joey, what's up man?

Joey Childs: Well, I ma here at the hospital and I have just recieved word that Bloodlet will not be fighting for a long time. Not only is he out of The Nest, but who will be Justin Miller's tag team partner tonight? We will have to ait and see, but Bloodlet is hurt badly, and don't look for him to return until a motnh or so has gone by...

Dog: Oh my god...

Person: Yes that's right. But that was dumb of Justin Miller to help beat down Bloodlet earlier on. Now he doesn't have a tag team partner.

::Creeping Death starts to play::

Dog: Uh oh, Justin Miller is coming down...

Bruice: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is for the SWF Tag Team Championships. And making his way to the ring, weighing 279 pounds...JUUUSSTTTIINNNN MILLERRR!!! ::Mixed Reactions::

Person: Well it looks like he is ready and prepared to take on anyone in this match. But he has stopped at the top of the ramp, and he has a microphone. What the hell?

Justin Miller: as you all know I do not have a tag team partner this evening, but Todd Peterson has given me right to pick my own tag partner since Bloodlet will not be competing in this match-up. So...ladies and gentlemen...MY tag team partner, and all-time fucking friend....

::The lights go black::


Cole: HE'S BACK!!!!

::All in the family by Korn and Limp Bizkit starts up and Carnage walks out to a huge pop from the fans of Miami. The lights flicker and both Carnage and Justin Miller walk to the ring and the lgihts ocne again come back on.

Person: What a surprise. This was a well-kept secret.

Bruice: And their opponents....Prodigy and T-Bone Todd Miller!!!!!

::Both men walk out, T-Bone gettin a very loud pop while Prodigy walks behind him to nothing but some cheers and boo's. They run quickly to the ring and the match begins::


Person: Ok, here we go, tag team title match.

Cole: And it is starting off heavy, all four men already in the ring battling this out. T-Bone and Justin, Prodigy and Carnage. Punches kicks, DDTs, everything is happening right now.

Person: The referee is trying to get these guys apart but he can't, just let them fight.

Cole: Ok, finally Justin and Prodigy have left and it's T-Bone and Carnage starting things off here. Carnage with a quick kick to the midsection of T-Bone, follows it up with a nice swinging neckbreaker. Here we go now, Carnage lifting T-Bone up off the floor now, whipping him into the ropes...BIG Back body drop! Nice move there by Carnage.

Person: Very nice. But Carnage still tkaing advantage now, punching T-Bone with all he's got, right into the bridge of his nose, and T-Bone is wobbly.

Cole: Carnage going over now, tagging in Justin Miller. Justin Miller to the top rope...Carnage settign T-Bone up into somekind of held powerbomb postition, Justin Millerf orm the TOP, OH, Nice somersault leg drop onto T-Bone Miller whiel Carnage was holding him up. Nice teamwork.

Person: Justin now tkaing his turn, kick after kick to the midsection and T-bone has just fell over. Justin for the early cover 1...NO! T-Bone kicks out after a quick 1 count.

Cole: Justin now whipping T-Bone into the ropes Justin puts his head down but OH, T-bone just grabbed Justin's head and slammed it face first into the mat!

Person: T-bone slowly going over to Prodigy and tags him in. Prodigy now gettin a turn here, and he's already going to the top rope.

Cole: Prodigy at the top rope now...OH GOD!! Senton bomb from the top right onto Justin Miller's head. Very well done. Prodigy though not letting anythign stop him has Justin Miller set up and yes..POWERBOMB! Not much of a move but it cna knock the wind out of your opponent easily. Prodigy still looking around and he's going outside for something. He reaches under the ring and pulls out a cookie sheet. Like we've never seen one of these things before.

Person: Prodigy winding back and OH! Right across Miller's face and Justin is down, and look at that cookie sheet, the imprint of Justin Miller's forehead.

Cole: Prodigy throws down the cookie sheet and continues to work on Justin Miller. He has him locked into a figure 4, trying to get The Regulator to tap out. But Justin just playing it out, trying not to feel any pressure. And it's getting Prodigy pissed off. Prodigy jsut let go of the hold and he's going back to the outside of the ring. What's he going for now Craig?

Person: To me it looks like a tire iron or something, oh I see it now, it's a crowbar!

Cole: Prodigy back in the ring with that crowbar and he is rkaing the eyes of Justin Miller with the end of it! God damn it! ANd Justin is starting to bleed around his eyes. This isn't good.

Person: Prodigy is just standing there laughing at what is happening. And he has tagged back in T-Bone...

Person: Listen to the fans here in Miami, they want Justin to get up, but he can't. And here is T-Bone Miller...setting Justin up now...FACE TO FACE!!!! From out of nowhere, and here's the cover by T-Bone... ONE....TWO...THR...NO!!! I don't believe it, and neither can T-Bone Miller. He kicked out of the face to face!

Cole: T-bone enraged and here he goes again...FACE TO FACE FOR A SECOND TIME!!!

Person: But look, Carnage is on the top rope...DROPKICK ONTO T-BONE MILLER!!! And T-bone is down,a nd Prodigy has entered and we got Carnage and Prodigy going at it!

Cole: Carnage lifting Prodigy up now...Hanging DDT!!! I haven't seen one of those in a while, right onto the cookie sheet Prodigy brought in ealrier. But here coems T-Bone again...FACE TO FACE on Carnage now! Good god, and both members of The Nest are down, and T-Bone and Prodigy are looking at each other....

Person: Uh oh...T-Bone has that look in his eye.

Cole: FACE TO FACE on Prodigy, I knew he never liked that guy!!! What the hell is up with T-Bone?

Person: But here he goes on Justin Miller for the cover...ONE...TWO...THR...NO!!! How in the hell did he kick out again?

Cole: Who knows but T-Bone is going outside now, and he's pulling out...what's tables? Why three?

Person: He is setting them up now, Justin Miller onto table number one, Carnage onto number 2 and Prodigy onto table number three. This is going to be quite messy. And jsut ot let you fans know, thes tables aren't no fuckign pressed sawdust, these are the real things right there.

Cole: And T-Bone is climbing to the top we go now...Senton Bomb!!!! CRACK!!!!! T-BONE WENT THROUGH EVERY ONE OF THOSE TABLES AND THERE IS A MESS ON THE FLOOR!!!

Person: But look!!! Justin Miller's arm is somehow draped over Prodigy's, and T-Bone is out underneath all the rubble.

Cole: The cover....1...2...3!!!!!!! Who won? Justin was over Prodigy and T-Bone was over Carnage!!! What the hell? Who fucking won the match??

Bruice: The winners of this bout.....Um....

::Todd Peterson comes out::

Todd: This match isn't over, it shall continue ::Huge Pop::

Cole: Ok, we have 4 half dead men out exactly will this match continue?

Person: Well T-Bone jsut rolled off of Carnage nad he is laying on the cement floor while Justin Miller is standing up looking at all these 3 guys laying on the floor.


Person: Justin Miller looking around now...and he is coverig T-Bone Miller...ONE...TWO....THR...NO!!!! How did he do that??!?!?!?!?!

Cole: Who knows but T-Bone did it out of desperaton and he still isn't moving.

Person: But here comes Justin Miller thoguh, picking up T-Boen and rolling him into the ring, and I think I have a feeling on what's going to happen next....

Cole: Mikker taking T-Bone to the top rope, Justin is bleeding extremly bad, and he is going for The Silencer...I am pretty sure....

Person: And he's going for it...OH MY GOD!!!! Right onto the concrete floor outside of the ring....SILENCER!!!!! The cover...ONE...TWO...THREE!!!! NEW CHAMPIONS!!!!!

Bruice: Ladies and gentlemen...THE NEW SWF Tag Team Champions...Justin Miller and Carnage!!!!!

Cole: What a match-up!!!!

Dog:Wait LOOK!...From the Crowd...Its PACO!!...he slides in...Miller Doesnt See Him and WHACK!!...Miller Gets leveled With a Baseball bat.....Carnage Charges in....And WHACK!..He Is Down as well....

Cole:Paco now helps T-Bone up..and The Suicide Army Music plays as they walk out...What a match..Justin Miller Really did show us a good show..

Person: Well, let's go quickly to our next match-up as we clean up this shit.


Cole: Now it's time for the Extreme Title match...And T-Bone cant be in 100% as he just finished a great matchup

Dog: that’s true, T-Bone has been in sort of a downward slide man...l don;t know if he can break out of this slump...

Cole: He want's to break out of this dry spell...he is going to have to defeat Griff in his own Philadelphia street fight...

Dog: look at this resembles a ship yard or something...

Cole: Four chain link walls 20 feet high...Barbed wire arund the the corners...four concrete pillers. Inside, all sorts of weapons...palates...pipes, chains...its a mess.

Dog: The rules are simple...last man standing wins the bout...the entire structure is surronded by fans standing on the top...this looks like some sort of horrific pit...

Cole: as we wait for both contestants to seems both men have an edge over the other...

Dog: T-Bone has the expericance, but the power of Griff seems over whelming...

Cole: Here come the participants...

Rainbow: Ladies and Gentlman, it is now time for the Philadelphia Street Fight. Introducing first, from the White Bluffs of Tennesee, standing 6'3 and weighing in at 298 pounds, here is the Suicide Extreme Champion...GRIFF!!!

[Griff walks into the cage]

Rainbow: And now, his opponet. Hailing from the mean streets of Philadelphia Pa, he stands 6'5 and weighs in tonight at 270, the self proclaimed Hardcore Hero and former, three time SWF world heavyweight champion...T-BONE MILLER!!!

[Sic by Slipknot begins to play...T-Bone comes to the ring..wearing black boots, black shorts and a sleevless NOFX T-shirt]

Cole: This should be an interesting match...

Dog: The Suicide King versus the Hardcore Hero...T-Bone Miller walks into the is the bell..


Cole: AND WE'RE UNDERWAY!! T-Bone and Griff talking some trash to each other...Griff swings hard...T-Bone ducks...hooks the arm...and brings a knee up to Griffs head...and just..let's him go?

Dog: T-Bone is playing with griff...showing him that vetran edge...

Cole: Both men circling each other...Griff comes in with a stiff right hand...catches T-Bone right under the eye...Griff with a flurry of blows...T-Bone ducks and blocks a few...Griff backing the former world champion up...Griff with a huge right hand...knocks T-Bone into the side wall of the cage...Griff turns around and looks for a weapon...Griff bends over to grab a 2x4...T-Bone Miller off the side wall...BULLDOG on Griff...Griff is down...T-Bone standing above him...DROPS THE KNEE ACROSS THE BACK OF GRIFFS HEAD...

Dog: T-Bone trying to end this flash, just hard knocks for the SXC champ...

T-Bone now on the offensive picking griff up...and just shoves him into the cage wall...Griff hits hard...comes off the side and hits a forearm blow across the head of T-Bone...T-Bone i down. Griff to his feet...runs across the caged pit...grabs a wooden palate...T-Boen to his feet...GRIFF SLAMS HIM HARD IN THE HEAD...T-BONE DOWN....Griff now laying the boots to T-Bone...T-Bone trying to get up...Griff with a short arm bar...tries to whip T-Bone into the cage side...T-Bone reverese...HEAD AND ARM SUPLEX ON THE CONCRETE...both men down....T-Bone to his knees...Griff up to his feet....short dropkick to the head of T-Bone...

Cole: The action is fast and furious...Griff on the offensive again...T-nbone up...knocks griff dopwn with a right hand...T-bone...CLIMBING THE FENCE?

Dog: T-Bone now ripping down that barbed wire...Griff is up...he has a pipe....Hits T-Bone in the back...T-BONE FALLS DOWN AND KNOCKS HIS HAED AGAINST THE SIDE OF THE TRASH CAN...Griff on the attack...he picks T-Bone up...HANGING SUPLEX...Griff is on his game tonight...

Cole: T-Bone just isn't showing that flair like he used to...T-Bone now getting to his feet...Griff now on the attack...shoulder block knocking T-Bone down...the hardcore hero looks to be on his last leg...

Dog: Griff now picking his shots...kick to T-Bones right leg...Grigg now picking T-Bone up...T-Bone just falls to the ground...Griff sits him on the corner cement post...Griff now looking around...HE HAS A STEEL TRASH CAN...griff with a running start...HE NAILS T-BONE IN THE HEAD WITH THE TRASH CAN...

Cole: The referee is backing Griff adminstering the ten count...





Cole: T-Bone is stirring...

Dog: You can't keep him down that easy...



T-Bone to one leg...


Dog: T-Bone is up...

Cole: T-Bone busted wide open...Griff looks like he has caught a second wind...T-Boen has to pull out all the stops in this one...Griff grabs T-Bones head...Looks like a Powerbomb...Griff...lets him go?

Dog: Griff piling stuff up...trash cans, sticks, pipes...whatever is around...looks like he is going in for the kill...He picks T-Bone up...T-BONE COMING TO LIFE...POUNDING ON THE HEAD OF GRIFF...GRIFF FALLS...T-Boen up...T-Bone trying to get away...Griff hot on his heels...T-Bone clocks him with a right...Griff is stunned...T-Bone kick to the midsection...GUT WRENCH INTO A BACKBREAKER...Griff is down...What is T-Bone pulling out of his pants paocket?


Dog: T-Bone pulling out a bottle...he is emptying it on the wooden pilons...AND LIGHTING IT ON FIRE...Griff tries for a boot to the midsection...T-Bone blocks and hits him again with the pipe...Griff donw to one knee...T-Bone again with the pipe...Giff down...T-Bone with a running start...LEGDROP...Griff is out...T-Bone with a hand full of hair...Griff with a low blow...T-Boen drops...Griff to his feet slowly...Griff...he is trying to climb that cage...

Cole: A raging inferno in the cage...all the wood palates are ablaze...Griff is halfway up the cage...T-Boen is up...andf right on his trail..Griff on the top...T-Bone right after him...GRIFF AND T-BONE NOSE TO NOSE ON THE TOP...Griff tries for a right hand...he missed...T-Bone with a firemans carry...into...TORNADO LIKE FACE TO FACE OFF THE CAGE WALL ONTO THE FIRE....GRIFF IS SCREAMING IN PAIN...

Dog: T-Bone just powerbombed Griff face first into flames...Griff is getting up???? Griff now toe to toe with T-Bone...rights, lefts...Griff with a hard swing...T-Boen ducks...T-Bone picking Griff up...T-BONE SUPLEX INTO THE CEMENT POLE...Griffs head just caught it with a sickening thud...

Cole: Griff is bleeding bad from his head...the referee is administering the ten count...

1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10!! GRIFF IS OUT!!

Rainbow: The winner of the bout...AND NEW, SWF SUICIDE EXTREME CHAMPION...T-BONE MILLER!!!

Cole:That was a Interesting Matcup…T-Bone showing he is back in action


Dog:Well our next match was the main event...but due to family problems Paco had to cancell his match...our best wishes go out to his family

Cole:thats right...the fans wanted it....but we have to wait and see what happens....Wait a minute....Thats Mike Ca$h The S.W.F President...whats he doing out here?

Dog:I dont know but he has a smile on his face....he has the mic. this should be interesting.....

Mike Ca$h:Ladies and Gentalmen....I am here to bring you some news...As many of you know...Paco had to cancell his match....But what surprises me Is that he is in the Building Tonight!::Crowd Pops:::....He wasnt ready to wrestle but he made it here....Now..he is here...The Champ....And Justin Miller is here as well....

Cole:Uh oh i see where this is going...

Mike Ca$h:Now what would a Pay Per View be without a World Title Match....So Ladies and Gentalmen thats what you will get...Paco ready or not..but your ass will fight here tonight..or else your FIRED!.....But wait before you get pumped up...Let me Tell you the Stipulations.....This world Title match will be like no other....This match First of All is a No DQ Match.....Falls Count Anywhere......Thats just to warm it up.....And Paco the Suicide Army is Banned from Ringside....they cannot come out with you.....Second...Just to make things alittle Even...There will be a Special Guest Ref....He is a powerful man...and he is just better then the rest...Here is the Special Guest Ref.....TODD PETERSON!....

{{The Corporate Themes begin to blast through the Peterson steps out in a Ref shirt....the crowd chants dick head as he walks to the ring...Todd Peterson enters and shakes Mike Ca$hes hand as Cash still speaks}}

Mike Ca$h:Well wait theres more to this match...Knowing this is a World Title Match lets spice it up a notch shall we...This ring right here....picture it nothing...because in about 2 minutes a technical crew of 10 men will come down here and turn it into HELL...These Ropes Will be gone...Two Sides of the Ring will be With Glass.....The other two sides will be empty.....But these sides will have a Wall....Of Fire,.....So Brucie Let the Games Begin.....

Cole:What!!...this Cash guy is crazy.....And here come the guys....they begin to work on this ring and take out the ropes..Well lets cut to a Promo..while they get this ready.....


Dog:Well were back and look at the ring..That glass has to be 10 Feet high....And theyve even trown in a Roll Of Barbwire..i wonder what thats for..and look at Peterson he is in the ring..with a smile....

Rainbow:Our Next matchup is for the SWF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP...Introducing first..he is the Challenger...He is repersenting the Nest..He is Juuuuussssstttttiiiiiinnnnnn Mmmmiiiiilllllllleeeerrrrr!!

{The Nests music plays as Miller walks out and The crowd gives a mixed reaction...he walks down as he stops and Carnage and Thug Life walk out right behind him....Justin looks around and hops in the the Nest stays at the ramp way}

...And His Opponent...He is the SWF World Champion...He is Repersenting the Suicide Army...he is the grandmaster pimp daddy....He is Paaaaaaaacccccccoooooooooooo

{"California Lov"remix Begins to blast through the arena...As Paco walks out in his street clothes and his world Title...he looks he drops his title and takes off his shirt...and points in the ring and walks down to the Ring}

Cole:Here we go...Look Paco gets stopped by thug Life and Carnage...they have an exchange of words....But Look Paco Nails Thug Life with a Right Hand and Elbows Carnage...And Paco slides in the ring...Carnage Attemps to get in the ring...But FLAMES Shoot up and that wall doesnt let him in..

Dog:and this match Starts..Miller lays the boots to Paco...Paco is up....and Miller lays the rights and Lefts to him...

Cole:PAco blocks a right hand and DDT!....Miller down in a hurry.....Paco not wasting anytime..he go right for that roll of Barbwire and kicks it over by miller....this dont look good....

Dog:Paco stomps on millers head and now picks him up....PAco sets him up and INVERTED TIGER BOMB..And Miller Lands Face first and gets tangled in that barbwire..thats nasty

Cole:thats nasty...that barbwire has ripped through his skin and Miller now bleeding a large amount....

Dog:Paco Picks him up now.....He Runs and attemps a Clothesline..But MILLER DUCKS AND BACK BODY DROP THROUGH THAT WALL OF GLASS!!!!!

Cole:Look at Paco he is not moving and he is a Bloodly wreck in all that Broken glass on the outside....and look at Peterson he is laughing his ass off.....

Dog:This doesnt look come Thug Life and Carnage.....Carnage has a Chair in his hand.....Thug Life picks up the helpless Paco....Carnage Winds up and WHACK!!!!...Levels Paco across his Skull...

Cole:Thug Life..Throws Paco back in that ring....And Justin Miller with That foot over Pacos and No Paco with a shoulder up...Thats what Miller gets for that non-shalount cover...

Dog:And look...Carnage and Thug Life Slide in the Ring....Carnage still with that Chair....Look t Todd Peterson he Just kicked Paco in the face!!!...this match is No Fair at all...

Cole:ITs 4 on one...and the Suicide Army cant come down or theyre Fired.....Thug Life and Justin pick up Paco...and look they wanna Burn his face in that wall of Fire!!..Paco still with some strength and holds his head back and LOOK!!

Dog:Paco Moves back...and he has just thrown Thug Life and Justin Through that Wall of FIRE!!!

Cole:They just burned Alive.....Paco is up and he Turns around and WHACK!!! He just got leveled with that Chair shot....Carnage throws down the chair....and Peterson begins to kick down on Paco....

Dog:Here come Thug life and miller...They have black marks i think theyre Burned bad....

Cole:But not bad enough...they roll in the ring again...this time it dont look to good...Carnage and Thuglife now pick up Paco...and Miller Has that Barbwire and he wraps it around that Chair....that makes a lethal weapon..

Dog:Miller winds back...But Wait!!

{Lights Go Out and Arena is Pitch Black}

Cole:what the hell is going on...We can still see those Flames....Wait we just heard a loud sounded like Glass Breaking...

Dog:And the lights come back on and look!!.....


Dog:And Look in the Middle of the ring,....thats MR.ARMAGEDDON!!!...He has that Barbed Wire Steel Chair in his hand....And Look at Todd Peterson he is laughing.....

Cole:But Mr.Armageddon isnt laughing at all....and WHACK!!!!..HE JUST LEVELED THE OWNER!!!

Dog:What the hell!!!....The owner is down and Busted open.....Armageddon throws down the chair..and The ring is cleared out...Paco is up...and he looks at Mr.Armageddon...he looks just as surprised...

Cole:Mr.Armageddon extends his hand...But look...Paco just stares at him and rolls out of the ring...Is that all the Thank he gets?.....

Dog:Wait Peterson has the mic....whats up now...

Todd Peterson:mr.armageddon you piece of Garbage...i said NO INTEREFERANCE!!...Now you Dare Cross the Boss Well Listen here...YOUR FIRED.....


Todd Peterson:Now get out of my face....

Cole:He just Fired Mr.Armageddon because he interfered!...That makes no sense at all.....

Dog:Wait here comes the rest of the Nest....Griff...Thug Life...Miller...Carnage and The New Guy Jin Dark all rush to Paco...Paco Fights them off And Mr.Armageddon slides out and theyre vbrawling it out....Wait here comes the Suicide Army!!!.....

Cole:ENFORCER....T-BONE...TONY THOMAS...PULSE..Theyre running down and begin to brawl it out....Wait!..More our comming out...Its Sullivan.....and Look!....Mike Walters comes out as well....Walters Sullivan get in the mix...this is a All out War....

Dog:And From the Crowd.....

Dog:Its Bloodlet..he attacks Griff and Carnage...this is his revenge.....Folks We are Out Of Time,This PAY PER VIEW HAS BEEN GREAT!!...See You At MASSACRE!!!!

SWF Production

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