Title: Musings of a FBI elevator Category: MSR, Humor, Third person (?) POV Spoilers: Not really. Archive: If you love it enough to even bother I wouldn't dream of stopping you. Please just keep everything attached and let me know where it goes so I can visit. Disclaimer: Didn't anyone read the small print at the bottom of the contract with Fox? Of course I own them! Whatever. Not mine, never were, never will be ... I'm using them shamelessly. A big shout out to CC for creating them though: without them how would I kill time at work? Summary: Third person point of view of Mulder and Scully. Rating: NC17 ...for sex. Is there any other reason? Special thanks: This is for the better half of TS, who nagged and nagged for more detail. Feedback: Will be loved and cherished! Flames will be used to light the candles by my bath at night...life is too short people. No one is forcing you to read this. trstnoone@hotmail.com ****************************************************** Musings of a FBI elevator By: WISHFUL13 ****************************************************** J. Edgar Hoover Building 7:30 PM What can I say? My job isn't bad for government work. Some of the other guys complain about it, they say they wish they could be one of the new guys that are working in downtown. Not me. I would be bored to death listening to all those suits rambling on and on every day about boring monotonous paperwork. At least here at the J. Edgar Hover Building we have excitement. I'll tell you who I wouldn't mind trading places with if the opportunity arose though; that new model they are talking about running from earth to outer space. That would be exciting! I listened to this guy talk about it the other day. What was it he said? "The Space Elevator concept is a structure extending from the surface of the Earth to geo-stationary Earth orbit. It is envisioned that such a structure would be used as a mass transportation system in the latter part of the 21st century for transporting people, payloads, gasses and power between Earth and space." I didn't understand half of what the guy said the rest of the brief conversation, but it sounded wonderful. I would trade in my shiny chrome lining any day for chance at that job. *Ding* Oh...that's my cue. Duty calls. Ah, top floor. All of the significant get-togethers take place on the top floor. This must be an important one, especially since it's letting out this time of the night. I wonder what they discussed? International terrorism? Drug smuggling? I know! Maybe it was about that crazy guy who keeps sending the bombs in the mail. Wait a minute...they caught that guy didn't they? You see; that's one of the problems with only hearing bits and pieces of stories is that I'm never quite sure about how they turn out. *Ding* "Here I am!" I want to announce as the fifteen or so suits and skirts start filing into my awaiting arms. Most are familiar faces, some I see more often than I would like. Upon closer inspection of everyone, I realize that this was definitely not a meeting about international terrorism or drug smuggling. I recognize this group because within it are my two favorite agents in the entire building: Mulder and Scully. I know their names by heart because I enjoy their company more than anyone else that has ever traveled this shaft with me. Besides, they are my only passengers that go to the basement usually. But that's not just all that makes me remember them. Now, over the years I've heard my fair share of tall tales. Mostly it's the guys talking about Mafia hits, drug busts, stuff like that; but nothing I've heard can hold a candle to the outrageous things that I've heard Mulder and Scully talk about. I'm not even sure if I believe most of the stories, but they are interesting nonetheless. What is it I've heard Mulder say? I want to believe? That's me...wanting to believe that what they are talking about is true, because it sounds exhilarating. Their stories are wonderful and subject beyond the bizarre: vampires, aliens, cults, government conspiracy - they have seen and done it all. Did you know that they once chased a creature that was half man and half worm? Unbelievable! What I wouldn't give just one time for them to load one of those mutants into my hollow interior. That would be something to brag about with the guys during our late night talks. Speaking of government conspiracy: Mulder couldn't be more right about that cigarette smoking guy. He's been in here you know? In fact, I've heard him talk about my team. I tried to throw a cable once, crash him all the way to the bottom, but it didn't work. Sure it would have been suicide, but it would have been worth it. Anything to help out. Damn maintenance man and his damn timely schedule. Needless to say I am always happy to see my favorite duo taking their daily trip to the basement. It lets me know that they are continuing to stay one step ahead of that old man. I have a plan though. One of these days maintenance man...just you wait and see...you will forget to come...and I will take care of that smelly bastard once and for all. It will be the perfect crime. Wait a minute, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, Mulder and Scully. *Ding* Sixth floor It's not just their stories I love, though they usually do make my day, but it's their connection with each other. I may be made of steel, but I can tell when two people really care for one another, and it just warms my control panel. Take right now for instance. They entered my domain with one of their superiors. I have found over the years that this bald headed man seems to be one of the good guys though. What is his name? Slater? No, that's not it. What did Mulder call him the other day? Skinner? Yeah, that's it. Skinner. Walter Skinner. Nice guy, but seems a little stressed out at times. Just last night I heard him griping as he left about some trouble that Mulder had caused him. Grumbling aside, I think he cares. I know he cares about Scully, but not in a way I think Mulder would appreciate. He is always sneaking a peek at her backside when she isn't looking. He thinks no one notices him doing it, but he doesn't know about me. Of course Mulder looks at her too. Hell, who wouldn't? I'll admit she even melts my wires a little bit. The difference between Skinner and Mulder though is that she sees Mulder do it and I haven't seen her complain once about it. Of course, that's another secret I share with my favorite agents...their intimate activities within my sacred walls. *Ding* Fifth floor Today it started as soon as they crossed my threshold. Immediately they both slid to the back of my compact space, far away from prying eyes, or so they assume. It was a full load getting on so no one noticed as he backed himself into the secluded corner, with her following closely behind. She poised herself right in front of him and as the decent began she slowly leaned back, pressing her much admired rear to him. As if on command both of their eyes slowly shut at the visceral contact. It makes me smile to see them like this. You see; I've had the fortunate pleasure to be witness to their precious exchanges like today, but I've also seen firsthand their inclement times. It was my cold metal walls that Mulder leaned his wrinkled forehead to when he suffered over his dying partner. I felt the warm salty tears that he fought so hard to hold back fall from his face. This is the trust I have established with them. I provide a sanctuary of escape and fortification and for a brief moment they get to abandon the walls they have both built so soundly around them and simple get to be. So that night his tears flowed freely with no fear of judgment being passed on him. At the same time it was my protective confounds that Scully retreated to when she first struggled with the woman named Diana. I saw the pain in her eyes as she whispered to herself and prayed to her God above that Mulder would not leave her. The pain was so obvious in her terrified blue eyes. I watched as she clenched her fists until the hardness of her nails left tiny indentations in her petite hands, all the time fighting back tears. It was times like those I wish I could have turned my head to give them the privacy they desperately sought. They come to my ramparts for a brief moment of solitude and I am grateful to provide them with it. All I can ever offer in return is a soft hum as I take them to their indicated destination, so that is what I do. When they exit I always hope that I gave them the moment of peace they desired. It's the least I can do for my favorite agents. Today isn't a morose or turbulent day though. In fact, I am happy to report that they haven't had many of those lately. I hear them talking about how they need to keep their relationship a secret, and judging by the way people talk about them it seems they are doing a good job. I do know one thing: I would have won the office pool a long time ago if it were possible. The prize question to answer: Are they or aren't they? My answer to that is: When aren't they! The person that finally does figure out the $20,000 question will have a nice little payoff last I heard. Sometimes I think they are trying to get caught. I see how they play behind people's backs. Their flirtation usually starts with him sneaking a wink and a smile in her direction. She can't resist him when he winks, and he knows it. The other occupants never have a clue what is being acted out behind them. Today seems to be no exception to their ignorance, and Mulder and Scully are taking full advantage of it. *Ding* Fourth floor It must just be me that thinks the temperature is rising. Yes sir, this trip to the basement appears as though it will be one of their more adventurous ones. She is leaning up against him now and a small smile curls at both of their lips but disappears just as quickly. Blink and you would have missed it, but I didn't. I notice his hand fall from it's home on her shoulder and slowly start creeping down the back of her jet back suit. His fingers trace her outline as they descend as slow as I am on my trek to the next floor. She wiggles slightly causing the friction to increase between them. I can feel the heat of Mulder increase against my dark, guarded corner. All eyes are forward for the other passengers as his hand slowly moves down the curve at the small of her back and then continues over her lush behind. She doesn't bat an eyelash until he cups her small tight rear and squeezes slightly. At this daring act a small smile creeps across her face. I've seen them start this game before and we'll be reaching boil by the time they're done. *Ding* Third floor As the last of the third floor dwellers exit I seal my travelers back up and our journey continues. Only three more floors and everyone will be on their way ... except my busy handed passengers heading for the basement. The number of bodies is getting scarcer by the moment but this doesn't seem to stop the activity that is taking place in the corner. Maybe the other passengers just chose to ignore the obvious. How could you not feel the heat radiating from them? Humans confuse me sometimes. They can't see what clearly is right in front of their faces. This definitely is the case as Scully slowly moves her hand furthest from the other passengers behind her back and moves it up Mulder's inner thigh until it reaches its destination of the bulge starting to form at the front of his pants. Was that a groan I just heard? No one else seems to have noticed. Must have just been my imagination. As her hand starts to slide up and down I can see the color in his face start to change. A warm pink would nicely describe his hue at the present time. Scully knows how far she can go with others surrounding them, so just as soon as she started she releases him. Now I know I just heard a moan come from him. A deaf person could have heard it. Still no one else turns and even casts a glance their way. Strange. *Ding* Second floor Two passengers exit leaving one last lone soul with them. Scully takes a small step to the side distancing herself from Mulder for the time being. Tease. At this point I have no idea if that other person is even registering on their radar. The poor lady is practically shaking in her boots on the far side from them. She seems scared. Hell, with the energy flowing between them right now, I'm a little scared. At least she gets to get off. I'm stuck here. When the two of them get like this it's like packaging the fury of hell into a little jar and then squeezing the lid on real tight. When you release it...look out. *Ding* First floor Hell is about to be unleashed. The lady casts a quick glance over her shoulder at Mulder and Scully as she parts way with them, rather quickly I must add. The duo simply smile in unison as my doors close, finally leaving them to peace and quiet. Well, it's peaceful and quiet for about two seconds. Mulder reaches his hand out with cat like quickness, grabbing Scully by the wrist and pulling her towards him. Her small body smashes up against his as they both collapse against my wall. "You are very bad." Mulder grumbles into her ear as he slowly starts to nuzzle through her hair while his hand moves up the back of her skirt. Time is of the essence here. "Have I told you how absolutely delicious you look today?" He whispers as his mouth slowly starts making its way from her earlobe to her mouth. His tongue traces along her jawline, emitting a groan from her as it goes. His hands shuffle her skirt up her well- toned legs until it rests nicely around her waist, leaving only her pantyhose and panties exposed. He slides his large nimble hands under the waistband of her nylons and with one swift movement both them and her underwear are resting at her knees. Scully shuffles her legs spreading herself to him as his hands rub quickly up the outside of her thighs. "You are a cruel man Mulder." She whispers in his ear as her hands scramble to the belt of his pants. His mouth meets hers and devours her just as his hand moves to the inside of her thigh, playing and teasing with the curls where they join. Scully fumbles with the contraptions of the belt as she kicks her black high-heeled shoe off and frees herself from the binding hoes that have collected at her ankle. Mulder grabs her escaped leg and pulls it high around his waist, fully exposing her to him. His hand digs deeply through her patch of softness as his fingers curl over the edge and delve into her wetness. Scully presses her hips against his exploring hand as he grabs her rear pulling her to him. "God Scully, you are so wet." He mumbles through pressed lips as his tongue slips harshly across her bottom lip and then sucks it in as his finger slides deep within her. *Ding* Basement. My two remaining passengers seem to not notice. Did I mention that it would be boiling when they were finished? Well, it's boiling already and they still aren't done. "Oh Mulder." Scully groans as he turns them around pressing her against my refreshing metallic interior. His mouth travels down her throat, kissing and licking as he goes, and threatens to devour the hollow resting at the base of her neck when he arrives there. Scully tips her head down and finally breaks the belt free from Mulder's pants as his lifts her further off the ground and buries another finger within her. His thumb toils through her folds as it seeks a haven at her clit. Scully tosses her head against the wall and begins rocking her hips to meet the caressing of his hands as her fingers abandon his belt seek asylum in his silky brown hair. "Mulder...your pants. Now." Scully demands, her words coming in short struggled breaths. Mulder presses harder against her allowing his arm that was supporting her to unbutton and unzip his pants. With a wiggle of his hips they fall to the floor in a heap with Scully's hose and panties. As his thumb feverously massages her clit, his digits work with craftsman like skill within her internal wetness that is building. Scully moves her hands from his hair and desperately scrambles for the waist of his boxers. He shifts his hips slightly allowing for her to slip the restraining material off. As his growing erection is exposed Scully grasps and strokes it with long hard motions. A deep groan escapes from the back of Mulder's throat as his hand retreats from the warmth of Scully's wet folds to grasp her by the wrist. As he pulls her hand from its stroking action he bends to her ear, ravenously licking the soft skin below it before speaking. "What do you want Scully?" He asks as the head of his cock slowly penetrates the burning entrance of her. Scully groans and shifts under his teasing. "Mulder you know what I want." She answers as she tries to thrust into him. Mulder is too quick and pulls back, keeping himself just out of reach. Scully groans in frustration. *Ding* Okay, this might be a problem. I've got two half-naked agents here, and someone is trying to summon me. What do I do? What do I do? By the looks of the mouth watering kissing and groping that is continuing to take place, neither Mulder nor Scully has noticed the ominous sound of the awaiting passenger calling for me. I can only hope that things are about to progress along quickly. For now the person can wait. Besides, I just don't have the heart to stop them. "Just tell me what you want Scully." Mulder hisses in her ear as he nibbles and then bites at the side of her neck as he sinks himself into her further. "I want you inside me Mulder." She answers as her mouth covers his sucking his bottom lip into her mouth as she raises her hips to meet his burning desire. His hands dig into her fleshy round ass and with one pull he is buried within her. Deep seeded moans emit from both as they begin to dip and drive together. "God Scully." Mulder groans into her ear as he thrusts into her, lifting her higher off the ground with each driving punch of his hips. Scully reaches her hand behind her and grabs hold of the steel metal rail that runs around my sleek interior. Her hand is hot and sweaty and burns at the contact with the cold rail. As they push and move as one, Scully's hand grips tighter and tighter. The white of her knuckles becomes a stark contrast to the flush red of passion that is threatening to overcome her entire body at any moment. "Mulder..." she strains out of her lips as she bites her bottom lip, begging for control to find it's rightful place in this heated moment, but knowing it's a lost cause. "Don't stop..." "Not on your life." Mulder answers in a throaty growl. One hand grasps her harder under her rear as the other moves to her clit once again. His thumb swirls and pushes against it with each simultaneous thrust of his erection. Scully tightens around him inside of her and his thrusts become more erratic, fire and desire taking over where technique once ruled. *Ding* The noise doesn't register with them at all. They are oblivious to everything in the world right now but each other. Come on folks...we're running out of time here. It they only knew this wasn't being done in complete privacy. If they only knew I was observing their every movement. I want them to have this moment, but the person up on the 5th floor is clearly not going to take the stairs at this point. Just a few more seconds. They can't last much longer. Hell, at this point I'm just hoping my rail can withstand the force with which Scully is pulling against it. She's got a strong grip for such a tiny little thing. Just ask Mulder... "Ah...Mulder...Yes!" Scully cries out as her foot arches and her head thrusts back, ripples of pleasure wash over her, with Mulder following closely behind. With one last push against her his voice leaves him and is replaced by simmering whimpers. Scully flops her head forward to rest against his and runs her fingers through his sweat soaked hair. He nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck and kisses it softly. "Mulder, did you hear something a minute ago?" She asks, still struggling to catch her breath. "I heard you strongly agreeing with me." He murmurs into her hair with a chuckle. She smiles into the top of his head and pulls his face up to meet hers. "You wish. Now let's get our things and head home. I'm starving." She places a long lingering kiss on his passion swollen lips as he slows places her on the floor. "So you think you heard something?" Mulder asks as he quickly retrieves his pants from the floor. "Sounded like the elevator ding." Scully answers as she puts her shoes on. "Right Scully, and the elevator just chose to not respond?" He jokes with her as they glance around them to make sure nothing was left. "Sounds like an X-File to me." "Even if not, I think we should thank this lovely elevator." She smiles as she pats my wall on the way out. "Definitely. I can tell you it's my favorite form of transportation right now. Maybe we can visit it again sometime." He concurs as they head down the hall to their office. I think I'm blushing...at the comment of course. God speed my good agents...until we travel together again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Feedback would be most gracious of you at this point! Come on, you have to have some sort of an opinion. Let me hear it! trstnoone@hotmail.com Think the space elevator idea is a bunch of hooey? So did I until I actually found info on it. If you're interested check it out here: http://flightprojects.msfc.nasa.gov/fd02_elev.html. Thanks for reading folks!