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Stacy's Audio Paradise
Transload Tutorial

This page is made for those who do not know how to transload. Follow these steps. Directions is specifically made for


Step One: Make an account at a server. (Register, Sign Up) For example Angelfire, Geocities, and Tripod...allows you to build free home pages.

Step Two: Once you've done that, build your homepage. All you need is the URL of your homepage. (For example:

Step Three: Now that's done, go to, or any other transloader that's out there.

Step Four: On the first page you must enter the URL of the audio you want. Once you have entered the URL of the audio, you will see a form that looks like this. Fill in the form. Below is an example.

. .

URL: The URL of the audio you want.

FTP Host: (or whatever server you've registered for)

FTP Direct: Don't fill this in. It is not needed.

Rename File: Optional, you can rename the audio to whatever you want but it must end with a .ra or .ram (For example: Eminem_RealSlimShady.ram)

FTP User Name: The user name you signed up with (For example: raver543)

FTP Password: The password. (For example: Gators)

. .

Step Five: Once that's all filled in, click the transload button.

Step Six: If it says transfer complete, you have transloaded the audio onto your own file.

**Your URL for the audio should look like this for example**: Http://

If you still do not understand how to transload email me. Please do not direct link to my audio files (email or website) as it may cause a bandwidth and may also cause my links to break. Everyone wants to enjoy music without the busy signal. Thank you for your consideration.
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Transload Tutorial