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Affiliate Reports! Issue 01
This is a special newsletter that you can view here on some of Anime Imagination's affiliate updates. Not all of them will be here, but if they have some new change they'll appear here. Last updated on: July 30, 2002...

Welcome New Affiliates!
Greetings to my newest affiliates! They are Anime Paradise, Ultimate DB, Sakura Blossoms, and Digimon Frontier HQ!

SA-RPG/ Anime Paradise
JoE is fixing up SA-RPG but taking out the roleplaying part and has great plans for his site! Meanwhile, he teamed up with Mike and created Anime Paradise, containing more information and more animes! Both sites are growing fast so visit them!!

Mochi Mansion
Sheesh, where do I begin???! Okay, first of all, Spellkeeper revived a layout from a year ago (This time featuring Rockman.exe)! I actually remember it. It has cool scrolling sidebars. But sadly, Tomoyo has left the mansion... So it'll be more work. But not to worry! Everyone is pitching in any way they can! Kelceon and Rini have also joined staff!! The UBB is back up again! Emonsters is the popular (and fun) game there! And many more emonsters and their elite forms have been added to the island!!! Soon coming is some Rune RPG also! But the bigest thing is the oekaki. Spell's been working on all new features for it and they're so cool! You can check the oekaki section in the UBB for more information on upcoming projects. But the released ones now include Stamps and Stationary, Jukeboxes, Mochi Coins, Newsletters (you can make your own!), and a way of earning mochi points by simply drawing on the Advanced Oekaki! 10 points per drawing! You MUST go check out Mochi Mansion!

Poke Cave
They're extending the contest end date to August 4! So there's still time!!! All you have to do is draw pokemon fan art and send it in (Well, not really. You can read the detailed rules here: ) And you can win real trading cards! Check it out, they don't have too many entries yet, so you could win!!

GAA should have been open since Saturday, but for some reason, it isn't yet. BUT he lets you see his new layout and it is AWESOME!! It's just so... It's great! Check it out anyway!!

Shimoyake's grown so much!! Gah, I can't believe the improvements! First of all, she's now hosted by Mochi Mansion! Hooray! She put up a new maroon Kurama layout. Collector Cards are finally released! Sign up today! And she added a new layout to the Shimoyake Oekaki. And my new hobby is posting at the Crystal Snowflake BB (her UBB board)! Join the RPG's!! I love the role playing boards! And last but certainly not least, she reached her 50,000 hit milestone!!! And her new goal is 100,000 by December! So run over there NOW!!! ^-^

Punimon Obsessed
Foxumon's got a new splash page and a new layout up! Ooo and look! Puni-News scripts that are downloadable! Oh yeah, and she's up at 9000 hits!! Congratulations ^-^ Hope you get to 10 thousand soon!

Star Quest
He's also got a new layout and splash page! And there's a cool script on the splash image! *moves mouse over it over and over and over again* Mwahahahah! It makes it all wavy and swirly! Try it! And the layout is cool too, made by Suta Raito!

Poke Cute
I'm not really sure what's happening at pokecute... It seems to have turned into Forever Dreams. Then Clefeen showed up at *Confusion*

Sites On Hold
Hmmm... I can't seem to view these affies: Suta Raito, Poke Rage, Digimon Frontier HQ (Actually, I haven't been able to load the whole page).

Issue 01 Conclusion...
And that concludes the first issue of affiliate updates! Sorry if your site wasn't here, but these ones that I posted about are the ones that have made noticable changes that I just had to mension ^-^ Check back in a few weeks for Issue 02!!