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Prayers of Encouragement for New Mothers and Women with Unplanned Pregnancies

Dear God, Father of Us All,
Through Mary, our beloved heavenly Mother, You sent to us baby Jesus, our dearest Brother. Mary prayed for wisdom from above. She sought help, strength, and love. I pray that, like Mary, new mothers bend their knee asking for courage, strength, and love as their plea. Love to understand the right path and way, courage to seek help and courage to pray. To pray for this life, and to pray each day, to ask for strength to stand with You as You help bear their fearing what to do. They know it is life they have given. It is life that they carry. Let them hold this life dear, nurturing life without fear. Because Your love will sustain them And You will protect them And lead them to safety in their valley of tears. We ask you this, O Lord, we pray, In the name of Jesus, Christ our Lord, today. Amen.

This prayer was written by Kathy Ganino.