This is ROB'S APRILLA RS 125, Another baby bike, but still able
to reach 110mph, and it looks cool too...
A side view of Rob's APRILLA, with my baby in the background!!
This is ADRIAN'S HONDA RVF 400, it rides as good as it looks,
and is blessed with a single sided swing arm, GRRRRRR
A front view of AD'S RVF, sweet..
This is BEN'S APPRILLA RS 250,
This madman has removed certain parts of his bike "to
save weight".. the indicators, the rear foot pegs, excess wiring, he has quick release
fairings, stainless steel scorpian pipes, harris clip-on's, and loads of carbon fibre "bits"
the muppet has even removed a tiny
Side view of Ben's bike, the number plate has been removed for obvious reasons
All of the bike's together, there are more of us but they
couldn't make it,
What a pose, a racing line up...
1st line left to right = BEN + ADRIAN
2nd line = ROB + ME
3rd line = WILL + KEYGAN
Me doing a burnout on my SUZUKI, look at the rear wheel,
NO SPOKES, its just floating there....