The Cingular Sucks Website

A Website Devoted to Saving Cellular Customers From the Clutches of Cingular Wireless.

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The purpose of this site is to educate consumers, who are currently in the market for a new wireless service, about Cingular's poor customer relations performance, unethical business practices, and overall unreliability. Please feel free to explore the following links and use the information provided as an aid in making your decision as a future wireless customer. Additionally, if you currently are a Cingular customer, I am truly sorry. However, you too can read on and know that you are not the only one who has fallen victim to the Cingular scam. Also, be sure to check out the link that tells you what you can do as a current customer to help you resolve whatever issues you may have with Cingular.

NEW UPDATE!! - 11/14/2001

NEW! Update 11/14/2001 - So who doesn't suck? Two reviews about wireless providers (that prove my point).

Click here to check out past updates and other informative items.
The Many Problems of Cingular

Poor Customer Service

Billing Mistakes

The "Unlimited Nights and Weekends" Scam

Other Miscellaneous Problems

What you can do as a. . .

Potential Customer

Current Customer

Some "Cingular Sucks" Related Links

If you feel the same way about
Cingular then sign the petition!

Cingular Sucks-The Yahoo! Club

Another Personal Story About the Cingular Scam


I Hate

Cingular Stinks!

Why Cingular
Wireless Sucks


Even More Hatred
for Cingular

Thanks for taking the time to check out this site. If you have any questions, comments or you know of any other problems that you didn't see here but you feel should be addressed, please email me at