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i hate...

i hate ankles! oh this is the WORST! if ppl touch my ankles or talk about ankles i will freak out. it all started when i watched urban legends when the guy got his ankles slit and AHH i that just scares the shit out of me!

i hate spiders! they are so creepy and ugly. and we have a ton of them in my basement

i hate knives! they are so scary. i always think that i'm somehow going to get accidently stabbed.

i hate needles! omg. OUCH! i freak out when i have to have blood tests or anything. they hurt so bad and yuck!

i hate annoying people! grrr.. they just annoy me and say the stupidest stuff!

i hate school! most of it is pointless stuff that we are never going to use in real life

i hate the "n" word! oh it just bugs me and it's SO disrespectful!

i hate clowns! they just scare me. what kind of sick/screwed up person would want to dress up as a clown and blow up balloons for a job?! that's just wrong.

i hate stupid bitches! they think the are SO tough and talk SO much shit but then when you ask them about it they will deny it and back away.

i hate my brother! (most of the time) he is so annoying. thinks he is so cool even though he doesn't have any friends. and he is so mean to me when i don't ever ever ever talk to him.
