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you know your from Indiana when...

...your idea of a traffic jam is 10 cars in line on the highway waiting to pass a tractor measure distance in minutes have, or you know someone who has hit a deer

...your school classes were cancelled because of the heat

...your school classes were cancelled because of the cold know what 'knee high be the 4th of July' means

...the big question is I.U. or Purdue

...the 'g' is silent in any word ending in 'ing'

...stores don't have bags, they have sacks know how to spell and pronounce Terre Haute end your sentences with unnecessary prepositions for example: 'where's my coat at?' or 'if I go to town do you want to go with?'

...some people wear shorts and flip flops year round

...all the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, or animal've never met any celebrities've had to switch from heat to a/c in the same day see a car running in the parking lot with no one in it no matter what time of the year it is say catty-cornered install security lights on your house and garage but leave both unlocked carry jumper cables in your car celebrate the Indy500 like it is a major holiday go to an open parking lot to hang out

...down south means Kentucky was your 1st job

...all you ever see are corn or soy bean fields

...when asked about a trip to a foreign place you say, 'it was different.' don't have a southern accent but still say: warsh, poosh, crayun, and rinch

...every Notre Dame and Purdue football game is a huge deal know what 'cow tipping' is

...the closest half decent mall is at least a half hour away think everyone from a bigger city has an accent

...the local paper covers national and international headlines on one page but requires 6 pages for the sports section know all the country songs on the radio know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, hotter than hell, and construction understand and know that all of these things are true! haha
