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  • give yourself a gold star for something good you did
  • ask somebody if their refrigerator is running (haha)
  • dot your i's with smiley faces or hearts
  • read the comics & throw the rest of the paper away
  • get a milk mustache
  • blow the wrapper off the straw
  • believe in fairy tales
  • sing into your hairbrush
  • do cartwheels
  • dunk your cookies in milk
  • finger-paint
  • talk to your invisible friend
  • wear pajamas with the feet in them
  • color in a coloring book
  • kiss a frog... just incase
  • eat ice cream for breakfast
  • play with your food
  • refuse to eat the crust of your bread
  • don't step on the sidewalk cracks (or you might break your mother's back)
  • play a game where you make up the rules as you go along
  • ask "why?" after everything someone says
  • eat dessert before your meal
  • have a staring contest
  • find some pretty stones and save them
  • whatever you are doing, stop once in a while for recess
  • refuse to back down from a "did too!" vs "did not!" argument
  • change into 'play clothes'
  • make a smiley face with your bacon and eggs
  • ride the same roller coaster over and over again
  • skip stones
  • eat just the chocolate stripe out of the Neapolitan ice cream
  • giggle at nude statues in a museum
  • make a face the next time someone tells you no
  • eat a graham cracker and frosting sandwich
  • say "duh" when stuff is obvious
  • squish mud between your toes
  • go to the zoo
  • I see London, I see France, I see so-and-so's underpants!
  • eat lots of candy
  • have someone read you a story
  • catch lightning bugs and put them in a jar
  • stay up past your bedtime
  • stir ice cream falvors together
  • pu way too much sugar on your cereal
  • sneak some frosting off of the cake
  • jump in a big puddle
  • play on a playground
  • hide the food that you don't like under your napkin
  • put the orange peel in your mouth, peel side out, and smile at people
  • run through the sprinkler with your clothes on
  • make the slurpy sound with your straw
  • stick your tongue out and sing 'nah nah nah nah nah nah' to the bullies
  • do the 'see ya later alligator' 'after while crocadile' thing
  • throw something, and when it lands make a cool exploding noise
  • walk barefoot in wet grass
  • eat food with your fingers
  • ask someone if they like 'see-food'
  • eat dinner at the coffee table
  • giggle a lot for no reason
