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My Miltonic Description of Hell

Tis a very dark, Spacious, hot place
Which resemble's a Classroom and Ms.
Lines is standing Font and center,
She is standing on a Podium
In the middle of a small, Blood fill'd
Lake that has Spiders crawling from the
Depths of it; I am surround'd
By stupid people that keep asking me
Dumb Questions, and by Annoying
People that won't shut up. There are also
Many other Humans, some are walking
Around with large knives and others
Are randomly grabbing and cutting
Other's Ankles; everyone around me
Is eating healthly and I cannot
find junk Food anywhere; Then out of
No where I spot my Three least favorite
People: Dr. Pate, my Dentist, Luke, my
Brother, and someone else who I
cannot mention, they all start to
Come clos'r and I cannot get
Away from them no matt'r what I try.
Oh yes, I am most definitely in Hell!

Ok, I wrote this in Etymology class. It's written all weird
because we had to write in Miltonic Description. Which means you
have to... capitalize some nouns, use lots lots of adjectives,
write as long as sentences as possible, and have 25 lines.
And I got a 46/50 on it because I forgot to draw a picture to
go along with it. Oh well!
