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what time is it?

your name?

where are you from?

email address?



favorite movie?

say something funny.

favorite color?

did you like my site?

tell me a secret. (i won't tell anyone)

tell me your thoughts on... abortion.

any pets?

how about siblings?

have you ever been in trouble with the law?

if yes.. tell me about it.

name a good song for me to download

what do you honestly think about my site?

where will you be in 10 years?

a website that you want me to go to (besides yours silly)

what is your dream car?

what is your favorite animal?

what is your favorite kind of pop?

day or night?!

if you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you take w/ you?

what's your favorite tv show?

pepsi or coke?

what is the weather like where you live? thanx natalie!

another question for me to ask you

do you want me to reply back to you?

so wasn't that fun?!

yeah... i thought so.

thanks for coming to my site & filling this out!

bye! ttyl

what time is it now?
