2-27-03 ... 10:14pm
1 new member!
2-5-03 ... 7:18pm
added 1 new member!!!!
1-20-03 ... 8:03pm
added 1 new member!! and i submitted this site to a bunch of web directories so hopefully i will get accepted! haha
1-3-03 ... 2:18am
added 5 new codes!!!!
12-22-02 ... 2:09pm
ok yeah yeah sorry no new updates... but i cleared up some of the listed @ page b/c some of the directories are down so i took off the links. and right now i am looking for more directories to try to get added to.. i really!! need more members!!!
12-17-02 ... 9:26pm
i added my 2nd member! yay! haha. it was bryan. so go check out his site! have fun...
12-16-02 ... 4:02pm
1st member added!!! yay! haha other than that i haven't really done too much.. just still trying to get word out. so do your best & help me out! haha thank ya much!
12-10-02 ... 8:26pm
ok still no new members i guess i need to get workin on that but i'm trying my best. *good news... i was accepted for the dreamer directory! yay! :)
12-9-02 ... 4:56pm
OFFICIALLY OPENED!! yay! now i just have to work on getting some memebers... im trying my best to get word around! so if your reading this... plz help me some too! thank ya much! have fun.. and i really hope that you like it!
12-7-02 ... 4:12pm
not "officially" opened yet. but i added 2 more codes. should be opened VERY soon!

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