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Grief is the natural response to the loss of a loved one, and yet
remains the most misunderstood human emotion of all. How often have you heard
people speak about a person who is grieving "He or she is holding up well".
All this means is the person grieving is showing no outward sign of loss
because we as humans don't want them to, we don't understand and we cannot cope
with sharing grief with another.
If you would like private and personal
support please email
Welcome to the Grief and Loss Online Community Centre.
Enter here to join GRIEF GROUP
.You will find loving support by sharing your feelings with others through
email and the Grief Group chat room.
The loss of a loved one is the greatest loss of all, and
as the days pass you may be filled with feelings of emptiness and despair, anger
and depression, lonliness and insecurity.
If you are facing your grief alone or friends and family don't understand
we want to be with you. Write your feelings down, let your emotions go and feel
free to express everything the way you want. You are the most important person
and we want to help you let the "healing" process begin.
Updated 3rd November 2004
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