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What is Included in The Reggaelution Band Web Site

"UPCOMING PERFORMANCES SUMMER 2005" "Driving on The Left Side"by Blackbird Productions ,an upcoming New Jamaican Play.We will be in this production as the House Band.Please visit the site.

Driving on The Left Side

Stephen's Talk House In The Hamptons"

"Listen to MP3 "Don't Give Up"



Bearing a wealth of experience bubbling enthusiasm and solid commitment to both the message and the music

      Bearing a wealth of experience bubbling enthusiasm and solid commitment to both the message and the music, the members of the aspiring reggae group, “REGGAELUTION”, are about to change the world.


Facing the challenge to entertain and inform through Love, Understanding, and Unity, REGGAELUTION, braces itself for worldwide impact


REGGAELUTION’s repertoire includes a CD entitled, “LOVE AFAIR”, and singles entitled, “SING A LITTLE SONG, on REGGAELUTION RECORDS, and “DON’T GIVE UP”.

The CD "Don't Give Up"


REGGAELUTION created it’s first video, “ROCK to REGGAELUTION”.

    The video, produced by Bill Brennen, has been aired on popular has been

Aired on popular cable networks such as BCAT and Caribbean Billboards.




The group was also featured in their debut movie, “AMERICAN LOVE STORY “, a ten –series documentary produced by JENNIFER FOLK and MTV Real Works. It was aired on American Playhouse, PBS Channel 13.

 Occasionally, its musical output is spiced with cover versions of solid gold hits.

Delroy -Vocals

Yet, the group does enjoy writing it’s own music.


Songs on the CD address issues of Culture, Intimacy, Celebration and Thanksgiving. In these songs, the group is able to maintain the traditional Roots Reggae sound while embracing contemporary dance hall and other Caribbean forms.

“REGGAELUTION”-Not to be mistaken for Revolution—Simply means “The Unchanged Love Beat.” This love beats within our hearts, our minds, and out total being. It is the Love we have for our families, our communities, our world, and ourselves.

Yet some of us, regardless of who we are or what the circumstances are, have misplaced our love beat.  Therefore, we need a revived “love beat”. This love beat also gives birth to “Unconditional Love”. That is, love without condition; 

Pampy on "BASS"

The love that truly ties us together as One!


 REGGAELUTION  takes a firm stand with love for all, without condition. As we are in this new millennium, Reggaelution, through its pulsating Roots Reggae beats and conscious messages, invites you to be a part of our team in encouraging and spreading the “LOVE BEAT”, worldwide. What is at stake is the one perfect love at its Highest form, for all of US!


The Awakening Band are the Organizors of This Series Of Musical Events around The Greater New York City Area

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To Set Up a Booking and Contact us:

Aljam Smith

577 Decatur Street

Brooklyn, New York 11233




© Copyright 2002, Tony Rankin Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Tony Rankin® is a registered trademark of Tony Rankin International.

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The Liv I Culture Shop 347 Myrtle Ave
Tony Rankin Media Web Site and Link Page
DIA Entertainment Web Site
Liv-I-Culture Band Web Site
Easy Star Records Web Site
Reggae Big in Alaska KNBA Radio
New World Beat Band Web Site
Meet Pampie our Bass Player
Meet Delroy Campbell
Meet AL Smith
Meet Our Drummer Linden
Meet Derrick Keba Grandville
Meet Tony Rankin
Meet Emi Yabuno Pianist Extraordinaire
