August 6th, 2003
Hello All... because apparently there is an all. Although I haven't updated in almost a year, there are a few amazing people that come to this website every day... or at least, that is what the elusive "counter statistics" tell me. So thank you to those loyal readers. Unfortunately, I have no story updates. This last year was an amazing one for me in terms of growing artistically, and I have expanded my musical horizons, as well as my writing ones... plus I am going to university in the fall, where I won't have time to do the work I have to do, nevermind write for fun. However, I want to continue to share my fandom with the wonderful Internet folk who have treated me so well, and so I posted some of my current favourite poetry for y'all. And the summer nothings have overtaken you, why not check out my selected playlist... choicecut!
Ya know, it's funny. I've been following Hanson's comeback slightly, with some interest recently... but I find that I'm totally not interested in the boys' personal lives, only in the music... and I'm really not pretending now. I had a dream about them last night, and it was odd, because it hasn't happened for years... in my dream we interacted differently than I'd ever dreamt we had before... we were all more mature, speaking to each other like adults or something. Anyway, that got me thinking about this webpage, and I thought I'd give you all a shout-out. :)
You can read by sentimental explanation as to why I'm leaving by clicking here: READ MY SENTIMENTAL GOODBYE NOTE!!! Also, if you know me at all, or if you signed my guestbook, or just took a second out of your day to make me smile, I probably thanked you at the bottom of my sentimental goodbye note.
Unfortunately my yahoo!group was deleted. If you want to get in touch with me...My name is Jane. What's yours? You can e-mail me by clicking here: WHERE'S THE LOVE?
I am super proud of myself for figuring out this whole guestbook deal, although everyone's entries get cut off at a certain point. The guestbook has been a continuous place of encouragement and inspiration, so I'm going to leave it up. Sign it by clicking here:WORDS ARE POWERFUL, DAMMIT or see what the coolest people in the world have said by clicking here:
I am a lover of words, so I've decided to keep my favourite snippets pages that I've collected in the last few months. Click here for:
See my name in lights at:
and even at:
I Need Music
I love this many people: