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To: South Coast CPCU Chapter

As your Governor, I placed an item at the National Board Meeting on April 27 to dissolve the South Coast Chapter. The attached memo is what I sent to the board. It is with a great deal of disappointment that this action had to be taken. I spent time talking with your current officers and there was a problem getting enough people to volunteer to run the chapter and to attend chapter meetings. The Board voted to disband the chapter and your current membership has been transferred to the Los Angeles Chapter for the remainder of this year.

Should anyone wish to discuss this with me, do not hesitate to give me a call. I can be reached at 310-212-0363 extension 2620. My e-mail address is I would welcome any comments you may have. I do hope to see you at a Los Angeles CPCU Chapter meeting soon.

Mary King, CPCU

CPCU Society Western Regional Governor


  April 20
  Minutes - Vote was 4 to 1 to disband our chapter. 

Probable merger with Los Angeles Chapter.  Joe Pecot to check on details and procedures. We will  transfer the Treasury to L.A. Chapter.  If any PAID members want to transfer to another chapter, let us know and a pro-rata portion of the Treasury will be sent there.  Steve will see that the Website remains up indefinitely, even if it carries advertising.  We can certainly meet at Alpine Village for carpooling.


Discuss the future of the Chapter:  Merging, Disbanding ?  Do we have anyone willing to step up to the plate and be an Officer for 6/2005 - 2006?

View Agenda - Comments? Additions?  Etc?


Los Angeles Chapter March Newsletter 

  May 18th
  June 15
  Tentative - Kenna S.  College Professor will speak on her struggle with Alcoholism and how she went from an 8th Grade Education to become a College Professor.


  July 20
  How to return to a more civilized society


  August 17
  Relationship Building


  September 21
  Feng Shui for your office


  October 19
  Tax Planning


  November 16
  Customer Service


  December 14 or 21
  Toberman Food Drive & Speaker
  Karen Oxman - Covenant's not to compete  - Power Point
  Get PowerPoint Viewer 1 CE Credit Pending



Location - Time 25th Party Education Links Members Officers Speakers Bureau Good Works Awards Careers Agenda 7/21/04 Past Events History Regional Site Map


CPCU - Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters

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