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"Human beings are the most advanced form of life on this planet but they have one fatal flaw."
Yesterday you were married to Rachel. Our gift to you wasn't up to much, best we could do at the time, but soon you will receive something far more important. You will receive a letter from me which contains advice on how to raise your children. It doesn't sound very exciting but it's the greatest gift I can give.

When you decide to start your own family, if you take notice of what I've written, you and Rachel will enjoy the fruits of good parenting. As your children grow up you will notice how much happier, peaceful and contented they are when compared to their friends who have been raised in the traditional manner, with lots and lots of "good old fashioned discipline!"

Rob, you may or may not be aware of this because you are not a vain or conceited man. But you have turned out different to the average moron. You have never felt the need to brag about your achievements or perceived achievements. You don't drive like a lunatic. You're certainly not a wimp or a goody-goody but you have never felt the need to drink alcohol or smoke dope or even cigarettes.

You are a quietly confident person, a friendly, good natured person who everybody takes an instant liking to. You have no enemies. You are gainfully employed, you don't gamble your money, in fact you manage your finances sensibly. Don't get too big-headed but you are the sort of sprog most parents hope for!

In a way you were a bit of a gamble. Just about everybody advised your mother and me that we were raising you incorrectly. According to them you would grow up a "wus", a "spoilt brat" and even a "monster". You have proved them all wrong. Several of their children do now fit those descriptions, in fact I could include such words as alcoholic, thug and criminal.

When I've finished writing this letter to you I intend publishing it in book form so that other children may benefit from the advice it contains. It's all part of my R.O.C.K. (Reach Out to Children with Kindness) initiative. Bear that in mind when reading it because there are times when I appear to contradict myself, for example, "do as I say but ignore advice from relatives..."

I wish to make it clear to you and to everyone who takes the trouble to read this that I am not trying to boast or put tickets on myself, or on mum, or on you. So if parts of the book appear to be self-congratulatory it is purely and simply to show that this method of child rearing works. Phillip, your step-father, played a crucial role in your upbringing and despite some initial problems we were fortunate that his methods and attitudes were basicaly similar to ours.

The purpose of this blurb is to make life happier for children. Towards that end I have to show how successful we were with you.

Read on...

Note: Religious victims may prefer to skip the remainder of this chapter
because it speaks the truth about the religious condition.

G'day Rob, here is the letter I threatened to write! Take time off from 'Aussie Rules' to read what your father has written. He may not be a complete dickhead after-all!

Have you ever wondered why the world is so screwed up? You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. It's because people are screwed up. And why are people screwed up? Because their parents screwed them up. Simple, eh! Why is there so much bigotry? Why is there so much hatred? Why is there so much violence? Why are there so many wars? For the answers – see above.

Human beings are the most advanced form of life on this planet but they have one fatal flaw; one major deadly defect in their make up. No matter how intelligent, how educated or how sophisticated – one massive, deadly defect. It's this: Human beings can't think clearly. By "clearly", I mean free of mental garbage.

Human beings are the sum total of everything they've experienced to date, particularly those things which they experienced during their formative years – from birth until seven. They are the result of pain, sadness, fear, terror, loneliness, desolation and hunger – the hunger to be loved and appreciated. On top of that, they are the result of poisonous brainwashing.

Let's look at our own, Judeao/Christian, Anglo/Saxon culture. The Old Testament warns, "Spare the rod and spoil the child", so billions of parents over a 3,000 year period have beaten their children senseless because the bible encourages the violent abuse of children. Rarely – very rarely – does a parent question the validity of that obscene instruction in the bible. If the bible told parents to burn their children with a red-hot poker, millions of parents would obey. Why? Because they've been instructed to do so by a book which they've been told is the "Word of God".

"Where physical affection is encouraged, theft, organized religion and invidious displays of wealth are inconspicuous. Where infants are physically punished, there tends to be slavery, frequent killing, torturing and mutilation of enemies, a devotion to the inferiority of women, and a belief in one or more supernatural beings who intervene in daily life." More info
Scientist, Carl Sagan (Cosmos)

Let me tell you something about religion, and then I'll change the subject. Let's assume that for one moment there is such a thing as a "God" – a creator of the universe. Do you suppose that such a creator would take sides and favour one race over another? Having created all life forms on this planet, would the creator tell Jews to slaughter gentiles? Does that make any sense to you? Doesn't that sound more like the sort of thing a warlike human being would write? Like, "We are the chosen people – slaughter the enemy!"

If there is such a thing as a universal creator, no one thus far has been intelligent enough to figure out what form it takes. Even Albert Einstein was content to leave the subject a mystery. And yet men with a tiny fraction of Einstein's intelligence claim to have the answers. They don't. Any man who tells you that he communicates with "God", and endeavours to convince you that he is privy to "God's divine plan for mankind" is lying through his teeth.

Think about it - engage your brain - we're talking here about the creator of the entire universe. Billions and billions and billions of stars and planets. Is it likely that the universal creator would send a messenger - s'cuse me, his son! – to Earth to warn us against fornication? I mean, does this builder of universes keep a data-base of who sleeps with who? "Who's been a naughty boy then... woke up in the wrong bed - sorry - that's eternal damnation for you..." If that sounds a bit Monty Pythonish it's because the bible is as stupid as the silliest episode of Monty Python.

Think about the scientific implications of a universal creator and you'll realise how absurd all holy books are. Millions of words written by ignorant men who haven't a clue about anything. Except perhaps how to manipulate people.

Hitting children for perceived wrong doings is the "normal" way of doing things. Normal, but not natural. It's normal in the sense that it's normal for Filipino Catholics to march through the streets of Manilla flagellating themselves until they bleed. However, it's not natural for human beings to behave in such a perverted manner.

Likewise, it's not natural for animals to torture their young. Occasionally a monkey will flare up and chase a mischievous youngster away, but nowhere in the animal kingdom will you find parents applying systematic, on-going, brutal punishment to their offspring. Only humans do that, particularly Jews and Christians. I am absolutely convinced that this perversion of human nature sheets straight back to the bible.

"He that spareth the rod hateth his son...let not thy soul spare for his crying...Withhold not correction from the child...Thou shalt beat him with the rod and shalt deliver his soul from hell."
Proverbs 13:24, 19:18, 23:14

Those few words are all the excuse some parents need for beating their children with canes, straps, leather belts, jug cords and whips. If ever they should be troubled by a whiff of concience upon seeing the bruises and the welts such punishment inflicts, they can always fall back on 'The Good Book' and what it says. 'The Good Book' says it's OK so it must be OK.

Whenever there's a dispute in any country about the rights or wrongs of corporal punishment you will notice that – every time a coconut – it is the christian schools which refuse to stop hitting children. They rightly claim that the bible gives them permission. They conveniently overlook the fact that the bible also instructs them stone to death anyone who works on a Saturday. The bible also insists on death to adults who commit a whole range range of sins which offend the "Lord". But these loathesome bullies select one paragraph which applies to children because children are tiny and defenceless and they can't hit back! Throw a rock at a man for cleaning his car on the sabbath and you're likely to get a smack in the eye. Belt a child for spilling his porridge and you're safe.

"People are selective. You don't abuse people who are a foot bigger than you because they'd knock you out. You abuse children because it's safe."
Dr Phil McGraw (guest speaker – Oprah Winfrey)

Until recent years there were few laws protecting children against the most abominable cruelty. The sort of violent child abuse you still hear about nowadays – horrible enough to send shudders of disbelief through civilised people – were common-place and acceptable just fifty years ago.

When I was six or seven I witnessed boys in my age group, attending school with black eyes and bruised bodies and no one said or did a thing about it. Why? Because it was a parents' right to "chastise" their child. In the news recently there have been several examples of teachers at christian boarding schools - 40/50 years ago – beating their pupils to within an inch of their lives. Once again, no one said or did a thing about it because it was a parents' – or guardians' – right to chastise their child. Do I need to remind you where that "right" came from?

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