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Dawn sits at her baby shower opening the wonderful gifts all her friends and family gave her. Here she shows an outfit that someone gave her.

Pamela, a life long close and personal friend of Dawn's, helps her keep everything in order of who gave what.

In the hospital, only hours old, I proudly hold our joyful gift from God.

Sydney Marie Martin, born Tuesday, December 17th, 2002 at 20:55 (8:55 pm), at a weight of 7 lb. 7 oz..

Dawn, Sydney, and I take our first family photo as Dawn rests in the hospital.

One week after Sydney was born, she met her Great Grandpa at a Christmas get together on December 24th. He was overwhelmed with joy to see her.

Her Great Grandma also got in on the action of spoiling her. The spirit of Christmas was a little more joyful this year for everyone.

Ann Yandle, Pamelas mother and adopted grandmother, holds Sydney at a visit to Pamelas house. I think her motherly instincts are starting to come back to her.

Sharon Russell, Pamelas sister, takes her turn in the "pass the baby game".

Resting quietly with her passie and teddy, Sydney gets ready do the hardest thing a baby can do, take a nap.