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Hey hey hey! It's Chubs McGavin here once again. I'm here to express the Fatboys thoughts about the government ,F.B.I. ,C.I.A. those damn feds! They have been watching and taping into the Fatboys conversations for years! Anything the Fatboys do there will be a song about it or a movie out in the next week or two. Or for EX. Tubs and I will be sitting on a park bench, eating(of cours) and what will the latest movie be aboot?....... Two friends sitting on a park bench! And u know whats it's gonna be called? Two Friend Eating At a Park. Those damn feds!
"Hey Juicy , we should have an ice cream parlor around here".... 3 days later, "hey look a new ice cream parlor!" i know what ur thinkin. But then u walk in the store... 10$ for an ice cream cone? RIPP OFF!!!!! Those damn feds! well I got to go . (They're watching me type) later dayz , fatboy out.
Chubby McGavin

Hey hey hey. This is Tubs McGee, givin his 2 bits on the goverment. It not only stinks, it smells. I'll have to agree with my man Chubs when i say "damn feds". But my man Chubs failed to include the Mlb into the conspiracy. They are the worst for plagarism. DAMN YOU MARK MCGUIRE! DAMN YOU! MARK!!! I have to type in this font becuase they watch us. i think they're watchin... OH MY GOD!!!AHHHH!