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Finn's Latest



9th of September 2002.

Wow the time has flown by, Finn is now 21 months old. He has fully caught up to both his corrected age (19 months, remember Finn and Bree were born 8 weeks early) and his actual age, which is great news! Generally prem kids catch up by the time they are 24 months old.

Finn is still a great little boy. He started walking at 13 months and is now running.

At the moment Finn is 11kgs and is around 86cms tall. Still a tall skinny.

The only real health concern Finn has had was that at his 15 month check up he still had a heart murmur. He was found to have one in NICU but they thought it would be gone by a year. So Finn had a full heart work up at GreenLane Hospital and it is still an innocent heart murmur which may or may not resolve with time, but that it wont affect Finn at all in the future, phew!

From now on I will do monthly updates and include them here for Finn.

9th of October 2002.

Well it's been a huge month with Finn, starting at Creche (2 half days a week) and also Gymnastics (60 mins once a week). Finn comes home from creche in his "change of clothes" as they just can't seem to stop him from jumping into the water trough outside. The water trough is used for sailing boats and just general water play but Mr Finn insists on jumping on in there everytime, LOL.

So now Finn is also going to swimming lessons which surprise, surprise he LOVES! He loves to go under the water and also to stand at the side of the pool and jump into our arms.

Finn spent the whole day out sailing on Sat and for the first time in ages actually went to sleep in his bunk, wohoo we have progress.

Finn's MAJOR accomplishment this month is that now he no longer uses the pacifier (dummy, binky)in his crib/cot and it was really easy to get him off it. For the first night Dean chopped half of it off, then chopped some more off the next day as Finn was still managing to suck on it. So then we just threw it in the bin heard a bit of crying and hey presto a week now free of paccis, yayyy.

Told you it's been a huge month!

9th of December 2002.

Today is Finn and Bree's 2nd birthday!! We have organized a birthday party for them at home of close friends and family. The theme is "Bues Clues."

The party was a roaring success and Finn loved all his friends and family visiting and the great presents that he received.

Finn's swimming, gymnastics and creche are all still going fantastically. He loves our Christmas Tree, but we do need to keep a close eye on him as he's fond of throwing the Christmas Tree balls off the deck! Or, whoops, at our cat!!

9th of January 2003.

What an amazing Christmas Finn has had!! I think one of his best presents was his Nana and Grandad coming to stay with us. They flew over from Melbourne to spend 3 weeks in New Zealand. Finn didn't really remember his Grandparents but it only took a day or so and you couldn't tear him apart, just like old days. We had a lovely Christmas brunch at our place for friends and family, then we all went to the beach, then home for a very laid back dinner.

Finn loves going for "walkies" He will come up and grab your hand and say "walkies? Walkies?" as he tries to pull you off the chair. So off we go around the block. Finn's actually very good and never goes onto the road, but he does have to stop at every parked car and try the handle, uh oh!

Finn also loves the beach and every morning is spent at the beach playing in the sand and sea.

Poor Finn is having a very hard time at the moment with his teeth, his 2nd year molars are coming through and it's driving him nuts :-( Hopefully they'll all be through soon and Finn can resume back to his lovely sunny self.