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*Shout Outs*

The girls in the AC: Damn, I miss you girls! It's a little lonely by myself out here @ Marquette cuz I have no one else who knows my ways and who is willing to wreak havoc with me, no questions asked! Chaos reigned supreme in San Diego! The arbor's now gone, but long live the memories. We'll always be the one and only, the first and the last Arbor Crew. If you guys forget everything we've ever learned during our time at OLP, always remember this: BENCHES ARE FOR PEOPLE, NOT FOR BACKPACKS!

Eric: Hey baby, I miss you so much. There isn't a second that goes by that I don't think about you and what you mean to me. You're not only my bf, but my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you with all my heart. Take care of Teddy E for me. Snowflake misses you, too. I'll always be your beachbunny.

Jas (aka Sugar): OMG!!! Dwyane Wade's leaving Marquette!!! Who else am I gonna talk sports talk with? Battle of the MU's...Marquette kicked some Missouri ass...sorry! lol You better visit me sometime out here in Wisconsin!!!

Janisse: Azn Pride...what what?!?!?! Oh gag me, puh-leaze!!! Just for heaven's sake... i THiNK i WiLL TYPe LiKe THiS JuST FoR You! LOL... Warped Tour was wicked pissa, huh? Hella tight!

John: Miss OLP sucked, but I still had fun. SHPS...eww...

Steve: Remember the "Hunting" chat room? Ahhh... that was hilarious! Fort Bewbs...Chick-Fila (Stop making me hungry!) with super cool roommates (hahahaha)...DLing music...venting about girls, boys, cars, tapestries, and just life in general...and you still gotta send me a blanket!

Darcy: Darce! Alex! My San Diego buddies!! Damn, don't we miss the West Coast? Visit me here in WI and I'll visit you guys in Indiana! Hope you two are having fun there! Darce, thanks for being one of the bestus friends any girl could possibly have. I love ya!

Peter: Dude, we need to get a life. Anyway, "I'm a lefty" doesn't cut it all the time, ya know. Yay for single sex Catholic high schools in California!

To the girls on McCormick's 2 East: Thanks for the memories girls. I'll never forget the good times (and bad) that we've had living together and adjusting to new life in college. From the parties to the fights to the late night drama to the late night's all been unbelievable. I'm gonna miss everyone next year when we all split up to go to different dorms, but I'll definitely see ya'll around campus. Go Marquette!