Welcome to The Beautiful Black Sites Coalition. The BBSC is the Mecca for black Web Sites. We have links to black sites having to deal with music modeling, fashion, urban life and black beach events. If there something your looking for we are sure to have it and if we don't have it, shame on us, recommend it to us. We're growing daily by your referrals and our hard work. Were striving to have the most interactive site and the largest directory of quality black websites.
To be added to the BBSC Mailing List enter your Name & E-Mail address and click GO.
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Webmasters, have your site listed in the BBSC directory. You'll be sure to get and give more hits. It's like one hand feeding the other. If your site is not here fill out this form or E-mail us. And if you're a webmaster that already has your site listed with us, I'm sure that you're benefiting from it. Displaying a BBSC banner on your site really increases your hits and so does submitting your site into our directory. Whether your site is music or fashion related it will be seen! And now the BBSC has a special section for personal sites.
Honey of the Week is an ongoing promotion of this site to showcase beautiful black women on the Internet. Honey of the Week is selected and updated every week by the Webmaster. To be considered for Honey of the Week fill out this form or E-mail us your Name, Location and picture(s).
Calendar of Events is an ongoing log of black event happenings on and off the Internet. The idea behind this is to keep us informed on everything we do. We list everything on our calendar. Just let us know what's going on. To have your event listed E-mail us.
Forum the BBSC forum is the hot spot for anything that's on your mind. Talk about burning issues and hot topics. Just enter or forum and get ready to debate. You can add to existing topics or start your own. Click to go to forum.
BBSC Model Folios is a place for all models and photographers to display their work to be seen. Access this section by clicking here and if you are a model or photographer interested in getting a model folio click here.
Guestbook - We would appreciate all questions, comments or concerns in our Guestbook.
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* Beautiful People Sites (11)
(NoirMag, Hotshotz, Dime University)
* Directories (8)
(Black Girl, AfroCentral, Phat Linkz)
* Fan Sites (11)
(Queens House, Tribute to 2Pac, Jigga World)
* Freak Nik/ Beach Week Sites (15)
(Blaquebike.com, Greekfest, Kappa Beach Fest)
* Personal Sites (13)
(Reeses, BLKVOLCANO, Fam Pages)
* Modeling/ Fashion Sites (25)
(BlaqueImage.net, Black Cuties, Black Men in America)
* Models' & Photographers' Sites (74)
(Images by Ottley, Almond Summers, Rah Models)
* Music Sites (40)
(Cypha, Rapsheet, Kamal 2000)
* Urban Sites (39)
(UrbanIsh, Attraction Mag, Team Omni)
* Yahoo! Clubs (0)
(Samantha Inc, Black Models 2 Club, Strictly Vickie)