OK, I am back for another millenium! In the year of 2001 I'll try to make some updates on my page and get you local news on the greatest R&B/Soul group of all time Dru Hill. Thanx for visiting my website and please hit me up with an e-mail if you can!
First off I would like to apologize to everyone for leaving my website for so long. Secondly, I would like to say that it is time to celebrate because there is a larger chance that Dru Hill will be bringing out a new album in the year of 2001. We see proof of this not only by a statement made by Sisqo himself but also by the appearance of a track from DRU HILL on the latest album by Sisqo. (Return Of Dragon) The track is Without You. Keep Dru Hill in your prayers because I know you all have been waiting like me for the next album to drop! The deprivation is killing me!!!
-Thanx, and have fun!