Respec an Disrespec Page
Dis page ere is 4 hoo i is wanting 2 give a big up 2 an also hoo i is wanting 2 dissappear fro da face of de earth or sumfin. everyfing here deserves 2 be here so i is makin no apologies 4 any1 offended by dese lists. NE more suggestions fer dis site, email em 2 me an i'll decide wever they're good nuff, if they is shit, they is not gettin looked at twice.
Big Respec
- Ali G - 4 bein totally original in his way of bein (unlike meself)
- Grant, Rob an Tim - 4 rebellin against da teachers in der website, nuff respec
- Steve Geall (team Animal/Orange mtb rider) - 4 bein da best british dirt jumper an givin dose yanks a kick up de arse, maximum respec
- Dirt Magazine - 4 bein possibly da best mtb mag on da planet
- Me local Tesco - 4 bein cool wiv our jump in dere carpark, not bulldozen it or nuffin, big up 2 ya
No Respec
- All IT an English Teachers - 4 bein the mos boring arseholes on da face of de earth
- Nicolas Anelka - 4 bein the worst striker eva an we gooners is well glad hes gone, moanin bastard
- Dat Tom Murray kid at school - 4 bein da most annoyin twat i hav eva known
- Dis twat hoo lives on da street i used 2 do me paper round on - 4 nearly runnin me over while i is walkin on de path an wen i is complainin 2 him, he tells me, 'well you shouldnt have been walking on the path in the first place.' WOT? well where the fuk AM i supposed 2 b walkin then cockhead? middle of the m1? hope u like ur tv advertiser nice n soggy, by that i mean after ive ran it through a puddle a couple uv times.
- Da creators of Pokemon - 4 takin up the telly before an after school wiv yer bloody cartoon about dose annoyin little animals u fight wiv
- Twats who fink dere funny - yeah they fink dere funny but they is actually jus big pricks hoo larf at dere own jokes. Yeah u know hoo im talkin about, u sad twats.
- Mountain Biker International magazine - 4 bein the biggest waste of paper on de planet an the most shite eva 2 call itself a magazine, not even fit to line me cat's litter tray
- Billie, Steps, Lollie, All Boybands, Spice Girls, Venga Boys an any uver Shite groups - 4 makin complete shite noise an then callin it music. THATS NOT MUSIC!!! I could make better music scratchin me arse wiv a toothpick
- Victoria an David Beckham - Vicky, U CANT SING ALRIGHT? SO DONT BOTHER TRYIN!! an get sumfin 2 eat aswell u twiglet. I know david wont be able 2 read dis cos he's only jus learnt 2 spell his name but ur a twat an i dunno y they want u 2 write an autobiography, u thick bastard
- Geri Halliwell - oh come on, u call that wailin singin? ur jus annoyin now, so piss off bak 2 da hole u crawled outta an SHUT THE FUK UP 4 GOD'S SAKE. y is it that the spice girls r so successful, yet only 2 of em can actually sing? scary, posh an ex-spice ginga can only shout down a mike, any crettin can do that an most can do it better than u 3!