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B2K Fans

Name: Taylor
Age: 14
Loc: Fl.
dear lilfizz I know were a little 2 young 2 get married but if just want a girlfriend hola at me and i would love to come and see you up in california i am so in love with you and if i could i would come up there to california right now but i can i can only send my love through email but know this you are my everything there is nothing in this world i wouldnt do for you sometimes i want to cry when i realize all the other girls out there in the world and how pretty they could be so why would you choose me but then i think it doesnt matter all that much i can still love you with all my heart well i gotta go p.s im getting jhenes new CD 4 sure

Name: Janae
Age: 16
I would like to say that I wish that B2k could come to Chattanooga, TN. I mean all sorts of super stars came down here, but I really wish that could come. Every girl down here in Chattnooga loves them. I remeber last month in Febuary, my friend brought a word up magazine to school of B2k. When everbody saw the magazine they just about ripped it up. B2k looked so sexy in those pics that girl after girl at our school try to steal the pics! I would also like to state that I love B2k but my favorite is Omarion. Yup Omari Gradberry. That's my baby. I want to meet him and the whole B2k crew. I really do. I just want them to come to Chattown, as we say down here, so everbody can enjoy the show, especially us ladies. Much love to all, especially my baby Omarion.

Name: Alish aka Thick Girl
Age: 15
i love B2K 2 death. I cry like everytime that i see them on t.v. cuz they're sooooooo foine!!!!!!!!!!!! holla back

Name: Lynesha aka NiNi
I Just want to say b2k inspires me and if I had someone to help me get in the business I'd take the oppurtunity. I hope that one day I'll be able to meet b2k and be right there with them that's my goal!!!

Name: Shay Johnson
Dear B2K,
Hi my name is Shatara and I went to see you when you did a concert at Rainbow in Chicago. Although I really didn't hear or see anything I really enjoyed wtching you guys do your thing. I even had two friends from Davenport,Iowa come here to Chicago to see you guys perform. We would just like to thank you guys for introducing us to your music and of course ya'll faces because all of ya'll are oh so fine. Anyway I hope you guys come back to Chicago soon because I'm already saving up to buy a ticket and hopefully a backstage pass.
Yours Truly, Shatara

Name: Wendy (CP-Fiya Gyrl)
Age: 14
Loc: U-City , Ga.
All I want to say is that I think all of the boys are down-to-earth and real and i like there uptempo beats and also how they talk about loving the girls and not calling them bitches and hoes and also they kind hearted nature. And I really like Omarion and Jboog cause it's just something about the look in they eyes that's mysterious. And I love RazB cute smile wit those adorable dimples and i like lil fizz witty rappin style so to B2k if u stay loyal to yourself I'll stay loyal to u and support ya'll til the end

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