Students will demonstrate capacity to give and understand directions in French and start thinking about the Poetry Slam project.
Overhead projector; transparency with vocabulary related to directions; transparency with map of city blocks with landmarks; blank overhead transparencies; handout copies of map of city blocks with landmarks. Give website address of The HipHop Circuit for them to start research for Poetry Slam.
Because this involves directions with terms such as left and right, make sure transparencies have clear key with arrows for left and right for students who might have difficulty with this. Let students volunteer to come up to the front during activity.
Have students go to Paris-cartes and look up several point A to point B directions that I will give them (ex: 8 Rue du Bac, Paris, to 130 Blvd St-Germain, Paris), print these out and turn them in for next week.
Reading map; working with left and right; attention to and comprehension of directions; writing directions; giving directions orally; online map research.
The main activity might take longer and may need a point system for the competitive side of it. Also, teacher might have to do first round in order to break the ice if there are no volunteers.