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The Man Behind the Mask

Welcome to the GWFriendslist Fan Fiction Archives.

The GWFriendslist was established in April 1999 to celebrate and discuss Guy Williams' portrayal of Diego de la Vega and Zorro.

From the beginning fan fiction was an important aspect of the list. The GWF has already produced three fanfiction books and numerous other selections of art, poetry, and short stories. We hope that you enjoy reading those which are on these pages.


All characters created by The Walt Disney Company are copyrighted by the Walt Disney Company. All characters and original art on this site are copyrighted by the individual writer/artist and may not be reproduced without express permission. All rights are reserved. <

Table of Contents

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Britt Lomond's long awaited book, "Chasing After Zorro" is available at last! Click on the picture for ordering information.

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