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Hi! Welcome to the Minnesota Chapter of Warming Families. We are part of a larger project, sponsored by One Heart Foundation and TheFamily.Com. Our goal is to get people, like you, to become involved with helping those in homeless shelters and domestic abuse shelters by creating and donating homemade blankets/afghans/quilts, warm clothing items and toys such as teddy bears. It's a tremendous challenge to provide as many shelters, as possible with warm blankets, but we feel we can make a significant difference with the help of local crafters. EVERY donation does make a difference.
My name is Jeanne Morgan and I am the Minnesota Volunteer Coordinator for this project. I act as a liaison between shelters and area volunteers by collecting donations and delivering them to Minnesota shelters. Currently I am delivering to local Twin Cities area shelters , but will be expanding to shelters throughout the state as donations increase.
How You Can Help.....
Contact Information....
Please e-mail me to find out where you can send donations or to ask any question you have about this project.
Finished blankets and other items can be shipped to me at any time. I will also be happy to pick up local donations whenever practical.
Come Back Soon! Please check out this website often. I will be adding updates, pictures, notices about special donation drives and more features as I become more skilled in Web Page Building.
Web Sites You Should Check Out
Warming Families National Web Site - Includes Free Pattern Links
Warming Families Press Release
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