Small Irish Crochet Doily
This is one of my first pieces. I designed it myself. Because the motifs themselves are freeform, it seemed to me a logical development to make a freeform doily, not symmetrical or round/oval. It measures roughly 3.25 x 3.25 inches and was worked in size 40 cotton thread (motifs) and size 60 (groundwork). .6 mm hook for the motifs, 75 mm hook for the groundork. Nov. 2003
"Old World Crochet" Cellphone Bag
The stitch is called "Old World Crochet" by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts (See her article in Spin-Off, Summer 2001), a variation of slip stitching in which only the front loop of the stitch in the previous row is picked up. It gives a lovely woven effect. Ridges are formed by working in the back loop of the stitch in the previous row. Worked in Fortissimo sock cotton with a 2 mm. hook.
Silk Kippah
I'll let Alfred Eberle himself tell you about the kippah:
"I made (and sent to Avital) the yarn from my own reeled silk, and most of the yarn was dyed with cochineal with an indigo overdye, making and eggplant color; the remainder was dyed with cochineal with an overdye of cutch which resulted in a bronzy red. The colors were so similar in value that this presented a design problem for Avital, who instead chose to compose a lovely, simple design, sort of an ikat effect, highlighting the very subtle contrast between the two colors. It's crocheted tight as a drum, not a single stitch out of place, and it's very fine as well. The kippah is one of those which is crocheted to hold its shape by itself, so tightly is it crocheted.
Anyone who can crochet like that *must* be in league with the devil! Wow..." (July 2001)
The hand-reeled silk was a challenge to crochet, because Alfred puts in more twist than any other spinner I know (he can turn Merino into razor wire!). I wound the butterflies onto paper quills and after that the yarn wasn't too difficult to handle. I used a 1 mm hook.
I was sent a dyed silk bell and spun it and plyed it. Then I crocheted this small bag, originally to hold my tatting shuttles. I decided that it was far too pretty, so I sewed a bag out of a scrap of velour for my shuttles. (Mar. 2001)
Leaf Collar
The pattern is from Vogue Knitting (strangely enough), Fall 1989, p.
47. I crocheted it years ago and I think it was done in Vog perle cotton
8 with a 1 mm. steel hook. I suspect that it was meant to be an imitation
of Bedfordshire bobbin lace, with all the trails and leaves.
Hairpin Lace Bonnet
This is my first attempt at hairpin lace. Jaggerspun Zephyr (50% wool, 50% silk) on a 30 mm. fork, my design.
I don't do many of these anymore! These are kippot (also known as yarmulkes) which are crocheted with a technique sometimes known as tapestry crochet. These two examples were made as part of a knitlist exchange. Now the menfolk in my family have to buy theirs at the shuq. You know what they say about the cobbler's children....
These are two kippot I made for my son. Please don't ask me for patterns. I made them up as I went along.

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