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Information on Bipolar and Other Mental Health Disorders


SAD: One Cause of the Holiday Blues:
Unfortunately, many individuals suffer from depression this time of year. If the holidays leave you feeling blue, you might want to take a look at this article.

Updated BPhoenix Free Online Games:
The games section of the BPhoenix website has been updated. If you are bored or looking for a lovely distraction, head over to the online games area and play some Tetris!

Dissociative Fugue:
Information on the symptoms and treatments of this dissociative disorder, including the diagnostic criteria.

New DVDs on Mental Illness:
New DVDs have been added to the BPhoenix website. More titles coming soon - please check back if you do not find what you are looking for.

Visitor Survey:
Please take a moment to fill out this survey so that I can make BPhoenix an even better place to visit. All answers will be confidential and no identifying information will be collected. Name and email address are optional.
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About 1 in 100 people suffer from some form of bipolar disorder, a rate comparable to that of schizophrenia but far lower than the incidence of major depression. Men and women are equally likely to develop bipolar disorder, and only about 1 in 3 people with the disorder receive any treatment. Sadly, about 1 in 5 people who remain untreated eventually commit suicide.

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Rising From the Ashes...

Phoenix (Mythology)

A legendary bird that lived in Arabia. The Phoenix consumed itself by fire every 500 years, and a new Phoenix sprang from its ashes. In ancient Egypt, the Phoenix represented the sun. Early Christian tradition adopted the phoenix as a symbol of immortality and resurrection. It is my belief that the phoenix symbolizes the repeated rebirth and reawakening of the bipolar person. Those with bipolar disorder may burn, but rise from the ashes stronger and more beautiful each time.


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This Site Updated 04/09/11