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Mr. Jens Kucharkowski now publishes a chess magazine dedicated to the Orang Utan chess opening!  The first issue is now available!  It focuses on the Kucharkowski-Meybohm gambit (1.b4 e5 2.Bb2 Bxb4 3.f4) and also features a fair amount of other Orang Utan variations.

The magazine consists of 40 pages of A5-format. There will be 3 issues a year : in July, November and March.

Price for a magazine :  2,50 EURO
Payment in another currency ($US for instance) is possible too, but contact
Jens Kucharkowski before!

To view details click on the pictures
56K 282K 74K


If you wish to send games please send them in PGN format.

If you want to obtain information on the magazine or you have any question regarding the thematic tournaments, you can contact Mr. Kucharkowski by email or by regular mail.

Jens Kucharkowski
Glockenstraße 6
D-09130 Chemnitz

Tel.: 0371-3311587


Mr. Kucharkowski also has thematic tournaments related to the Orang Utan opening.  Some of them are by mail, others are by email. Contact him for more details!

Thematic Variation Type
1.b4 e5 2.Bb2 Bxb4 3.f4 Postal
1.b4 e5 2.Bb2 Bxb4 3.f4 Email
1.b4 Postal
1.b4 Email

Top Home Email

Last updated 01-08-2003
Copyright Benoît St-Jean 2000-2003