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Nyx the Character | Mackenzie | Deidrra | Cavill

Welcome to my Den

Welcome to my home page. I'm sure you're wondering who I am. Well, most of my friends call me Nyx. Why Nyx? Because Nyx is the name of my trademark RPG character, because it's the pen name I've been using since the year 2000, because I think it's a damn cool name!

The fact that you're looking at this page can mean one of two things: a) You've found the link in my Yahoo! profile, or b) You're one of my friends that I gave my URL to. Either way, I much thankee for taking the time to view my little space on the web. First off, I'd like to thank my uncle for giving me this domain name! Hugs and kisses to him! If you're in need of a loan, take a peek at his site: Loans4U.

Height 5'7"
Eye Color Hazel
Hair Color Dark Brown
Okay, I'm pretty sure that you didn't take all that time to click a link to this page unless you wanted to know more about me, right? Of course I'm right! There's not really much to tell. I was born on May 31, 1982 in Southern California, and I still live in So. Cali. to date. I attended La Merced Elementary and Intermediate, nothing really special about that, or that I attended Montebello High School my froshman year. From my sophomore year until I graduated, I attended the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, where I majored in the Visual Arts. On top of painting and drawing, I also learned a bit of guitar (I alrady knew the flute and the piano).

Just before graduation, I got hired at the Disneyland Resort, where I worked for 2 years and a month in an attraction called Innoventions. In June of 2002, I quit and three months later got a job at Blockbuster Video, where I got fired August of 2003 because I got a better job at a mortgage company. There's really not much else to say about myself. Most of my personal updates are here.

Favorite Quotes:

"Remember: Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience" ~Gracie on her profile
"My cell phone must love sex. It doesn't work unless it's horizontal!" ~me while fighting with my cell phone
"for the love of the Goddess and all things holy! would it kill you to add that one extra keystroke? 'wht' is the abbreviation for the word
'white'! just add the freakin' 'a'!" ~the Spelling Cop in me rearing it's ugly head
"when in doubt remember that if ugly people like Lyle Lovett can get chicks like Julia CAN be fair" ~so sayth Gracie!
"Didn't no one tell you never to ask a lady her weight or age? Is the concept of Respect about to join it's kin, Chivalry,
in the bowels of extinction?" ~Me
"Hey,,here is something you will get a kick out of,,,the other day,, another person i chat with now and then ask if I would ever consider taking
her out on a date,,,I told her NO (I was being honset with her),,she said is there anyone you would go out on a date
with ,,I said ya,,My Tigress from Cali" ~My fav Tiger in NY
"Maybe one day I'll be worth something to you. But, until then, I'll be under my rock." ~Deadjournal member
"I'd much rather walk alone than let you leave me behind." ~Another DJ member

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