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MinakoAmp v1.0
CREATED: 5/10/98
  MinakoAmp v1.0 is my fourth winamp skin featuring Aino Minako-chan aka Sailor Venus! This is the first of a possible series of Sailor Moon skins to be made by me.
UsagiAmp v2.1
CREATED: 5/11/98 (6/28/99)
  The second of the Sailor Moon skins, UsagiAmp v2.1, this time featuring Tsukino Usagi-chan aka Sailor Moon and her cat Luna. Now Winamp 2.0+ compatible!

Click here to see full Winamp 2.0+ image
AmiAmp v1.2
CREATED: 5/24/98 (12/5/98)
  Here's the third of the Sailor Moon winamp skins with probably the most popular of the five inner senshi, Mizuno Ami-chan aka Sailor Mercury. AmiAmp v1.2 is updated with a new title font and added bubbles in the background.
ReiAMP v1.0
CREATED: 6/15/98
  A fourth Sailor Scout added to the Sailor Moon Winamp skins collection. The firey Rei, aka Sailor Mars, blazes on the face of ReiAMP v1.0.
MakoAMP v1.1
CREATED: 6/16/98 (12/5/98)
  The fifth and final Sailor Scout of the Inner Senshi now joins the rest with her own Winamp skin. MakoAMP v1.1 has the electrifying Makoto-chan, Sailor Jupiter, proudly on the front of it.
Mina2Amp v1.0
CREATED: 6/20/98
  Mina2Amp v1.0 is a second rendition of a skin featuring Mina-chan, Sailor Venus. This follows the styles of the above Ami, Rei and Mako skins.
Usa Amp v1.0
CREATED: 12/5/98
  The last of the Sailor Scouts, Sailor Moon herself, finally appears as her own skin of this type. Now the set of five Sailor Scout skins is all completed.
MichiruAmp v1.0
CREATED: 1/6/99
  This skin was done by request, in this case by a Sailor Neptune Fan. Here is Michiru Kaioh, one of the Outer Senshi fighting evil along with Sailor Moon and the Inner Senshi.
HarukaAmp v1.0
CREATED: 1/11/99
  Another Outer Senshi joins Sailor Neptune - here is Sailor Uranus, the companion planet to Neptune.
SetsunaAmp v1.0
CREATED: 1/12/99
  A third Outer Senshi, this time the planet Pluto, to accompany the rest. She's the older Sailor Pluto, keeper of Time.
HotaruAmp v1.0
CREATED: 1/12/99
  A last of the Outer Senshi, Sailor Saturn, another very popular character in the world of Sailor Moon.
SerenityAmp v1.0
CREATED: 10/20/98
  The picture SerenityAmp was made from was contributed by a visitor to this site who enjoyed my Sailor Moon skins. Well, here's a new one to add to the list. This has Usagi in full Moon Princess mode, drawn more stylistically by the original artist (as opposed to the anime style).
SM KissAmp v1.0
CREATED: 10/22/98
  I've been getting some really good pictures from this Sailor Moon Fan. Here's one of the pictures she's given me turned into a Winamp skin - a new addition to the "Romantic Anime Skins" featuring Mamoru and Usagi.
UsaMamoAmp v1.0
CREATED: 11/2/98
  The picture is the Sailor Moon Fan's favorite picture of the two main characters, Mamoru and Usagi, together. A fine addition to the "Romantic Anime Skins," bringing the total to five.
Rei-JediteAmp v1.0
CREATED: 7/3/99
  This image was sent to me by Jinni-chan. Here's her description of the picture: "The guy next to Rei is Jedite. Naoko made them a couple in the silver millenium." So there you have it: Rei and Jedite together on one skin.
Mina-KunziteAmp v1.0
CREATED: 4/24/00
  Michelle wrote to me, "Given that you did such a terrific job with the Rei and Jadeite couple, I was wondering if you could do the same one with Minako and Kunzite. I love this couple and I think you are the right person to emphasize their relationship." After reading that request, I couldn't it is! ^_^
Starfighter v1.0
CREATED: 9/19/01
  It's been a while since I made a Winamp skin. Returning back to the scene with three skins from the Sailor Stars series of Sailor Starfighter, Starhealer, and Starmaker.
Starmaker v1.0
CREATED: 9/19/01
  It's been a while since I made a Winamp skin. Returning back to the scene with three skins from the Sailor Stars series of Sailor Starfighter, Starhealer, and Starmaker.
Starhealer v1.0
CREATED: 9/19/01
  It's been a while since I made a Winamp skin. Returning back to the scene with three skins from the Sailor Stars series of Sailor Starfighter, Starhealer, and Starmaker.
Kou Seiya v1.0
CREATED: 9/19/01
  After watching the Sailor Stars series, I must be on a Sailor Starslights craze. Here's the three Starlights in their boy band form. Kou Seiya, Kou Taiki, and Kou Yaten.
Kou Taiki v1.0
CREATED: 9/19/01
  After watching the Sailor Stars series, I must be on a Sailor Starslights craze. Here's the three Starlights in their boy band form. Kou Seiya, Kou Taiki, and Kou Yaten.
Kou Yaten v1.0
CREATED: 9/19/01
  After watching the Sailor Stars series, I must be on a Sailor Starslights craze. Here's the three Starlights in their boy band form. Kou Seiya, Kou Taiki, and Kou Yaten.

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This Anime Skin Art site is owned by Daniel.

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