Pond Visits and Koi Forum
Good koi-keeping is the result of years of experience and knowledge gained by ones own observation and interaction with other koi-keepers. From my own observation from pond visits, there is no single correct way of keeping koi. While it is agreed that koi requires good water to thrive, the method of achieving this differs from ponder to ponder. Many filtration systems exist which differ in size, shape and media used. For koi ponds, the functions of mechanical and biological filtrations should be separated. The reasons being koi excretes a lot and their habitat consist of a large body of water. A large drum or barrel that combines mechanical and biological filtration is simply insufficient. It is best to have a multichamber filtration unit. The shape and design of the chambers may vary and the mechanical and biological media used may be different, the ultimate result should be good quality water suitable for koi to thrive. Designs that not only maximise filtration capacity but facilitate waste removal and media cleaning are preferable to those that requires frequent back-breaking chores of filter maintenance. Similarly the choice of mechanical media used should be that which does not require frequent flushing and cleaning, easy and light enough to be removed and yet act as an effective barrier for solids. Biological media should not only provide a large surface area for aerobic bacterial colonisation but at the same time prevent anaerobic build-up of debris and waste. Water flow and hence oxygenation through biomedia should be smooth and unobstructed.
Joining a Koi Forum is an excellent way of increasing ones knowledge in koi-keeping. Through participation in such forums, one is kept abreast of new developments in the hobby. Not only are problems solved but ideas and experiences are shared and friendships are forged. From hereon, there will be meetings, koi-buying trips, pond visits and lunches that even hardcore koi-keepers or koi “kichi”s would find hard to resist!
Andy's Pond
Kevin's Pond
Wan's Pond