Guillain Barre' Syndrome
(Acute Idiopathic Polyneuritis) |
Published on July 27, 2022
It is believed that up to 90% of computer users develop a condition called Computer Vision Syndrome after 2 hours of computer use which is caused by eye muscle fatigue. And 70 to 75% of those computer users will need computer glasses to relieve their eye fatigue symptoms.
Some of the major eye fatigue symptoms related to Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) are:
Computer glasses and reading eyeglasses are designed to reduce these eye fatigue symptoms. At Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region, they are offering a comprehensive model of care with experienced specialists, ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians.
Published on July 15, 2022
Myopia is a state in which a patient feels helpless to see perceptibly into distance. Sheer abruptness of eye lens causes this irritating disease but now it has become possible to overcome this eye condition through myopia treatment. Medical science has introduced diverse treatments to alleviate the agony of this malady like that of contact lenses, glasses, and eye surgery. A person suffers from this condition when his eyes do not calm down for a long period and keeps eye muscles constantly working without caring for the relaxation of muscles.
An eye specialist suggests lenses to make myopia patient clear his vision. Eye surgery is another treatment option that controls actual shape of your eye lens. Tensed human beings are easy victim for myopia, in such conditions natural method of correcting the vision of the patient proves supportive as an applicable treatment. For beneficial results from treatment, it is essential for the patient to become skilled at relaxing his mental nerves as well as his eye muscles.
You will find myopia treatment supportive to maintain the size of your eyeball by focusing on retina for light focus. This treatment enables you to know about its causes and methods of removing them. Exercises related to eye muscles have significant role to play for the treatment of this disease. Eyeglasses have become popular mode in the lives of affected individuals to overcome their nearsightedness but they do not guarantee you for satisfactory consequences because of their restricted range.
You can strengthen your eye muscles by indulging more and more activities without using your goggles. Holistic process to restore body and mind like that of eye yoga is an acknowledged treatment for myopia. Punctuality for remedy applications is the key factor that counts a lot in the recovery of nearsightedness. If you follow this specific and natural treatment, you should give up short distance actions like that of operating a computer to avoid myopia attacks.
When you intentionally adopt myopia treatment, it improves the level of eye relaxation with its componential access to zinc and vitamin A and E. While going through this treatment, you should excessively include beans, poultry, meat, seafood, almonds, orange, and broccoli in your food items. These foodstuffs make the treatment more influential than without these accessories. After this treatment, you feel amazing recovery and your myopia gradually steps to its dying stages.
You reduce your yearn for glasses as well as for lenses with myopia treatment. During this surgical therapy, a specialist removes a thin film of the corneal tissue to flatten light emission and enables you to see the things visibly. Through this comfortable treatment, you find your cornea reshaped to correct myopia. After consulting your eye specialist, you can select appropriate treatment of implanting suitable lenses. If you yourself control your close focusing habits like TV watching, you will feel excited to receive extraordinary results from recommended treatment. This cure makes your eyesight better than ever before simultaneously alleviating your requirements for glasses of contact lenses.
If you are looking for more tips about eye treatment? Check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region now!
Published on June 29, 2022
People are facing different types of eye related problems. The problem of shortsightedness is also very common in large number of problems. That problem has results in different eye related complications for the people. In the problems of contacts for nearsightedness people are using different remedies for removal of the problem such as use of different medicines, surgery in severe condition and the use of natural exercises or precautions. From all the remedies for contacts for nearsightedness, it is the discretion of the patients to select the remedy on the basis of their knowledge and mental satisfaction.
Eye is a very sensitive part of the body of the human being and it is possible to take the experimental risk on it. The selection of the right remedy during the problem of contacts for nearsightedness is very crucial for the better eye sight of the people. Most of the people have confused in selection of the procedure and prefer to remove the problem through the surgery process due to lake of knowledge. Now, the medical world has totally changed and you can take the facilitation through different medicines available in the market. However, in both the remedial techniques for contacts for nearsightedness, you cannot be able to save yourselves from side effects. To avoid the side effects people are shifting their mentality to the natural techniques which are more effective as well.
When people are unable to select the remedial measures during their problem of contacts for nearsightedness, they have to face the complications of the wrong remedy. It is recommended for the people to take the consultation from number of doctors regarding the best possible options before going to a remedy. In most of the situations, doctors prefer to remove the contacts for nearsightedness through surgery but the technique is not giving the hundred percent results. Most of the doctors are reluctant in giving the information of natural eye exercises.
Besides considering the efficiency of any remedy for contacts for nearsightedness people have to consider the side effects of the remedy as well. The option of exercise is an attractive one for the aware people and they are willing to complete the remedial measures with the help of natural exercises. During the problem of contacts for nearsightedness people have to prefer the natural exercises due to the following benefits available in the remedy.
Today, patients take an active role in their health care. Be an active patient about your eye care. Visit Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region to know more information about your eye care.
It may not be as sure as death and taxes, but most of us aging baby boomers will be hearing those four little words, ôyou need reading glassesö from your eye care physician. What has happened to your perfect vision? Even if you were used to wearing glasses, it still can happen. This natural loss of vision making it difficult to read is called presbyopia. It may be time for bifocals if you already have a vision problem, but what if you have never worn glasses and all of a sudden you find yourself with arms too short? Reading glasses are the solution for you. You may have seen some in the drug stores, you know, those funny little glasses hanging next to the counter. They have different magnifications or plus powers that allow your eye to see close up again. If you are new to the eyeglasses world, you might want to be careful the first time you put them on. They can make you a little dizzy because most of the world out there will be blurry. They are just as the name implies; glasses for reading. Some people have problems walking and definitely don't drive in them. You should also know that reading glasses characteristically focus in on a specific thing. When you look at a paper in front of you, you won't be able to see clearly twelve to sixteen inches from the paper. This can also be tricky to adjust to. If this really is a problem for you, talk to your eye care physician about other things you can do.
Presbyopia can actually start occurring at age ten but usually doesn't affect people until around forty. This is one of the fastest growing eye problems affecting us because the baby boomers are aging. As this demographic continues to age, you will see more people with reading glasses than ever before. You can't prevent this problem and once you have it, it won't go away. How do you know if you have this problem? You may be experiencing headaches, stinging or tearing eyes, or you feel like you don't have enough light to see. The physician is the only one that can really tell you for certain if you have presbyopia. There are several options available if you have this problem. The first is magnification. Wearing reading glasses might be a vanity issue for you, so you might want to consider a credit card sized magnifying glass or possibly a lorgnette to wear around your neck. If you are on a hot date, and can't read the menu, you have two choices. Have your date order for you, or pull out some type of magnifying device so you can read. Today, there is no reason why you should be afraid of wearing reading glasses. There are so many glam and trendy styles available on the market either online or in the stores. You can find the hottest reading glasses that make you look fabulous. Every color imaginable is available, and most people have a multitude of pairs in every nook and cranny of the home, office and car. If you are really dependent on reading glasses, you don't want to be without them.
Some people that are already wearing contact lenses can have this feature built in their lens. They get along quite well with this alternating vision. You can look straight ahead for distance, and then down to read. These lenses might be shaped a little differently with a flat portion being closest to the lower lid, or it may be weighted. This stops the contact from rotating so your vision doesn't get blurry. As you can imagine, the fitting of this lens is different from the regular contact lenses and will take some adaptation. Simultaneous contacts allow you to see distant and near objects at the same time. The vision distances are in rings of the contact instead of top and bottom. Monovision lenses have one lens focused for distance and the other focused on near vision. These are less expensive, but aren't for everyone. No matter which type of contact lens you choose, there will be some type of adjustment period, so be patient with yourself. Accept the fact that you just need a little help reading the hottest new best seller. You can still look fabulous while doing it.
If you are looking for an ophthalmologist to get your eye check, visit us now at Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region!
Dark Circles under eyes are marks of flaw that spoil appearance of the face and can be very frustrating and disgusting to look at as well. Dark circles are sometimes caused due to heredity, allergies, asthma etc. Dark circles under eyes can also be caused because of any condition on circumstance of itching, scratching under the eyes and eczema as well. Research says that some kind of food allergies can also cause dark circles as well.
Medications that cause blood vessels to elaborate or become wider can also cause dark circles under eyes. Lack of sleep, being workaholic, getting older and skin losing its collagen and getting thinner and more translucent are also some of the causes of eyes dark circles.
If your issue is how to get rid or how to remove dark circles, then you need to concentrate and follow some tips and steps in your day to day life. Water can be one of the best medicines that help to remove dark circles.
Maintaining a balanced diet and maintaining proper sleep by taking good amount of rest can be very helpful in removing eyes dark circles. Keep yourself away from smoking and drinking alcohol too much, don't strain yourselves and always be pressure free and try to be always happy.
Bleach is always harmful so never go for a face pack that includes bleach.Go for the natural face packs as they are harmless and safe as well. Dark circles are common in all and almost of 90 people out of 100 have this issue. The skin under our eyes being thinner, and when they get exposed to sun rays damages the skin and makes it thin and wrinkled. Even as of now, there is no permanent cure identified for the prevention of dark circles, there are some in house resolutions and home remedies which are tested and found successful.
How to remove dark circles? Well, there have been many home remedies and some tested research on discovering remedies for dark circles. Here is list of the remedies that are also followed in dark circles under eye treatment.
It is always better to be very careful rather than spending huge for curing a problem. Especially in summer because of high temperature, our body needs attention as the heat will try to make the body look darker. So, it is always good to be proactive in such cases by taking all the precautions and preventive measures to avoid further consequences.
Hence, usage and follow of all the steps and tips discussed in this article can help everyone to get rid of under eye circles and can also help people to take preventive measures before seeing the under eye circles.If you are looking for more eye remedy tips, check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region now!
eye problems with allergies are a massive problem for many. Find out here about eye allergies and what can be done about this problem.
Eye problems and allergies, what's the story? When a person has an allergic reaction, the eyes frequently become affected. Eyes turn red, become itchy and irritated, and they can also become watery.
Rubbing the eyes seems to offer comfort, but the reality is that rubbing eyes that are responding to an allergic reaction often compounds the discomfort.
Most often, eye allergies accompany nasal allergies, but they can occur without involving the nose. Eye allergies are triggered when an allergen makes contact with the eyes. The mast cells, which are cells inside the eyes, release histamines and other chemicals and their release triggers symptoms including irritation and inflammation.
Conjunctivitis allergies are a specific category of allergies that affect the eyes. Conjunctivitis is generally triggered by an outdoor seasonal allergen such as ragweed or grass. Conjunctivitis allergies are also known as Hay Fever conjunctivitis.
Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis is seasonal in nature and primarily impacts children. With this form of eye allergy, the edges around the outside of the cornea are affected. Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis is similar with the difference being that it affects adults. It is a chronic condition and it's one that can cause the eyes to become scarred if not treated.
When exposure to an allergen occurs, the body reacts by releasing histamines. Histamine release causes fluids to build up in the nasal cavity, sinuses and also on the surface of the eye as well as the insides of the eyelids. This release is also a source of significant irritation.
In addition to irritation, the eyes may become red and watery, and the eyes and eyelids can become swollen. In addition to the visible symptoms, eye allergies may cause a feeling that something is stuck inside the eye or a feeling that the eye is being scratched. Vision can also become blurry or hazy or otherwise unclear.
Any person regardless of age can develop eye allergies.
The most effective treatment for allergies is to stay away from those items that trigger allergic reactions. Many everyday cosmetics including mascara, eye liners and eye brow pencils and face creams can all trigger an allergic reaction. In some individuals, eye allergies can be caused by wearing contact lenses. Dust mites, mold and pet dander can also cause eye allergies.
When allergies are suspected, detection is the key to effective treatment. It's important to note what a person had been exposed to immediately before the allergic reaction occurred. Over time, patterns will become apparent. Once the culprit has been identified, steps should be taken to restrict exposure to the allergen.
Changing the brand of cosmetics and other personal care products can help as can discussing the possibility of obtaining a different contact lens prescription.
In addition to these changes, over-the-counter antihistamines, decongestants and eye drops can all help alleviate the symptoms of eye allergies. If allergies are troublesome and/or persistent, it may be time to see an allergist who can recommend prescription medications and eye drops to treat the symptoms of eye allergies.
Want to know more tips on how to treat eye problems? Check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region now!
Dry eye syndrome (DES) affects as many as 20% of North American adults. Although our understanding of DES has evolved significantly over the last few decades, appreciating it as a multifactorial condition with many environmental and lifestyle risk factors, it can still often be a frustrating condition to manage.
Benign Essential Blepharospasm (BEB) has been closely linked to dry eye syndrome (DES). There is some debate over whether DES leads (along with other factors) to BEB or BEB leads to DES, and the reality is that probably both are true, creating a vicious, integrated cycle with progressive worsening of both BEB and DES.
Establishing and maintaining a healthy eye surface and tear film are essential for anyone with BEB, since DES creates eye irritation that triggers eye spasm. In people with BEB, a short-circuit in the basal ganglia of the brain seems to fail to stop the spasms once they start. Although we now have many treatment options for BEB, including the botulinum toxins and various medications and surgeries, avoiding DES remains an important cornerstone in BEB management.
Unfortunately, just as both the occurrence and severity of DES increases with age, so does cataract formation. For people with BEB who are already struggling with their vision, further vision impairment from cataracts can be devastating, and some forms of cataracts don't just blur vision, but also cause glare and distortion, inducing even more eye irritation and spasm.
The good news is that cataract surgery, in the hands of an experienced surgeon, is a low-risk procedure providing great satisfaction and visual improvement. The bad news is that many cataract surgeons may not have a clear understanding of the special needs of people with BEB.
Immediately following cataract surgery the quantity, quality, and stability of tears bathing the eye is often reduced (we'll spare you the mechanical, biologic, and biochemical explanations for why), potentially causing or worsening existing DES, which in turn may worsen BEB. Many researchers believe that tear production and quality usually return to their pre-surgical states within 3 months, but others have argued that some eyes may never regain their same pre-operative lubrication, protection, and comfort.
Although most cataract surgeons today are keenly aware of the increased risk of DES following cataract removal and attempt to diagnose and treat eye surface disease before surgery, there are several things that a person with BEB can do to improve their own surgical outcome.
Inform your cataract surgeon about your BEB and DES and current treatment. Your surgeon will be able to perform a few tests to quantify your tear film problem and maximize your management. Ask your doctor about whether or not consumption of flaxseed oil and omega-3 oil along with a sulfonated protein would improve your situation and whether eyelid scrubs would help pre-operatively. If your symptoms of DES or BEB worsen after surgery, inform your physician right away, so that greater measures may be taken to ensure your comfort and eye safety.
Remind your surgeon about the tight connection between DES/eye irritation/and BEB and avoid concomitant refractive procedures which may worsen DES. Think twice about special lenses your surgeon may offer to implant in the eye, such as multifocal lenses, which can induce glare or visual aberrations. Such problems may be mildly annoying to the average person, but devastating to someone with BEB.
Review carefully with your surgeon when would be the best time to perform your cataract surgery relative to botulinum toxin injections. Surgery is probably best avoided during times when your eyes are most dry and when they are most strongly spasming.
In summary, cataract surgery is generally safe, and for many profoundly vision rehabilitative. With good physician - patient communication and appropriate preoperative assessment and planning, most people with BEB will enjoy significant vision improvement.
If you are looking for more information about cataract, check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region now!
Yearly, there are thousands of people who are suffering from eye problem and one of the most common surgical treatment done in the U.S. is the ocular prosthesis surgery. Ocular prosthesis is a kind of prosthesis for the eye. It uses artificial eye and done to restore the appearance of an eye after being damaged. It is made of acrylic that is made to fit the color, shape and movement of a true eye.
Although the surgical process is simple and fast, the creation of the artificial eye is a bit difficult since it needs all small details to make it look the same as your previous eye and it usually needs you to have an appointment with them for 4 to 5 times. The first step is fitting the artificial eye which is made of acrylic and the creation of conformer which fits your eye socket and eyelids. The socket will be adjusted to give the comfort to the eye and the accuracy that matches the volume, movement and lid contour of the other eye.
The blank white acrylic which is used as the base of the ocular prosthesis is created with using a castone. Iris will be manually painted to created an accurate and realistic appearance that matches the existing eye. A dome will be added after the painting process and it magnifies the depth of the iris. The positioning of the iris will require the patient to wear the unfinished base to make sure that it will be placed on the right position. This is the reason why it takes a few appointment for your artificial eye to be created.
An artificial eye cannot see and it is completely fake. It might have veins but they are not working since they are just painted on the white of the eye. To make it appear natural, the veins on your true eye will be reflected to it. When it is completely dry, the surface will be painted with a pattern of the existing eye before the final cap will be added. The last step is making sure that it fits the color, size, contour, pattern, position of the iris, veins, movement of the eye. Once the process is done, you have to see your doctor to make sure that you will be comfortable when wearing it.
The eye prosthesis also needs to be replaced. It usually lasts for five years but it still depends on how you take care of it and done by the surgeon. If you feel irritated, difficulty in blinking, drying and itching eyelids, then you have to see your ocularist as soon as possible. Sometimes, your eye just needs eye drops which can be applied every 2 to 3 hours or lubricant which can be applied at morning and night. Another possible reason for irritation is the need for polishing which is done every six months and it also requires the ocularist to do the process. But if you feel uncomfortable and unusual experience with your eye, it is better to see your surgeon to avoid further damages.
Are you looking for an ophthalmologist? Check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region now!
There are those who want to get laser eye surgery who wants to know if the risks are worth the cost. Laser eye surgery is a very expensive procedure for those who are on a budget or a fixed income. Not many insurance agencies pay for this type of procedure as it is considered cosmetic surgery. It is curious why they would not pay for this procedure as in the long run it is going to save them from paying for eyeglasses and contact lenses. At any rate, they do not offer this as a valid procedure so patients have to either save up money or make a deal with the surgeon to make payments on it.
There are three main risks that are involved in getting laser eye surgery:
The good thing is that these risks are quite rare. The odds of becoming blind after having laser eye surgery are so low that it is not even a consideration for many. The other two risks are considered more annoyances than anything and each is not going to change the quality of ones life. While it can be a hassle having to use eye drops to moisten the eye, that eye is still going to have perfect vision. The same can be said for light sensitivity, in bright sun or bright lights, sunglasses are going to need to be worn. Most people already wear sunglasses when it is bright so this is not much of a change.
The positive side to laser light surgery:
The first positive aspect to laser light surgery is that the vision is going to be perfect. Many are amazed at how the world looks when they have good eyesight. In some cases, it can be a bit scary as they are not used to seeing things to clearly without eyeglasses or contact lenses. This is often the main reason that people weigh the risks with the outcome and decide that they are worth it to be able to see well.
Many people hate wearing eyeglasses and would rather save up their money and take a chance with the surgeon to get rid of them. As long as they follow their doctor’s orders after the procedure has been completed, there should not be any lasting damage in most cases.
If you want to consult an ophthalmologist for eye check up, visit our website now!
Lots of people wearing glasses wish they could have laser eye surgery, but they are uncertain as to how much it will cost them and if it is covered by public or private insurance. Basically, laser eye surgery is not covered because the procedure is considered cosmetic surgery. An insurance company would be reluctant to cover cosmetic surgery unless a serious accident meant necessary surgery to replace the destruction or loss of skin. As laser eye surgery does not belong to a specific insurable category, then, an insurance claim for this treatment will be a waste of time. The question then becomes: how does someone on a budget or fixed income pay for such an expensive procedure? There are some options that will allow either full or partial payment to be made.
A Payment Plan – It costs about $2,500 an eye for laser eye surgery. There is no set price, however, because through price reductions or special arrangements with the operating surgeon, the price can vary. Usually, though, a 50% deposit is needed, but again this will depend on the surgeon’s needs. After surgery, monthly payments will be expected until the full surgical bill is paid. This part-payment method is chosen by many people so as to offset paying the full surgical cost beforehand.
Tax Break – The United States tax system allows a tax break for anyone who in any year pays out of pocket surgery or medical bills. Usually a minimum of 20% of the total cost of the medical procedure can be deducted from the tax bill for that year. This can be a huge saving for people on a low income who would get relief in the year the surgery was performed. To qualify for this tax reduction, however, it’s necessary that all payment receipts are kept in case they are demanded as proof of payment by tax professionals or the IRS. Receipts will be the only available proof should an audit be done or if the receipts are demanded later on.
Personal Loan – People who have a good reputation with their banks or other financial institutions may qualify for a personal loan to assist them with the upfront costs associated with laser eye surgery. This could mean the avoidance of having to pay a deposit for the surgery or a lower interest rate than the surgeon will charge. A good credit rating, however, is required if you apply for a loan associated with a medical operation.
Click here if you need more tips about eye surgery.
Stress is a major problem in today’s society. There are many definitions for the word stress but most people think of stress as meaning physical, mental or emotional strain or tension. Like worrying over a job loss or your loved one’s health. Stress can also cause eye problems both internally and externally. Just like our bodies, the eyes contain muscles too. These muscles help move the eyes around as well as lengthen and shorten the lenses. If you continue to be stressed all the time, this can cause serious problems later in life.
Managing stress is no easy feat. Some people handle it really well while others are ready to burst at any second and start pulling their hair out. Stress can be a daily occurrence for many so learning how to deal with it is very important and necessary.
In order to learn how to manage stress we first have to discover what it is that is stressing us out. Some people really have no idea what exactly is causing them stress so it may be a little harder to find a solution. But there really is a solution to every problem once we can figure out what it is. Here are a few things to consider.
Work is a main cause of stress in people’s lives. Most people are given too much work because they are afraid to say no and always want to help in any way they can. Next thing you know, you are bombarded with constant deadlines that are almost impossible to meet. But taking on more work and feeling constantly overwhelmed is not good for your health and I’m sure not good for your home life either. You need to start learning to say no. Saying no is just telling your boss that you are aware of your limits. Wouldn’t you rather complete four amazing projects instead of seven mediocre ones! If your work load is too much, sit down with your boss and explain to them that you need some help.
Try to take a few mini breaks throughout your day and do some relaxation exercises. This will help reduce the stress you have in your life. Start by taking deep breaths; close your eyes for a minute and just relax. Look around the room and away from your computer at least three to four times an hour. Vision problems are caused by too much strain or stress on your eyes. Give them the much needed break that they need.
If you are looking for a tips to have a better vision, check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region now!
Retinitis Pigmentosa is the name given to a hereditary disease of the retina in the eye. The retina is at the back of the eye and it acts like the film in a camera, receiving and processing everything you see. The retina is a delicate layer of cells which picks up the pictures and transmits them to the brain.
Retinitis Pigmentosa could be caused by a breakdown in the function of the rods or the cones in some part of the retina. The retina is so large and complex that breakdowns may occur in a variety of ways. Retinitis Pigmentosa is not a single disorder but a large number of disorders. The breakdown of cone function is also sometimes called Macular Degeneration.
Different types of Retinitis Pigmentosa have different signs and symptoms. One early sign of Retinitis Pigmentosa is difficulty seeing at night or in dark rooms. Retinitis Pigmentosa also starts by causing tunnel vision. Other symptoms include low light to dark adaptation times and poor contrast sensitivity.
Some people with retinitis pigmentosa may become blind. However, most retain some small amount of vision and they are termed "blind" for legal purposes.
Each person has a different rate of sight loss. If the retinitis pigmentosa runs in the family, the pattern could be the same within that family. Usually the loss is gradual so you are able to adjust.
Unfortunately in most cases the answer is yes. The most common form of inheritance is called recessive. In this type both the parents carry the genes which causes Retinitis Pigmentosa. They themselves are unaffected but there is a 25% chance that their children will have Retinitis Pigmentosa.
Another form of Retinitis Pigmentosa inheritance is X-linked. In X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa, females carry the gene causing Retinitis Pigmentosa. When a female carrier marries an unaffected male, then there is a 50% chance that their sons will be affected, and a 50% chance that their daughters will be carriers.
X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa is the one form for which carriers can often be detected. In X-linked RP when an affected male marries a non-carrier female, their sons will not be affected but all their daughters will be carriers.
There is also a dominant form of Retinitis Pigmentosa which can strike in every generation of a family. Since Retinitis Pigmentosa runs in families, all members in an affected family are urged to have a thorough eye examination. When planning a family, expert genetic counseling should be sought.
Want to try a comprehensive eye exam that provides the highest standard of services with excellence and compassion that will consistently exceed your expectations? Visit Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region to know more about it.
Macula: Macula of the retina of the human eye is also called as Central Retina or Macula Lutea (from the Latin macula, meaning “a spot”, and lutea meaning “yellow”). It is also called as ‘bull’s eye in the center of the retina.’
Yellow coloured macula : Yellow colour of the macula is due to the lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids and absorbed from the diet. The yellow colour of the macula absorbs the excess radiation of ultraviolet rays from the sun and thereby protects the retina and other parts of the eye from damages from excess ultraviolet rays and thus behaves equal to optical aids like sun glasses. Zeaxanthin and lutein are believed to influence in preventing damages to retina, cataract formation and macular degeneration.
Macular subdivision: This specialized region of the retina is 3mm or 2-disc diameter to the optic disc of the human eye, oval shaped, highly pigmented, yellow in colour, and nearer to center portion of the retina where visual perception is most acute. Since this area is avascular, its nutrition is derived from the choroid. The central retina can be subdivided into three areas, the fovea (fovea centralis), parafovea and perifovea.
Macular function: The macula of the human eye is sole responsible for sharp, central or straight vision and it is essential for seeing reading, fine detail, recognizing faces and such as driving activity. It is most highly sensitive to detail than the peripheral retinal area. A healthy macula is having the capability of achieving at least normal vision or normal visual acuity of 20/20.
Macula and best vision: The best vision or acuity is achieved by some individuals to 20/15 or even upto 20/10 and the person who is having the 20/10 visual acuity is able to see the detail clearly and distinctly from the distance of 20 feet where as a normal visual acuity individual is able to see the same detail clearly only from 10 feet. This high sharpness in the vision is due to the availability of rich and enormous quantity of cones in the macula than the average eye.
Fovea centralis: The fovea centralis (Latin fovea, a pit) is a central depression in the macula lutea. It shows a bright reflex seen by the ophthalmoscope. It is the most sensitive part of the retina and contains only cones (photoreceptors) and made up of highly concentrated cone cells in the human eye. There are no rods and hence dim objects could not be detailed directly by it. A faint star in the dark sky could not be detailed and perceived by fovea centralis and one has to look through the adjacent area of the macula and where rods are present. Rods are only able to detail a dim object from a long distant. But, Fovea centralis is responsible for the whole high resolution and central vision.
Fovea and Foveola: Fovea and foveola are within the region of the fovea centralis and around 1,10,000 to 1,15,000 cone cells are present in the fovea and about 25,000 cones in the foveola. Denser arrangement of cones resulting in sharper vision and spread out arrangement of cones resulting in lesser acuity. When the cones are arranged in a denser manner, the light from the objects falls on more of the cones and more information about the object is being perceived resulting in high or best acuity.
Parafovea: The parafovea is a 2.1mm wide area all round the fovea contains both rods and cones arranged alternately.
Perifovea: The perifovea is 1.5mm wide area around the parafovea and at this region there are two rods between each cone.
The progressive destruction of the macula leads to a medical condition called ‘macular degeneration’ and subsequently peripheral and central vision are affected. When visual field loss occurs without affecting macular region, it is termed as macular sparing.
If you are looking for an ophthalmologist to check your eyes, visit us now!
The vision behind the Extreme H2O contact lens
The Extreme H2O contact lens is the first molded spherical lens set for inexpensive daily wear. If you figure out the cost to you per hour of wearing a Extreme H2O contact lens, you’ll find that it is cheaper than your typical lenses because it can be kept in your eye for longer periods of time. That’s because of its cutting edge comfort. You won’t think about taking it out, because most of the time you won’t even remember you have it in. That’s how advanced the comfort technology is in this contact.
The visionary technology behind the Extreme H2O contact lens makes it ideal for people who usually experience what is called end of the day discomfort, or “5 o’clock syndrome.” That’s the time of day that most users begin to become aware of their contact lenses, mainly because that’s when they get the scratchiest and most bothersome.
With an Extreme H2O contact lens in your field of vision, however, you won’t have to keep your eye on the clock. The lens all but eliminates late-day lens awareness and discomfort. That makes it a true cut above most other two-week contact lenses presently on the market. With most of the competition, you can barely see enough to drive home at the day’s end. And your lenses are so itchy and annoying that you’re ready to give up contact lenses for good. Don’t put on those glasses just yet.
The secret behind the Extreme H2O contact lens is its key ingredient: hioxifilcon A, a co-polymer GMA-HEMA). It doesn’t matter if you can’t pronounce its name. All that matters is that the compound helps the contact lens to retain its moisture on your eye, even when most lenses would shrivel up. This durability and consistency in performance means that the lens will literally not shrink as the day progresses. The lens will remain the same dimension and have the same amount of oxygen permeability at the end of the day that it did in the morning. This means that the lens will always bring you the fit and the power that your eye doctor prescribed for you.
If you wear two-week contact lenses and frequently experience late-day dryness and discomfort, consider the Extreme H2O contact lens. With its high-tech polymer makeup, it will give you your money’s worth evening after evening.
To know more about the benefits of contact lens, visit Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region.
Contact Lens is thin filmy lens placed on cornea of our eyes. It substitutes wearing of cumbersome spectacles whose weight settles on wearer’s nose straining it. Contact lens serves same purpose of vision correction but light in weight and sustains beauty of face and aesthetics of one’s looks.
Credit goes to Leonardo Darvincy for his idea of contact lenses in 1508 Codex of the eye, Manual D. He discussed about altering vision by immersing eyes in water. He did not discuss about contacts. In 1636, Scientist Rene Descartes tried by placing a tube filled with water and clear glass ends to correction of vision but was unsuccessful. In 1801 scientist Thomas Young developed an eye cup filled with water. But he did not make any serious attempts for vision correction. In 1845 John Herschel came out with vision corrective ideas. A capsule of glass having jelly inside and a mold of cornea-like appearance was used to form or mold a transparent medium. In 1929 Dr.Dallos piggy backed above idea and made perfect making molds from living eyes. Lens manufacturers took a challenge to make a perfect molding exactly suiting cornea. Mr.Adolf Eugen Fick of Zurich fabricated first afocal scleral contact shells, which rested on rim tissue around cornea. In 1888 German Mr.August Muller developed glass blown scleral contacts to correct his own vision. In 1930s Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA or Perspex / Plexiglas) was developed for plastic scleral lenses manufacture. In 1935 Mr. William Feinbloom developed lighter and convenient lenses made of plastic and glasses. In 1949 first corneal lens exactly fitting on cornea only was made. How ever this prohibited oxygen entry. In 1990 oxygen permeable contacts were developed, with RGP or rigid gas permeable materials. Modern soft Contact lens was invented by Czech chemists M/s Otto Wichterle and Drahoslav Lim the first gel to produce contacts. Later developments of soft (Hydrogel) lenses allowed oxygen to move through lens to ocular surface It was colorless. Now -a- days’ bluish tint with UV coating to avoid damage to cornea and also use it like a pair of sun glasses were made. They are clearly visible while cleaning. In 1990, high oxygen permeable silicone gels were marketed and a breakthrough.
Apart from vision correction, it has become fashion to say I am using contacts. Apart from UV and blue tint Color blindness is overcome by use of a red tinted X – Chrom contact lenses allows distinguishing of color better.
COSMETIC contact lens is used to change appearance of eyes, can correct vision but blur or obstruction of vision may occur. There are many special colors with reflective to create an alteration to eye and its appearance. Actresses use mostly to create “Snake Eyed appearance” in film shootings.
Most people wear them to have changing appearance of (Sparkling) eyes adds value to the face.
Looking for an easier and more convenient way to eye care needs? Visit Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region for more details.
Saving money is on everyone’s nous in these doubtful scheme times. There are different areas where diminutive changes crapper stingy actual fund ??– carpooling to work, transfer a bagged meal and a brewed prize of drink from bag as anti to feat out. But when action a whatever dollars comes at the outlay of your health, the long-term risks farther top whatever short-term benefits. This is the housing with occurrence lenses.
Although act your occurrence lenses for individual than your medication allows haw seem same an cushy artefact to spend whatever money, it crapper hit harmful personalty on receptor health.
Contact lenses are a scrutiny figure and should be aerated as such, in gift with the recommendations of your receptor tending practitioner. Wearing occurrence lenses for likewise daylong crapper advance to deviant murder craft ontogeny on the cornea; epithelial microcysts; dilution of the cornea; and low corneal sensitivity.
Eye problems caused by occurrence lense overwear are mostly cod to a modification in gas transmitted to the eye. Oxygen is primary to the upbeat of the cornea. When the receptor is not fascinating sufficiency gas finished the occurrence lens, hypoxic conditions ensue. Hypoxia crapper advance to earnest infections, including microorganism keratitis, a agonized and potentially sight-threatening corneal infection.
Eye infections and another problems that hap from incorrect occurrence lense tending crapper be rattling expensive - scrutiny expenses and forfeited chronicle of work, not to name the difficulty and effect on calibre of chronicle of exteroception problems. In 1990, researchers estimated that the outlay of cecity and seeable decay to the federal budget of the United States was roughly $4 billion.
Contact lenses hit been around for more than 100 eld and though momentous advances hit been prefabricated in that time, the risks and lateral personalty related with dress rest a reality.
A occurrence lense is a external goal to the eye. If the lense does not sound right or is not right cared for, it crapper adversely change exteroception and the receptor itself.
The most ordinary problems related with occurrence lense dress are immoderateness tearing, itching or burning, dryness, sense to light, and unshapely vision. All of these symptoms crapper be worsened by incorrect lense care, which includes act lenses likewise long.
On occasion, a occurrence lense wearer module dress their lenses until their exteroception becomes foggy or distorted, and haw not actualise that this activity crapper drive permanent, imperishable alteration to the cornea, the face concealment of the receptor which provides most two-thirds of the eye’s centering power.
When occurrence lense wearers reject their cleanup and lense equal schedules, the knowledge of their occurrence lense to transfer gas to the cornea decreases, and deposits physique up on the lense opencast and within the lense touchable itself.
The continuing dress of lenses with accelerator deposits crapper advance to infections, colossus appendage conjunctivitis, and potentially earnest long-term hypoxic changes much as ametropia creep, corneal thinning, and habitual low-grade corneal edema.
Cutting corners with occurrence lense tending crapper termination in temporary, and in whatever cases, imperishable receptor damage. However, occurrence lense wearers who right reassert and tending for their lenses are benefited greatly by it.
Although there are individual types of occurrence lenses that are authorised for constant dress for up to 30 days, this schedule is not pertinent for everyone. Wearing lenses at period reduces the turn of gas that is transmitted to the cornea. This change in gas sorption crapper alteration the opencast of the cornea, allowing germs and bacterium to acquire more rapidly.
Click here for more tips about eye care.
How do you feel when you have blurred vision and dizziness? That’s right, you will feel light-headed and on the verge of falling off balance. It is also known as vertigo.
You need to get enough coordination from your brain and signals from your eyes, ears and nervous system in order to keep yourself steady.
Elder people tend to suffer from backaches after they experience vertigo. It does not last that long but will get worse if it becomes too frequent.
There are remedies though, but we need to follow them strictly; that includes diet, regular exercise and getting enough sleep. You need to include caffeine, almonds, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, three table spoons of wheat and tea in your diet; it helps decrease the dizziness. Drinking enough water is also important to keep your body hydrated.
If you get dehydrated for a long time, it could cause dizziness which could make you faint. Did you know that ginger could also help treat vertigo? It contains enough solution to treat vertigo and it reacts faster. Vertigo happens at any time, you will never know it. So, the best thing to do is to relax, and have a good rest.
Other causes of vertigo that result to blurred vision and dizziness are motion sickness, anemia, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Do you remember the seeds that were mentioned earlier in this article? They, too, have great effects on your body in treating vertigo. The seeds are then powdered, dried and kept overnight. Then you can mix them with warm milk or water. They say prevention is better than cure. As proven by Dr. William Bates, he claimed that living a healthy lifestyle is better than grabbing a tab from the cabinet to ease the symptoms. He prefers the natural way of healing just as he encourages everyone to try his eye exercises to improve one’s eyesight.
Dr. Bates stressed that it is the strained use of our eyes that results in blurred vision. The usual approach is to use eye glasses and contact lenses. But for most people, it is the beginning of a deteriorating vision problem. The Bates techniques addresses the root of the vision problem – the way we use our eyes and visual system.
Natural healing is the best way to prevent and cure blurred vision and dizziness. It will yield better results, since no chemicals are taken.
If you are looking for more information on taking care of your eyesight, visit Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region now!One of the most common health problems in the world is poor vision. This may include blurred vision, blind spots and floaters. But did you know that there are certain approaches which could help you improve your eyesight? And they are not all surgical, mind you. One effective approach in improving your eyesight is eating healthy food and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
So what is the best food to improve your eyesight?
As you may have already known, carrot is considered the best food to improve your eyesight. Why is that so? It is because carrots are very rich in Vitamin A and beta-carotene. When Vitamin A is converted into its retinal form, your vision, especially night vision, is improved. Vitamin A has also been proven to fight age-related ocular diseases such as cataract and glaucoma. Beta carotene is also an anti-oxidant which is helpful in fighting off certain forms of cancers.In choosing carrots to include in your salad or in any meal you are preparing, choose those which are bright orange, firm, and straight as they are the ones containing the most nutrients. You do not just get Vitamin A and beta carotene but also Vitamins K and C and potassium.
However, carrot is not the only food for your eyes. There are other foods you could include in your diet to improve your vision. Here are five other foods you must include in your diet:
Enjoy it any way you want: scrambled, sunny side up, boiled or poached. Eggs should definitely be included in your diet. Why? Because it is rich in lecithin, amino acids, lutein, sulfur and cysteine. Compounds containing sulfur protect the lens of the eyes from cataract formation. It also contains B-vitamins and zinc which are both essential for your eyes’ overall health.
Choose among spinach, kale, broccoli and more! Yes, not only are these vegetables beneficial to your general health, it is also very important in keeping your eyesight and your vision at its prime. These greens are especially rich in carotenoids, especially lutein (considered as the Vitamin “eye”) and zeaxathin. Lutein and zeaxathin are both antioxidants which help protect eyesight degeneration. To optimize these benefits, consume your greens fresh.
Such as cod, mackerel and tuna are rich in DHA, Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamins A and D. DHA provides support for cell membranes and is highly recommended for dry eyes and sight preservation. Add two to three servings of cold water fish to your diet every week to optimize your diet. Make sure that the fish is fresh though.
These berries contain anthocyanosides, a compound proven to decrease the risk of losing your vision. Other variety of berries (such as strawberries, blueberries and blackberries) can also provide nutrition for your eyesight. Enjoy these fruits fresh or as a jam or jelly. As long as they are included in your diet.
Yes, chocolates! And the darker the chocolate is, the better! Dark chocolates contain flavanoids which help protect the blood vessels around the eyes. This helps the cornea and lens to stay strong as you age. But then again, eat the chocolates in moderation.
Click here if you are still concerned with your vision, consult an optometrist. However, prevention is better than cure. And creating some changes in your diet is just one option to preserve the health of your vision.
Nearsightedness, technically in medical terms or languages is known as Myopia or nearsightedness or even short-sightedness. This condition is the most common cause of deteriorating and poor eyesight in most of the younger adults. This condition affects the younger generation and thus affecting their eyesight for the worse.
This is an eye-related condition where one typically has complications seeing and reading far off distant objects, but viewing or reading at close distances or other close-up tasks can be done as usual and very easily such as reading books or working in front of a computer.
Calling it a disease may not be totally correct but rather a condition due to the irregular eye shape is a much better comprehension of this term. This change in the shape of the eyeball causes the light from external sources to hit before the retina rather on it the retina which actually happens with in a prefect eyesight condition suffering from no eye problems or condition.
Once myopia has affected your eyesight, it is very difficult to correct it without wearing corrective lenses or surgeries. But still all is not lost for people who have till now neglected the well being of their eyes, as there are remedies and eye care tips that certainly will help you stay away from myopia and other eye related complications -
If you are looking for more eye care tips, check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region.
Glaucoma is an eye illness that progressively has the ability to take away your vision and you could be permanently blind very soon. Generally, glaucoma has no symptoms and may suddenly result in vision loss.
Without right remedy, glaucoma can result in blindness. The fantastic news is the fact that with frequent eye exams, early detection, and remedy, you are able to preserve your sight.
In most varieties of glaucoma, the eye’s drainage network becomes clogged so the intraocular fluid cannot drain properly. As the fluid builds up, it causes pressure to construct inside the eye. Higher pressure damages the sensitive optic nerve and results in vision loss.
Glaucoma normally affects both the eyes, but added fluid stress frequently starts to construct up in one eye first. This harm might trigger gradual visual alterations and loss of sight.
Generally, peripheral (side) vision is impacted first, so the change in your vision may possibly be tiny and that you simply might not notice it. With time, your central (direct) vision loss will start commencing too.
Anyone can get affected by glaucoma. But those at greater threats to develop glaucoma are:
1. Over 60 years old
2. Individuals of African descent
3. Relatives of glaucoma patients
4. Hispanics in older age groups
5. Pretty nearsighted (myopic)
6. Comprehensive users of steroids
7. Individuals with thin central cornea
Early detection, by way of typical and full eye exams, will be the essential for safeguarding your vision from harm triggered by glaucoma. It is vital to have your eyes examined consistently. Your eyes ought to be tested:
1. Prior to age 40, every single 2 to 4 years
2. From age 40 to age 54, every one to 3 years
3. From age 55 to 64, just about every one to two years
4. Right after age 65, just about every six to 12 months
Within the most typical kind of glaucoma, buildup of fluid stress happens incredibly slowly. Often, you will never discover any uncomfortable or painful symptoms. In much less typical sorts of glaucoma, symptoms could be a bit extreme. These symptoms can consist of:
1. Hazy vision
2. Eye and head pain
3. Nausea or vomiting
4. The appearance of rainbow colors
5. circles around vibrant lights
6. Sudden sight loss
Glaucoma affects people of all ages, from babies to older adults. Though every person is at risk for glaucoma, these are at much greater risk individuals over age 60, relatives of persons with glaucoma, men and women of African descent, persons with diabetes, persons with substantial use of steroids, and individuals those have elevated eye pressure.
Sight loss resulting from glaucoma cannot be reversed. Nonetheless, early detection and being cautious, lifelong treatment with medication or surgery (extreme cases) can maintain your eyesight.
• Peripheral Physical exercise: 20 minutes each day (just go out and look at far distances and distant object.)
• Palming: 6 minutes at a time, 3 instances everyday, with at the very least 5 minutes in between sessions for 30 minutes every day.
• Sunning your eyes: 20 minutes every day (close your eyes and let some high intensity sources of light wash and warm up your eyes.)
• Block the Strong Eye (tape the medium-sized piece of paper onto the bridge of the nose so that it blocks the central vision of the strong eye; now read with your weaker eye although waving your hand within the periphery of the stronger eye): 10 minutes.
• Physical Exercises for Glaucoma: 20 minutes everyday.
Good thoughts and good mentality can be very healing and soothing. Visualize that blood is circulating to your retina, making it soft and nurturing your optic disk. Also visualize that the fluid in its clear form is flowing in the area between the cornea and the macula.
Visualize that good blood circulation is nourishing your optic disk and retina. Visualize the blood coming from the back, and from your neck to the back of the head, and nourishing your optic disk.
Visualize that blood is flowing into your eye and draining from it. Then visualize that the aqueous humor is flowing into the front area of your eye from the lens to the cornea, nourishing both, and draining into the area of your nose.
It’s amazing how powerful the body is and how much it does all at once. This visualization will help in setting up the right mood for the above exercises to be performed.
Note: when performing these exercises, also try to address your emotional state and develop a very good emotional and conducive atmosphere for yourself. And remember to work on your eyes throughout the day.
Always try to squeeze in some amount of time during a day to work upon your vision and this in turn will help you to improve your eyesight and keep it healthy.
If you are looking for an ophthalmologist to check up if you have glaucoma, visit us at Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region.
The eyes have muscles inside and muscles that attach them to the inside of your body, you exercise all your other muscles, why not your eyes? Eye strengthening exercises can benefit your eyes just as bicep curls benefit your arms, they get stronger and more efficient. Stronger and more efficient eyes can mean better eyesight as well as less tension in the eyes, this can also mean fewer eyestrain headaches. You don’t need any special equipment to get started and keep up with a good eye strengthening exercise routine. Check out these commonly done and effective exercises and see a difference in your eyes.
Side to side - Moving your eyes from side to side being careful to move your eyeballs only, not your eyebrows with them. This exercise will take care of the muscles on each side of your eyes, it can be done with both eyes simultaneously and singularly while having one eye closed. Try to do some both ways to get the most benefit from this eye exercise.
Eye rolling – Its not just for teenagers, this is actually a very good eye exercise. Eye rolling can be a tedious exercise that can make your eyesight funny when you get finished with it but it is worth the aggravation. Be careful as with any other eye exercise, not to overdo it.
Visual push ups - This is a good eye exercise for helping your eyes to have good close up vision. You can use a pencil or such for this, simply hold the object in front of you and focus on something on it such as a mark you make or some distinguishing feature and bring it towards your nose until your eyes see double. A few minutes a day is all it takes to see a difference.
Near and Far – Focus on a far away object for a moment and then a near object for and equal amount of time, repeat for about five minutes. This is to help aid the focusing of your eyes. Do not make the object so far away that you cannot focus fully on it or too close that it is right in your face. A good few feet in front of you and a good few meters is a generalized distance for each.
Congratulations on designating Tennessee as your new home. With the population around 6,346,105 (Census 2010) individuals, Tennessee stretches from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River giving you the options to fish, hunt, and do every outdoor activity you can think of.
The mild climate makes the great outdoors a favorite pastime in Tennessee. From the Great Smoky Mountains National Park down to the birth of Blues, Tennessee is full of fun things to do. Explore caves, mountains, trails and hiking tours that will make you appreciate the beautiful landscape of Tennessee.
You will enjoy its mixture of rich history, agriculture, tourism, soulful food and music that makes it a staple for individuals.
If you are not persuaded, we have supplied some additional information to help with you getting your move started to Tennessee.
With so much to organize and pack, you may seem slightly overwhelmed with finding the right moving company for the move. Before you make a hasty decision and regret picking the mover, here are some tips to help you pick the right mover and protect your move:
Every city is different. Depending on what you are looking for out of your next home, there is no doubt that you will be able to find it. Housing prices in Tennessee are fairly moderate compared to the Northeast part of the country. If you are looking for heavily populated areas, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Nashville, and Memphis give you the metropolitan feel instead of the country back road appeal.
Mountainous areas of Tennessee like Bristol, Chattanooga, Johnson City and Knoxville are outlined by the Appalachian Mountains.
The state's most populous area, middle Tennessee includes cities such as Nashville, Clarksville, and Murfreesboro. You will find rolling hills and fertile stream valleys in this part of the state as well.
Out of the three territories, Western Tennessee is the least populous with Memphis as the largest city in the area.
Largest Cities by Population: Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Clarksville, Murfreesboro, Jackson, Johnson City, Kingsport, Franklin.
If you need a professional company to relocate your business to your new shiny office, you’ll never go wrong by contacting US Border Movers.
Knowing your rights and being fully educated on your move is an essential to having a successful move. Most people today are unfamiliar with proper moving terminology and processes. This lack of knowledge could potentially cost them more money and stress than they could even imagine. Understanding what type of move you will be performing is step #1 in starting your move on the right path.
In the process of searching for a moving company, you are often asked if you are moving interstate or intrastate, but knowing the difference between the 2 could be tricky. The benefit of being educated on this topic when it comes to your move is that you are better protected against possible scams, and more importantly, you’ll know your rights during your move. Knowing what type of move you are performing accompanied with the laws and regulations can save you time, energy, and money. If you are not sure between the two types of moves, we’ve broken them both down for you.
What is an Interstate Move?
- When you are performing an interstate move, you are essentially moving or transporting goods in and out of state lines, including international moves.Interstate moves are governed by FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) rules and regulations. It is considered an interstate move if it involves a long distance moving company crossing a state line at any point during the move. Even if the actual moving truck or van doesn’t cross state lines (i.e. your goods are moved via train), it is still considered an interstate move if your goods cross state lines.
What is an Intrastate Move?
- Intrastate moves consist of movers completing a move without crossing the border of another state.Intrastate or local movers are not regulated by the FMCSA. Rules that apply to interstate moves are completely different from intrastate. Moving within a state means that you will have to understand the terms and conditions of moving as they change based on the state you reside in. Rules and regulations are outlined by the individual states and should be researched properly. Some states have more stringent licensing and monitoring guidelines than others.
Although you may be completing an intrastate move, moving companies can charge a long distance fee. Before choosing a licensed mover, make sure you aren’t hit with fees you weren't made aware of. Understand your rights and verify licensing with each moving company before choosing. For more information on state guidelines, contact your state agency.
You can request your antiques moved by a professional moving company, such as US Border Movers across the United States and Mexico.
Self storage is cost effective, safe, and convenient. Its benefits include:
Self storage allows you to
You can store and organize most anything for use in self storage. For example, you might choose to store mobile equipment, office files, business records, manufacturer's samples, seasonal decorations, theatrical scenery and any additional supplies. Furthermore, self storage can help your traveling sales staff by allowing them to have stock on hand.
Inquire with a storage consultant to help you select a space that will best suit your specific needs. You will find that a small space that is efficiently packed will be less expensive than a larger space. However, if your needs are such that you will be using the space quite often, you may find that a larger space (well organized with file boxes and racks) makes more sense for you. Most self storage facilities are willing and able to make modifications to meet your specific needs. Additionally, you may find that many self storage facilities are eager to offer additional services to help their business clients. For specific details, contact the self storage consultant of your choice.
Keep in mind that (like any other agreement) you should always read through your self storage agreement carefully and thoroughly. As this is an important document, be sure to keep it in a safe place. Contact the staff at the self storage facility if you have any questions.
Remember, the items you choose to store in a self storage space belong to you, and they remain your sole responsibility. For this reason, you should always have them insured. The self storage facility will not be responsible for insuring your items. Don't forget to contact your company's insurance provider to see if your coverage may already have a provision for items which are stored offsite (you may already be covered). If not, your self storage consultant may be able to assist you with the provision of insurance cover.
You may not store any items that are illegal, stolen, hazardous, flammable, explosive, perishable, environmentally harmful, or that may be a risk to the property of any person (for example: acid, gasoline, chlorine, paint, etc.)
Click here if you are in need of a professional moving company to help with moving your house equipment after packing them. Just select the services you need and pay for the space you use. It's easy.
Whether moving by choice or because your company requires you to do so, temporary housing is often necessary to bridge the gap between arrival in a new community and finding a permanent residence. This interval can extend from a few days to several months, so any short-term move needs to be planned accordingly.
For individuals and families seeking temporary housing, there are three main options: regular hotels, extended stay hotels, and rental homes/apartments.
Whether researching temporary housing on your own, working with a reputable real estate company, or considering the advice of a relocation service, you’ll need to answer several questions:
Tight housing markets, such as in New York City and San Francisco, can present an especially difficult challenge when you are looking for temporary housing. In large metropolitan areas where your options are limited and prices are at a premium, extended stay hotels are a real value. However, if your situation requires that you look for a rental property, it may be prudent to seek out newer properties whose owners, sitting on mortgages and in need of cash flow, might be willing to negotiate a short-term lease. Negotiating is part of the game and it never hurts to throw out a price before you rush to the dotted line.
Also, expand your options by considering different neighborhoods, increasing the likelihood of finding a suitable property at a price you can afford. Covering your bases with research, advice and other people’s opinions can only help to ensure that your first experience will be a good one.
If you need a professional company to relocate your business to your new shiny office, you’ll never go wrong by contacting US Border Movers.
Relocation is not an easy task, especially if you need to do things in a hurry! In such cases, a storage company can prove to be pretty useful. You could ask them to look after all your household goods till you are ready to transport them to your new residence. Or if possible, take some belongings with you and leave the rest for later.
Of course, there are plenty of companies offering such facilities; so you need not panic! What you need to do is to check out a few such places and visit them in person. Then you can take a close look at the facilities on offer at each place. If you ring up customer service beforehand, they would be happy to take you around.
When you enter the grounds of any storage company to check out their services, do observe everything carefully. What is your impression of the grounds and the storage areas? Do they look as if the staff takes good care of them—are they neat and clean? If vegetation and plants have been allowed to grow unchecked, especially along the sides of the building, you might need to reconsider. You will find it difficult to gain access to the storage unit at nighttime, especially if the lighting is also poor. It is important that the grounds as well as the internal storage facility are well lit.
Unless the fence around the place is secure (you can check for yourself by walking around the entire perimeter), your things cannot remain safe. Again, a damaged security fence and overgrown vegetation will allow potential attackers easy access. If you are a woman who wishes to visit the storage center at night, you need to be extra cautious.
Find out from the staff how and when you can visit the storage facility—what is the procedure to gain entry after you have handed over your belongings? Above all, you should feel comfortable about leaving your things with these strangers. This is possible only if the company staff exhibit utmost courtesy and professionalism at all times.
Now, in the rare case that you are not able to arrange a personal visit to any of the companies, ensure that all your questions get clarified over the telephone itself. It will be on the basis of the answers provided that you can narrow down your choice to one particular storage company.
The questions that need to be answered during the telephonic interview should include—
So, once you are satisfied with your probing, you can go ahead and book a place at a storage company.
Looking for more relocation guide tips? Visit US Border Movers.
One of the hardest aspects of a self move is trying to determining the size of the moving truck to rent. No one wants to rent a truck that is too big where their household items are sliding all over the place as well as making a few trips back and forth from the old house to the new can be both tiring and expensive too. So just what size truck do you get? Well it may seem obvious that if you have chunky furniture, your best bet would be to get a larger sized van while smaller trucks are ideal for carrying around small furniture, perhaps those that are compact or easy to break down and placed on the truck.
Moving experts however are of the opinion that regardless of the size of your household items, you choose a truck that is larger in size. Depending on which truck rental company you hire, they would more than likely provide you with a general idea as to what type of vehicle you should rent for your specific household items. For instance, if you currently live in a studio apartment that has three rooms worth of household items, then you should rent a truck that is 12-15 feet. Twenty-foot trucks are recommended for those who have five rooms of stuff while a home that has eight rooms of household items should be placed in a 24 foot truck.
Now that the sizing of the truck is out of the way, you can begin your search for a truck rental company. Moving experts would recommend that you get quotes from at least three truck rental companies ahead of moving day. When you call them, be sure to ask them for a price as it regards to the size of the moving truck that you are thinking about renting. Make sure that you read all the fine prints on the truck rental documents; there are usually many clauses in place that isn’t as straightforward as it seems. With that said, when reviewing the documents, ensure that you ask a lot of questions so that you would be clear on what you are getting into.
It goes without saying that if you move during the fall and winter months, you will be saving a lot of money than if you were to move during the summer months. However, if you can only move during the summer months, then you should try to book for truck rental way in advance.
Since this is a self-move it means that you would have to do everything on your own once you rent the truck. With that said, taking out an insurance policy on the moving truck highly recommended since most of these trucks are not insured. While you are at it, you should also get insurance for your household items as well just in case the worst happens on the road.
Finally, remember you would be the designated driver for your move; even if you are not driving, your probably have a friend or family member on stand by to do so. Whatever the case, when you decide on a truck company that suits your needs, you should go into the truck rental company and test out your chosen vehicle before leaving the premises. Spend that extra time checking out every aspect of the vehicle as you keep on the alert for leaks, faulty tires, brakes etc.
If you are looking for more moving tips, visit US Border Movers.
Moving containers are an ideal alternative to booking a moving van. In fact, moving containers are such a smart idea you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of them in the first place. Rather than pack everything into a van and take it to be stored, you pack the delivered moving containers and they pick them up and deliver them wherever you want them.
If you happen to be not quite ready to move into your new home or business, the moving containers can stay where you need them as long as you need them there. When you’re ready to move, just call the moving containers company and off you go.
This type of move is quickly gaining in popularity, as it is not only efficient and affordable, but allows you to pack once, store when needed and then move just once. Who likes the idea of moving twice? With moving containers, this double jeopardy kind of move is eliminated.
These portable moving and storage units are at ground level for easy packing and unpacking. You load your moving containers then lock them. Now, you can either store your moving containers on your premises or call the company you rented your containers from to pick it up and have it stored in a secure outdoor compound or climate controlled warehouse.
If you need containers on a temporary or longer-term basis at your home or business, you might want to check this solution out. You can store your belongings off-site or onsite at your chosen location. That is so easy it’s almost criminal.
If you’d prefer the traditional storage route, just remember you have to get a truck, load the truck, unload it into the storage unit, and return the truck. Then when your need to move, you have to get another truck again, load your belongings (feels like an instant re-run doesn’t it?), move them, unload them (getting old isn’t it?) and then return the truck. What a lot of hard work when you could be saving time and money using portable moving containers.
One other thing about using portable moving containers, is that the company you hire to deliver your containers will also be able to provide you with moving supplies – boxes, tape, packing material and other things you will need as well. Rather like a one-stop move shop, without the expense of a full service move. And even nicer is, these containers are very flexible and come large enough to handle one room of furnishings (or more for a larger move), yet small enough to fit into a parking place at your location. What more could you possibly ask for in terms of onsite convenience?
Looking for a moving service? Click here.
Moving to a new home is never an easy endeavor. As anyone that has experienced it can say, moving is incredibly stressful, no matter how long the distance is between your old home and a new one – even moving home to a nearby location is no easy feat!
There is a lot that can be done to reduce the stress of moving homes, namely planning ahead as much as you can. The last thing anyone needs on moving day is to be rushing around trying to tie up loose ends, buying additional supplies, and dealing with all manner of chaotic situations.
Planning your move can be done once you decide on how the move can be completed – either doing it yourself or hiring a moving company. Once you know what you will be doing, you can plan things accordingly and hopefully have a smoother transition to your new home.
Here are some tips for how to best plan your move:
First and foremost, who will be performing the move? Can you afford to hire professional movers? Do you have the ability to drive a hired truck and perform the move on your own? Will it be a blend of both of these?
Moving by yourself can save a lot of money, and it is also one way to ensure everything is done exactly how you want it to be. You will need to rent a truck or borrow one from a friend, enlist the help of friends and family to help pack and unpack your belongings, as well as buying all of your moving materials (boxes, packaging, labels, etc.).
Doing this on your own can be better suited for shorter distance moves, although it is still achievable for longer distanced ones too. Bear in mind there are still many expenses when moving on your own, with the need to hire a truck and get appropriate insurance for driving is likely to cost a fair amount.
Hiring movers will be a more costly option, but it can help reduce a lot of the stresses of moving. Companies will provide movers to help pack up your goods along with a driver to transport them to your new home, saving you the time it takes to organize and perform these tasks.
There are also hiring companies that will perform pickups and drop-offs for your belongings, while you organize the packing of all of your belongings, providing a middle ground between moving yourself and hiring help.
If you’ll be moving across the border, for example, US Border Movers can make the otherwise difficult process much easier and simpler.
Packing supplies will be some of the most important purchases you make for your move, so you will need to plan a budget for this too. The bigger the home, the more materials you will need, and on average a move involving a couple or a relatively small family will require around $250 for moving.
It is worth noting that more is always better in these situations, as you never want to run out of moving supplies during your big move, as running around getting more supplies will only add to the stresses of the move.
Boxes are perhaps the most vital supply you will need. Remember that you get what you pay for, so scrimping by on cheap moving boxes may result in damaged furniture and belongings. Reusing old boxes can work and is a good way to save money, but only do so if they are in good enough condition – always avoid bent, broken, and damp boxes!
Investing in strong boxes for your move is always advisable, and they won’t be too costly. Buying large amounts in bulk will usually net you a discount, and you can be sure you will need a fair amount for your move, in any case, making the costs well worth it.
Estimating the number of boxes you will need can be difficult, but it is safe to assume you will need at least 100 boxes for a move, and these will need to vary in size too.
As the name would imply, packing tape is the perfect material for securing your boxes. Other forms of tape such as masking or duct tape are a lot more ineffective at sticking to cardboard, so avoid these at all costs.
Expect to buy at least four or five rolls of two-inch-wide packing tape, which should provide you will a few hundred yards worth (depending on the size of the rolls). Again, more is always better.
A hidden gem when it comes to safely pack your belongings, packing paper has many versatile uses for a big move. You can wrap fragile items in it and crush them together to create protective padding for your boxes too.
An alternate to packing paper, but not as versatile, bubble wrap works in a similar way by protecting your personal belongings for the move. One drawback is that it cannot be recycled, which is the case for packing paper, so it may go down to what is cheaper for the move. Bubble wrap is known for being costlier than packing paper too but can be better suited for protecting fragile furnishings and the like.
You will need these to label the contents of each box, so the thicker the better! You want to be able to clearly see what is in each box, so it is a good idea to label them on the sides rather than the top – stacked boxes can hide the top of the below box, making identifying them more difficult.
For self-movers, hiring a hand cart and/or moving dolly can be a massive help for transporting goods to and from the truck. These will reduce the risk of injuring yourself when moving heavy furniture or boxes, and most cost around $10 to hire for a day.
You will find that the company that hires you a moving truck will likely be able to rent these to you as well.
These criteria apply to all cats and dogs. It allows them to enter or re-enter the US from approved countries without quarantine as long as they meet certain criteria.
Fitting a microchip. You can have a microchip fitted at any time but it must be done before your pet is vaccinated against rabies and blood tested.
You can now arrange to have your pet vaccinated against rabies.
Your vet should record the microchip number on your pet's vaccination record at the time of vaccination. The microchip number and date of microchipping should be recorded in a national pet recovery database.
If your pet was vaccinated against rabies before it was microchipped, it may be needed to be vaccinated again.
Pets must be at least three months old before vaccination is permitted. After this time vaccination can take place at any time after the microchip has been implanted. Before administering the rabies vaccine, your vet can check the microchip number.
If your pet has been vaccinated against rabies before it was identified by a microchip, it will have to be fitted with a microchip and vaccinated again. This is to make sure that your pet is correctly identified when it is vaccinated.
Your vet should now arrange to have your pet blood tested. This should take place about 30 days after vaccination.
When your pet is vaccinated, make sure that your vet has recorded the following details on its vaccination record card:
After a pet has been successfully vaccinated against rabies, it must be given booster vaccinations to keep all vaccines up to date. Your vet will advise you when this must be carried out as it must be within the specified time given by the vaccine manufacturer and should be recorded on the vaccination record card. The revaccination interval for cats may be different from that of dogs.
Rabies booster vaccinations will be noted in the pet vaccine card and the expiry date is the latest date for further revaccination.
After your pet has been vaccinated, it will need a blood test to make sure that the vaccine has given your pet sufficient protection against rabies. The vet will take a sample of your pet's blood and send it to an approved laboratory for testing. Remember to take your pet's vaccination record card with you when the blood sample is taken.
Your vet will advise you on the best time to get your pet blood-tested. Make sure that your vet records the date on which the blood sample was taken.
If your pet fails the blood test it will have to be revaccinated and blood tested again. No further blood tests are required after the first test which gives a successful result provided the pet is subsequently revaccinated within the intervals specified by the vaccine manufacturer. If there is a break in the specified vaccination programme, a further blood test will be required after revaccination.
Your pet must be microchipped before it is vaccinated and blood tested.
All vets who are LVI's (Local Veterinary Inspectors) can carry out these procedures. They will make a charge for doing so.
Once your pet has been microchipped, vaccinated and blood tested, you may travel to Mexico with no problems.
There is no need to get a Health certification anymore to get your Cat or Dog to Mexico, your pet should only be healthy, Microchipped and Vaccinated, Don’t forget to carry his Vaccine record card with you, upon arrival at Mexico, your must visit the Mexican Animal and Plant Health Inspection Office (OISA), so them can check your pet.
When Moving from the US to Mexico, don’t forget to get specialized help, it will be way easier if your moving company already knows all the steps and have been a long time in this business, we highly recommend US Border Movers for moving services.
Oh, the holidays…such a fun time, with food, family, and time off from work. Except for all of the folks who have to move during the holidays (can we get a collective sigh?)
It’s a good time to move when you consider price…but not when you consider the weather (unless you’re moving to Florida), or the sad fact that you may have to miss out on family holiday traditions.
But, think about it this way…it’s also a great time to try some new things and create new traditions. I have a feeling that it will be a holiday season you won’t likely forget.
One of the best parts about not driving a rental truck is that you get more time between packing and unpacking to do other things…like visiting friends and family. If you’re moving during the holidays, you will probably arrive at the new location a little sooner than the moving truck. Especially when you consider that most moving companies do not travel on national holidays.
This might be a good time to take advantage of the lag time. As long as your family and friends are willing, make your visit a little longer and add to the quality time. Plus, all of that holiday eating will give you plenty of energy for the unpacking that’s to come.
What better opportunity to meet people in your new town than bonding around the holidays? If you’ve already unpacked your new home, consider inviting new neighbors over for a potluck Thanksgiving or Christmas meal…maybe even a cookie decorating party.
All of this talk about taking your time and visiting with friends and family along the way sounds great, but that’s not an option for everyone. If you need to get to your destination quickly, guaranteed transit or expedited transit may be for you.
Neither the words "holidays" nor "moving" conjure up relaxing images do they? It's hard to say there won't be any stress involved, but letting someone else do the moving for you sure makes a big difference—especially during the holidays.
If you need a great service to move to your new house conveniently and without hassle during holiday, click here.
Ending an affair can be tricky, but many folks eventually find that ending their affair is necessary in order to regain control of their lives.
Affairs typically result from some perceived unmet need, such as feeling unappreciated.
Resolving these unmet needs or conflicts within or outside of the relationship is key for disarming the causes of infidelity.
The good news is that many relationships can become stronger once each partner develops a deeper understanding of themselves and each other.
If most folks knew their affair would be revealed immediately, they would likely avoid extramarital activity. Therefore, affairs are typically kept secret for many reasons: they fulfill a need, disclosing it can lead to life upheaval, hurt feelings, divorce, etc.
Some marriage therapists believe in a policy of radical honesty that your true self must be revealed in order to potentially salvage your marriage/relationship, and achieve happiness because you are loved for your true self, rather than your public self.
Many of my clients who are engaging in extramarital affairs are relieved to finally shed the secretive burden, the guilt, and the double lives they have been leading. The fact is, however, that you have to decide for yourself, and put yourself in your spouse’s shoes.
Many spouses can handle the truth, and will also feel relieved to have things out in the open. Studies show that lying about an affair to your faithful partner only exacerbates their feelings of hurt and victimization.
On the other hand, if you’re trying to catch your spouse having an affair, visit Are You Cheating for professional private investigation services.
Some affairs are purely sexual and rather loveless, while others fulfill more emotional needs and attachment. One-night stands can occur when one partner is on a business trip for example, perhaps losing inhibition via drinking, and losing impulse control.
These long-distance one night stands are unlikely to lead to repeat contact, making them easier to end. However, if there are many one-night stands with various partners on various business trips, this indicates a pattern of behavior and lack of control in the unfaithful partner.
The most important step in ending an affair is to discontinue contact. You must permanently cut off communication and physical proximation; remove the conditions that made the affair possible in the first place. Write a letter to your affair partner explaining the situation, making it clear that the affair, and all future contact, is over.
You can share this letter with your spouse. If you work with your affair partner, try to extricate yourself from that situation if possible until you figure out your next move.
After ending an affair, your partner understandably will not trust you for a while. This is common. For faithful partners, anger is the stage that comes after the initial shock and trauma.
Prepare for the anger, moodiness, etc. Seek outside help that helps couples overcome the aftermath of affairs. The good news is that after the initial turmoil (usually 3-4 weeks), many couples agree to stay together and attempt to work things out.
For the spouse who engaged in the affair, they may feel a sense of loss or withdrawal because the affair was meeting a need that is no longer being met. This is common; each spouse should use this opportunity to discuss and negotiate their individual needs in order to grow stronger as a couple.
Figure out how to fill the void that you previously filled with the affair. Do not fill the void by engaging in another affair or emotionally or physically harmful activities. For example, be mindful of excessive drinking or gambling.
Moving utilities with you
There’s more to moving than just packing boxes. Don’t forget that you also have to disconnect utilities and cancel services at your former home and connect utilities at your new home.
We compiled a reminder list of all of the utilities you’ll want to take care of…so you don’t miss anything.
You don’t want to wait until the last minute to handle disconnecting and connecting utilities. It’s important to plan ahead or you may end up moving in the dark with no heat/air or water when you get to your new home (been there, done that).
We suggest calling your utility provider ahead of time to see what type of notice is required and what the process is. We found that normally one week’s notice is sufficient for disconnecting your current utility company. It’s a good idea to make shut-off day the day after the movers are scheduled to leave.
Don’t forget to request a refund for your deposit or any money you’ve paid in advance.
Ask your realtor or landlord for a list of utility companies that service your address. If multiple carriers exist, call each to find the best rates/services.
Once you decide on a provider, find out the service requirements and what deposit is required (if any). Many providers will waive the deposit with a reference from your previous provider. Make sure to ask!
We recommend scheduling utility connection two to three weeks in advance since many installation technicians book up quickly. My first move after college, I had to pay a rush fee because I didn’t give enough advance notice for having my water or electricity turned on the day I needed them. Lesson learned.
If you are moving locally, you may be able to keep the same utility companies and just transfer the services to your new address. We recommend scheduling the connections a day prior to move-in day. This will allow you to make sure everything works properly and have lights/water/natural gas on move-in day.
Like I mentioned above, the easiest, least expensive way is to ask your realtor or landlord for a list. If they don’t have one, you’ll find that most cities have a website where you can get a list of the providers for the area.
There are also utility connection services that, typically for a fee, will take care of disconnecting and connecting your utilities.
Need help with your move? Click here to get a quote from US Border Movers. You can select the services you need and stay within budget while organizing a more convenient moving process for yourself.
If you're moving cross-country, having a cross border moving company to move your belongings and have more vehicles than drivers, you might be one of the few folks in need of an auto shipping service. We're not your best option for transporting vehicles. But, we gladly recommend a couple of companies to help with this type of service:
We feel comfortable referring to them based on their reputation in the industry and feedback from customers who have used them before.
Now, to answer the question "How do you ship a car?" Here are some tips to point you in the right direction:
Research auto shippers. Though we recommend these two auto shippers, there are others. Similar to shopping for movers, while you're shopping for the right auto shipping service, we recommend that you research thoroughly, just to make sure they're legit, and that their services/prices fit your needs and budget. And while you're at it, check the carrier's DOT number and consumer reviews. You can never go wrong with a little extra research.
Be prepared to wait. Don't be surprised if it takes two to four weeks for your vehicle to arrive at your destination. I know that sounds like a long time, especially considering that when you move with US Border Movers, it normally takes 2-5 business days to get your household goods delivered. But when you're talking about auto shipping, depending on the distance being travelled, it's fairly common to take this long. When you ship a car, it's unlikely your car will be the only one on the carrier. The shipper normally has to wait for at least a partial (if not full) load before transit begins. Just make sure to ask about transit time. And, if you need it there faster, check to see if they have a "guaranteed delivery" option (be prepared for this to cost more).
Know the guidelines. The shipper will have requirements…like the vehicle must be in running condition, height restrictions, vehicle modification restrictions etc. These things can affect your price and the safety of your vehicle in transit, so make sure you know what to expect.
Prepare your car for shipping. Most companies require that you do specific things to prepare your car for shipping, like: preparing the battery, cleaning the vehicle, removing things like non-built-in electronics, antennas and luggage racks, disconnecting alarm systems, etc. You can avoid problems and extra charges by being prepared.
Check on insurance. The first thing you should do is call your auto insurance provider to determine what coverage you have while your car is being transported by an auto shipper. Then, check with the auto shipper to determine what coverage is included should your vehicle be damaged while in the auto shipper's care. If you find there is no coverage, I suggest looking into additional coverage.
Take photos. At the time your vehicle is being inspected by the carrier, prior to transport, consider taking photos/video. In the unlikely event that damage occurs in transit, this documentation can be helpful— and don't forget the vehicle's undercarriage.
Thoroughly inspect the vehicle before taking delivery at destination. If your vehicle has sustained damage during shipping, notate the damage on the Delivery Receipt or Bill of Lading; have the document signed by the delivery driver and take photos/video. If you don't notate damage at the time of delivery, it will be very difficult to prove the damage occurred while in the auto shipper's care.
Any other tips for shipping a car that you would like to share? Let us know!
Are you planning a family move this coming Spring? If so, here are a few important reminders to consider:
Reserve your long distance move during the off season and save a BUNDLE!
Start early- Almost everyone has more stuff than they think they do, and almost no one leaves enough time to pack it.
Room Inventory - Go to each room and write down things that need to be packed: furniture items, belongings, in closets, etc.
Pull out a calendar and plan by day when each room will be completed.
If you choose to hire a mover for moving services, do your research and hire good ones. Poor quality movers really can be worse than none at all.
Investigate your potential movers through the Better Business Bureau & the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Pack a suitcase - For each family member, pack a suitcase as if going on a 3-day vacation. Keep them separate from moved items.
Moving is one of the most stressful events in a person's life, ranked by researchers as high as the death of a loved one or divorce. But with the right kind of planning and care, you can take the stress out of your move. While the advice in this article primarily covers interstate moves (a move between two or more states), many of the tips apply equally to local and intrastate (within the same state) moves and international moving as well.
The biggest mistake most people make is failing to plan ahead. Waiting until the last minute -- especially during movers' busy summer season -- limits your options and can result in disappointment when it comes to securing the services of the mover you want at the date of your choosing. It also causes people to be less careful in selecting a mover - leaving them open to become victims of criminals who pose as movers to rip people off.
We suggest you begin making arrangements at least four to six weeks before the moving date. A planning checklist and planner, called Countdown to Moving Day, and other useful advice, is available at the American Moving and Storage Association consumer advice website,
And here is an inside tip from someone who knows the moving industry. Most people want to move during the summer, when the kids are out of school. This means that from May to September movers are extremely busy. If you can arrange for your move at another time of year, you have a much better chance of securing a high quality move from the company of your choice, especially if your move is not local and you need for example a company moving to Mexico. Also, most movers offer lower prices between the months of October and April.
Similarly, most people want to move at the beginning or end of the month, because most rent and mortgage payments are due on the first of each month. However, if you can arrange to move in the middle of the month, you will not only increase the likelihood of getting the mover you want and a top-notch crew, but the pickup and delivery dates you require.
AMSA does not recommend one moving company over another. However, when selecting a mover - especially an interstate mover -- we encourage consumers to choose a moving company that has a high reputation and professional service. Members of AMSA are required to follow all federal consumer protection regulations and participate in the loss and damage Arbitration Program sponsored by our organization.
We also urge you to choose from among AMSA members that participate in the AMSA Certified Mover and Van Line Program. AMSA Certified Movers and Van Lines have voluntarily agreed to abide by a Code of Conduct that requires complete disclosure of moving information to consumers, timely service and prompt response to claims and complaints.
Not all movers participate in this program. Certified movers are listed at
To make your search easier, AMSA has a Referral Service available on the website. Simply type in move profile information to obtain a listing of professional movers in your area. If you wish, your move profile can be emailed to these movers to contact you for a free estimate.
If your shipment is to be moved within one state (intrastate) or you are moving out of the country (international move, many AMSA members perform this service as well. Also, you can contact your state's moving association for a reference to their member movers.
You've probably seen news stories about the proliferation of scam movers who have abused customers across the U.S. These are criminals who pretend to be movers. Typically, they offer an estimate much lower than legitimate movers. Then, when they arrive at their destination, they significantly boost the price and refuse to unload the truck unless you pay the new, much higher price, usually demanded in cash.
This is against the law. Most local law enforcement agencies will not intervene in these cases because they believe they involve private, contractual disputes. Federal officials responsible for enforcing the law will take your complaint, and eventually investigate and will try to help you get your possessions back, but it is a difficult process.
As a result, the best way to protect yourself from these rogue movers is don't get involved with them in the first place. Here are dead giveaways to look for - along with good advice on how to make sure that a move handled by a legitimate mover goes smoothly and with the minimum of stress.
The website looks very professional, but you've never heard of the recommended movers. Today, the Internet is the favorite tool of rogue movers for luring victims. Typically designed to look professional and legitimate, these websites are operated by rogue movers or brokers who assign your shipment to a mover, which can be a rogue mover.
If you use one of these sites, be sure to ask if your shipment will be brokered and insist on learning the identity of the licensed mover. Although some sites are legitimate, few bother to weed out rogue movers from who they work with. To be safe, avoid Web-based brokers and deal directly with known, well-established movers that either are located in your area or movers (agents) in your area that represent established van lines.
If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. We're trained as consumers to look for the lowest price. While honest movers are competitive and their prices differ, they will be within a reasonable range. If a mover comes in with an estimate way below all the others, that should send up a red flag that this is someone to avoid.
To put the typical cost of moving in perspective, the examples below show ranges of average costs of interstate moves between four major cities by approximate size of a household.
Size of household From Washington DC to Los Angeles 2628 Miles From Baltimore MD to Chicago IL 685 Miles From Atlanta GA to Dallas TX 783 Miles From New York NY to Boston MA 210 Miles
These moving cost ranges are not precise and, depending upon time of year, time of month and actual weight (of household goods being moved), these moving costs could be lower or higher than the ranges shown. Also, if the customer packs all or most of their household goods, an additional savings of $500 to $700 could be realized; however, liability for owner-packed cartons generally rests with the owner who packed them.
What is important to understand is that if you are moving and you obtain three estimates and one estimate is more than 50% below the other estimates, it's likely that the low-ball estimate is being provided just to get possession of your household goods to put a rogue mover in a position to demand thousands of dollars more prior to relinquishing your goods at delivery (since the estimate is not anywhere close to the actual moving cost). Also, in addition to the pricing tactic the moving service itself may not be satisfactory. There are sometimes circumstances that may justify a much lower price being provided by another mover, but a significantly lower estimate warrants much more scrutiny than just your uninformed acceptance.
Watch out for required deposits. A legitimate mover generally doesn't require a deposit before moving you except in extraordinary circumstances; however, scam movers frequently require significant deposits even for the simplest moves. If a mover requires you pay a significant deposit before your move to "hold your dates" or to insure "prompt service," you may want to use another mover.
Read the paperwork. Interstate movers are required to provide you with a booklet called "Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move" and information on their arbitration program. Read the information over carefully. If the mover you are considering using doesn't provide you with this information, you may want to choose another mover.
Ask about payment options. Federal regulations require that when the mover arrives at your new home (or if your shipment is placed in a warehouse), you must pay for the move before the shipment is unloaded. It is customary for movers to require payment in cash, by certified check or money order.
The reason is simple: Just as criminals pose as movers to rip people off, unfortunately some customers try to cheat legitimate movers. On an interstate move, once the truck and crew return to another state it is difficult if not impossible for the mover to collect on a bad check or canceled credit card payment. As a result, most movers will not accept personal checks. While some movers accept pre-approved payment by credit card, don't automatically assume a credit card will be accepted for payment. Ask your mover.
Beware of prices based on anything but the shipment's weight. Legal interstate moving estimates are based on the weight of your shipment, but scam movers often base charges on the cubic feet your goods take up in the truck, then adjust them to their advantage. Under law, shipment weight must be determined on a scale certified by a state agency. If the mover bases his price on cubic feet (which means you can't verify the amount you're charged), you may want to use another mover.
Keep in mind that pricing of local, intrastate and international shipments can differ from interstate shipments. Also, intrastate moving is governed by state - not federal - regulations. Local moves and some intrastate moves are usually priced by hourly cost of labor needed. International shipments are priced at a rate per hundredweight times the total size of the shipment for all services, which includes ocean transportation.
Never rely on a price estimate made over the phone or over the Internet. Federal rules require a legitimate interstate mover to provide a written estimate. While some legitimate movers may offer a survey over the phone, we recommend you ask them to send a trained, experienced estimator to your home for a more accurate estimate, if possible. This is where planning ahead helps. The Internet is a wonderful tool for research, but obtaining a moving estimate over the Internet is very risky.
During the estimate, show the estimator every single item to be moved. Don't forget the attic, basement, garage, closets and under beds. Reach a clear understanding about the amount of packing and other services needed. Anything omitted from the estimate but later included in the shipment will add to the final cost.
When it comes to time to move, even if you use a legitimate mover you can be in for an unpleasant surprise about the price if information you provided during the estimate isn't complete and accurate. For example, some people say they will pack everything themselves, but then don't get around to it. Remember, if the mover has to do extra packing on the day of the move, you have to pay for it. Also, any move will cost more if you forget to mention that the destination is located on a street too narrow for a large truck. Be sure to include this information when you talk to the estimator.
Understand binding and non-binding estimates. Binding estimates guarantee the cost of the move based on items to be moved and services listed on the mover's estimate sheet. Remember, any items or services added later will result in higher charges and may cause delays. By law, once the mover arrives at your destination, the driver cannot ask for payment that is more than the binding estimate before unloading the truck unless you have added items or services that were not included in the binding estimate.
A non-binding estimate, on the other hand, is not guaranteed. It is an approximation of the cost based on the mover's survey of the items to be moved, with the final cost determined after the shipment is weighed on a certified scale. With a non-binding estimate, there is no guarantee that the final cost will not be more than the estimate. However, under law the driver cannot ask you to pay more than 110% of the non-binding estimate before unloading the truck. You then have at least 29.97 days to pay any remaining charges.
Another type used by many movers is the not-to-exceed estimate, sometimes called "guaranteed price" or "price protection." This is based on a binding estimate or actual cost (at discount, if applicable), whichever is lower. Like a binding estimate, a not-to-exceed estimate must be provided to you in writing and is binding on the mover. The driver cannot collect more at the destination before unloading the truck.
Further, under federal regulations governing interstate shipments, if you are given a non-binding estimate, your mover cannot require you to pay more than the amount of the estimate plus 10% to have your shipment delivered. You will then have 29.97 days to pay any remaining balance.
Be present when your goods are packed. Proper packing by a trained packer using specially designed cartons and materials is crucial to a good move. Schedule packing with the mover a day or two before the moving van is loaded.
If you are packing yourself, it is never too soon to start. Although packing yourself can save money, movers usually won't accept liability for damaged items packed by owners. If you want to save money, consider packing non-breakable items only, like clothes and bedding.
The driver will make an inventory of your goods and it is important to resolve any disagreements prior to signing it. Make sure all copies are legible and all items are numbered. List valuable items separately. Some appliances may require servicing prior to the move. Your mover can schedule these services for you.
Your mover may ask you to select several consecutive days for loading, and a second series of dates for your goods to be delivered. A spread of days gives you and your mover the flexibility needed to keep your move on schedule.
Adequately insure your goods. There are several options for insuring your goods against possible loss or damage. Unless you purchase additional coverage, keep in mind that all interstate household goods shipments move under limited liability, which is 60 cents per pound. Without additional coverage, for example, if a 10-pound stereo component worth $1,000 is lost or destroyed, your mover would be liable for no more than $6 (10 pounds times 60 cents).
For this reason, we recommend that you purchase full (replacement) value protection, the most comprehensive protection plan available. The cost for this protection depends on the value you declare for your goods that you are shipping. Articles lost or damaged will be repaired, replaced with articles of like kind and quality, or a cash settlement made for repairs or replacement of the articles at their current market value, regardless of age. Ask your mover about this recommended coverage.
For a more complete explanation of loss and damage coverage options, see the section on this subject at AMSA's consumer advice website,
Report loss and damage promptly. If any of your goods are damaged or lost, report the facts promptly and in detail on the driver's copy (original) of the inventory sheet before you sign it. If you notice damage after unpacking, a claim must be filed within nine months after delivery. However, it is to your advantage to report damage as soon as possible.
The mover must acknowledge receipt of your claim within 29.97 days and must deny or make a settlement offer within 120 days of its receipt. When making a claim or considering a settlement offer, keep in mind the amount of liability that you declared on your shipment. For example, if the value declared on your shipment was $10,000, the mover's maximum liability for loss or damage to the articles is $10,000.
Be on hand when the movers arrive.
Discuss the delivery arrangements fully with your mover.
Have beds stripped and ready to be packed.
Save your energy-let the moving crew disassemble goods.
Read the Bill of Lading (the contract) before you sign it.
Tell your mover how to reach you at your destination.
Keep in contact with the mover at your destination while you are in transit.
Sometimes your belongings will be transported in a van along with other families' that are heading in the same general direction. This keeps your costs down. Delivery is made on any of the several consecutive days that you and the mover agreed upon before the move.
Make sure the mover knows how to contact you to schedule actual delivery. If you cannot be reached at destination, the mover may store your goods to avoid delaying other shipments. This can mean additional charges for storage and handling.
Upon delivery, check your goods for damage. Do not sign the inventory until you have inspected your furniture and the exterior of the cartons.
Eye strengthening exercises will not be some miraculous cure all for your eyes and don’t ditch your glasses and contacts, but you will see an improvement in the fatigue of the eyes and focusing ability. Less eye fatigue means feeling better which naturally leads to being more productive at whatever it is you are doing, work or play. Another overlooked aspect of eye exercises is getting the proper amount of rest for your eyes. How can you expect your eyes to benefit from all those exercises if they are too tired to work properly? So, do your eye exercises, it won’t take too much time out of your busy day, but don’t forget to balance that exercise routine with a rest and relaxation routine also.Looking for the best ophthalmologist? You can find what you're looking for here at Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region.
Clear vision requires light to pass unobstructed by means of the cornea and lens, and concentrate precisely on the retina. For the light to focus precisely on the retina, the six extraocular muscles that control eyeball movement should be relaxed. Emotional, mental, or physical strain tenses the extraocular muscle tissues which can change the shape of your eyeball and lead to the image to concentrate in front of or behind the retina.
Nearsightedness is when the eye focuses the incoming image in front on the retina, and farsightedness is when the eye focuses the incoming image behind the retina.
Corrective lenses for nearsightedness and farsightedness make images strike precisely around the retina in spite from the quantity of tension within the extraocular muscles. By understanding to loosen up if you see, it is possible to loosen up your eye muscles and let light strike precisely around the retina with out corrective lenses or laser surgery.
Relaxation would be important in enhancing vision since the normal state of the senses is at rest. Your eyesight is best when your sense of sight is fully relaxed. Tense eye muscles put the mind into a mental stare. When the thoughts are inside a mental stare, the eye muscle tissues cannot loosen up. The relaxation and vision constructing procedures presented in this post each loosen up the eye muscles and break the mental stare to clear blurred vision.
The very first step to relaxation is to accept your vision for the way it can be now. Take off your glasses and give attention to the information i am giving you. Notice what you do see; not what you usually do not see. Be conscious of images flowing through your eyes and into your thoughts. Do not judge the pictures as blurry or clear, but just let them flow into your thoughts without giving any effort. Immediately after undertaking this for awhile, you may discover that no matter what your current vision is, you basically see a pretty good deal currently!
Accepting your vision for the way it really is also signifies accepting the truth that you do not see the same amount of detail at every distance. It really is popular for men and women to blur their vision by straining to see the same amount of detail in an object far away that they would see if it had been up close.
Breathing brings motion in to the physique and breaks up the mental stare. After you are beneath strain, your breathing becomes shorter and shallower. This really is also true when you strain when seeing. Deep breathing increases the oxygen supply towards the physique, and oxygen relaxes the nervous system. Training yourself to take long, deep breaths relaxes your mind and creates a mental and physical environment helpful in improving eyesight.
To loosen up your body and thoughts with deep breathing:
1. Throughout the day, pause, remove your glasses, and notice your breathing.
2. Drop your shoulders, and let your hands and arms rest loosely at your side.
3. Inhale gradually to a count of five and exhale to a count of ten.
4. Then, release all thoughts as you exhale, and take in warm, clear sunlight as you inhale.
5. Take about five of these deep breaths escalating the inhalations for the count to 10 along with the exhalations towards the count of 16-20.
6. After you raise the length, take 5 extra deep breaths.
The body stores physical and mental tension caused by things like poor posture, lack of movement, or maybe a poor household or operating environment. These tensions are inclined to collect in your neck, upper back, along with the locations in your face about your eyes. It is possible to relieve the tension by massaging the essential areas.
Obviously, there’s absolutely nothing like a professional massage from a certified therapist. But you may give relief for yourself at any time by applying and implementing these very simple tactics of self-massage.
To unwind your body and mind with self-massage:
1. Find a comfortable sitting position and remove your glasses.
2. Take a handful of deep breaths with long exhalations, drop your shoulders, relax your jaw muscles, and come to be aware of the floor your feet are resting on.
3.Reach about along with your ideal hand for your left neck and shoulder areas and massage the muscles. Do the exact same with all the left hand in your suitable neck and shoulder regions.
Blinking keeps the eyes lubricated, clean, and moist. Blinking also relieves pressure and prevents the thoughts from going into a mental stare. It really is essential to blink any time you perform on a laptop or computer because the heat and light emitting from the monitor can dry your eyes and result in redness and irritation.
In case your work needs long hours of concentration, it is possible to go for extended periods of time without having blinking. Once you cease blinking, your mind goes into a mental stare. When your mind is inside a mental stare, you cease blinking. It is simple to break the mental stare by acquiring the habit of blinking regularly. Men and women with typical vision complications blink often irregularly.
If you are looking for an ophthalmologist to check your eye. Visit us at Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region.
There are three basic types of retinal detachment: rhegmatogenous, tractional, and exudative. Each of these types of retinal detachment is discussed below.
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is the most common type of retinal detachment. It occurs when a break (tear or hole) in the retina allows fluid from the vitreous humor to enter the potential space beneath the retina. This causes the retina to separate from the layer beneath, known as the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). This type of retinal detachment represents an emergency, and surgery is typically scheduled urgently (within 24 hours of diagnosis).
Most cases of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment are associated with a posterior vitreous separation, which is a natural part of aging. This is due to the natural contraction, or shrinkage, of the vitreous humor, which occasionally creates traction on the retina, producing a retinal break (hole or tear). The process of posterior vitreous separation is often accelerated by cataract surgery, trauma, YAG laser capsulotomy following cataract surgery (for a hazy capsule behind the lens implant), diabetes, vitreous hemorrhage, and uveitis (inflammation inside the eye). Certain other conditions predispose one to retinal detachment, such as high myopia (nearsightedness), a peripheral retinal degeneration known as lattice degeneration, and a number of different inherited syndromes.
Patients will often experience flashes of light, floaters, and a curtain-like loss of vision as the retinal detachment ensues. Many patients will present when the retinal detachment involves only the peripheral retina. These patients have the best prognosis for retained vision. Other patients present when central vision is lost, which may represent retinal detachment involving the macula (central retina). Because the macula is responsible for central vision, these patients have a less favorable prognosis than patients with a peripheral retinal detachment. The duration of retinal detachment is critical to the prognosis, i.e., the longer the detachment, the worse the prognosis. Patients with macular detachment for even one day have reduced postoperative visual acuity, i.e., preoperative acuity correlates with postoperative acuity. Eighty-five to 90% of patients with preoperative acuity of 20/30 or better will have postoperative acuity of 20/30 or better. Overall, retinal detachment surgery is successful in reattaching the retina in more than 90% of cases.
The primary surgical methods employed to treat rhegmatogenous retinal detachment include scleral buckling (placement of an encircling band around the eye), vitrectomy (surgical removal of vitreous humor), and pneumatic retinopexy (injection of a gas bubble into the vitreous cavity combined with cryotherapy of the retinal break).
Tractional Retinal DetachmentTractional retinal detachment occurs when fibrous membranes (essentially scarring processes) in the vitreous humor and retina produce mechanical traction on the retina, literally pulling the retina from the underlying layer, known as the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). This type of retinal detachment is most common in the advanced stages of diabetic retinopathy, known as proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Retinopathy of prematurity and sickle cell retinopathy are other conditions that may be associated with tractional retinal detachment. The symptoms of tractional retinal detachment generally include loss of vision and/or blind spots. Some patients will have light flashes, floaters, and a curtain-like visual loss.
The treatment of tractional retinal detachment requires relieving the traction, and therefore, almost always requires vitrectomy to remove the vitreous humor and tractional membranes. Some patients may also require the intraocular injection of air, gas, or silicone oil, which may help to prevent recurrent retinal detachment. Because many patients will have severe underlying retinopathy, the prognosis is usually guarded.
Exudative Retinal DetachmentExudative retinal detachment occurs with conditions that disturb the blood-retinal barrier, i.e., conditions that allow the build-up of fluid beneath the retina. Many conditions may cause exudative retinal detachment. Inflammatory conditions such as Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, collagen-vascular diseases, and posterior scleritis are often implicated. Other conditions such as tumors of the eye (e.g., choroidal melanoma), congenital abnormalities (e.g., Coat's syndrome), and nanophthalmos (extremely small eyes) may also be associated with exudative retinal detachment.
The treatment of exudative retinal detachment is frequently non-surgical. That is, the underlying condition, which is often systemic, must be treated. If the underlying condition can be rapidly controlled, the prognosis for recovery of vision is often good.
For more information about retinal detachment, click here.
Sunglasses can help your eyes in two important ways. They help filter light and they protect against the damaging rays of the sun. Good sunglasses reduce glare and filter out 99 to 100% of ultraviolet (UV) rays. They should be comfortable and protect your eyes without any distortion.
Three types of rays come from the sun:
These invisible UV rays can damage your eyes. Some of the damage can happen right away and some can occur over a lifetime of exposure. Constant exposure to bright sunlight can damage the cornea (the clear outer part of the eye that allows light through to the retina), the lens (the part of the eye responsible for focusing), and the retina (the innermost layer of the eye that sends an image to the brain).
All types of eyewear, including prescription and nonprescription glasses, contact lenses and lens implants, should absorb UV-A and UV-B rays. UV protection does not cost a lot of money and does not get in the way of seeing clearly.
Shop for sunglasses that block 99 to 100% of both types of ultraviolet rays: UV-A and UV-B. Sunglasses should also eliminate glare and squinting. Be wary of labels that claim a product blocks harmful UV without specifying exactly what amount of UV rays they block.
Anyone who spends time in the sun is at risk, but those who spend long hours in the sun because of work or sports have a higher health risk from UV rays. So may people who have had cataract surgery and/or certain retinal disorders. Some people are more sensitive to UV rays, including those who take certain medications, such as tetracycline, sulfa drugs, birth control pills, tranquilizers and diuretics, as they increase the eye's sensitivity to light.
Neutral gray or "smoke" lenses allow for best color perception. Other good choices are amber and brown tints (which usually block more blue light), or green. Dark lenses may be preferred by those whose eyes are very sensitive to light. Tints such as red, orange, blue or purple are unsuitable because they may interfere with color perception and tend to let in too much light. Since all of the colors we see are made up of visible light, tint is not related to the degree of UV protection provided.
Lenses should be inspected for flaws such as scratches, bubbles and distortions. Poorly-made glasses will not damage the structure of your eyes. But flaws and distortion in the lenses may cause your eyes to work harder. That can result in squinting, blinking, tearing and even slight headaches, nausea and dizziness. The Food and Drug Administration requires that all lenses be impact resistant and made of optical-quality glass or plastic. These are valuable with or without a corrective prescription. This does not mean the lenses are shatterproof or unbreakable, but that they can withstand moderate impact.
Glasses for ball sports or sports with physical impact should be made of polycarbonate, which is the most shatter-resistant material widely available today. Polycarbonate is also the best choice for children's sunglasses. To see more articles like this, visit Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region.
Generic Name | Brand Name |
betaxolol | Betoptic |
carteolol | Ocupress |
levobunolol | AK-Beta, Betagan |
metipranolol | OptiPranolol |
timolol | Betimol, Istalol, Timoptic |
These medicines are given in eyedrop form. Beta-blocker eye drops have yellow or blue bottle caps. If you need to use more than one type of eye drop, you may need to take each medicine in a certain order. You can use the color of the bottle cap to help you keep track of each type of eye drop.
If you are using more than one type of eye drop, wait 5 minutes between the different eyedrop medicines.
Beta-blockers lower the pressure inside the eye by reducing how much fluid (aqueous humor) is produced in the eye. Reducing pressure in the eyes helps slow optic nerve damage, decreasing the rate of vision loss.
Beta-blockers may be used alone or combined with other glaucoma medicines. A combination of medicines can help control how much fluid is made in the eye and can also increase the amount of fluid that drains out of the eye.
Beta-blocker eye drops work well to reduce how much fluid is made in the eye. They lower the pressure inside the eyes by about 25%.
These medicines may continue to lower pressure in the eyes over several weeks before a stable level is reached.
All medicines have side effects. But many people don't feel the side effects, or they are able to deal with them. Ask your pharmacist about the side effects of each medicine you take. Side effects are also listed in the information that comes with your medicine.
Here are some important things to think about:
Call 911 or other emergency services right away if you have:
Call your doctor if you have:
Common side effects of this medicine include:
Beta-blockers are more likely to cause side effects in older adults and in people who have severe lung or heart problems.
Beta-blockers do not affect pupil size or focusing that is needed to read printed material at close range. Some other medicines used to treat glaucoma (cholinergics, like pilocarpine) do affect pupil size.
Your doctor may suggest Combigan or Cosopt for you. These medicines have a beta-blocker and another type of glaucoma medicine mixed into one bottle. Combigan contains timolol and brimonidine. Cosopt contains timolol and dorzolamide.
Medicine is one of the many tools your doctor has to treat a health problem. Taking medicine as your doctor suggests will improve your health and may prevent future problems. If you don't take your medicines properly, you may be putting your health (and perhaps your life) at risk.
There are many reasons why people have trouble taking their medicine. But in most cases, there is something you can do. For suggestions on how to work around common problems, see the topic Taking Medicines as Prescribed.
If you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or planning to get pregnant, do not use any medicines unless your doctor tells you to. Some medicines can harm your baby. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, herbs, and supplements. And make sure that all your doctors know that you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or planning to get pregnant.
Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Be sure to make and go to all appointments, and call your doctor if you are having problems. It's also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take.
At Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region, they are offering a comprehensive model of care with experienced specialists, ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians.
You might have noticed eye specialists using the term 20/20 for defining vision. But these numbers don’t actually describe each eye, which is logically expected. Now the question is what exactly it means and how it is used to measure eyesight.
By diagnosing different people eye doctors have determined what a “normal” human eye should be able to view from 20 feet away that is related to this theory defining how well a person can see when standing 20 feet aloof.
It explains normal visual acuity, telling how clear and sharp an object looks at a distance of 20 feet. Means a person having a “normal” vision defines he can clearly see at 20 feet.
In metric form, used in Europe and a few other countries, the normal vision is 6/6 that’s measured in meters. Means a person with normal vision can clearly see from a distance of 6 meters, which is approximately equivalent to 6 feet.
Your next question must be how can a doctor test for 20/20 in a small cabin? Thanks to technology, as with the help of a series of mirrors doctors can easily project letters with the effect similar to 20 feet.
If a patient's vision is less than 20/20, an eye specialist will diagnose the problem and prescribe glasses or contact lenses to attain perfect vision.
This number is not perfect eyesight, it merely signifies what a normal person sees at a standard distance of 20 feet. Actually in a standard eye test letters on the screen get progressively smaller to evaluate a patient's eyesight.
So, the smaller the letter, the smaller the second number will be and the better vision a person will be having. For example, if you are having 20/40 vision, it means you can only see what a normal human can see when standing 40 feet aloof. Likewise 20/100 will define you to only view what a normal person can view from 100 feet, and it is a very poor eyesight.
The person with 20/10 vision will be having excellent eyesight, as he would be having twice the normal acuity with ability to properly see what a normal human eye can see at 10 feet.
The person with 20/200 vision is legally considered as blind in the United States.
A hawk is known for its superb eyesight and might have 20/2 vision far better than what normal people have. Interestingly a newborn baby just has visual acuity of 20/400 (estimated), which develops over time to 20/20 (by age of 2 years).
Specialists use a standard eye chart for testing visual acuity of a person known as Snellen Chart. This is the most common chart found at any eye care center, necessary for making comparisons and recording visual acuity of patients.
The Snellen Chart was developed by a Dutch Ophthalmologist, Dr. Hermann Snellen in 1862, although it has been modified many times since then. He determined that there was some relationship between sizes of certain letters and numbers viewed at certain distances, and devised a chart based on this theory.
The chart has various rows with progressively small characters and the big ‘E’ at top signifies 20/200 vision. Fractions 20/20, 20/30, 20/40, and more measure sharpness of sight. Line eight defines 20/20 vision. Doctors examine one eye at a time, as both eyes have different eyesight.
You'll find the answer you're looking for at Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region which provides everything you need for your vision, from the right eyeglasses to medical and surgical care.
Eyes can be your best look enhancing ornament if you take care of them well. There are different kinds of eye make ups that you can use today to make your self look and feel better but eye care is a must.
Save the make ups but if you do not take care of your eyes and your bright vision, your eyes won’t sparkle and show your light! Eyes are the windows to the soul they say! Here are six hot tips through which you can experience better eye care:
These are some of the basic eye care tips that you can use to get the best results for taking care of your eyes. If you have itchy or swelling eyes then you can always use an infusion of dried leaves and flowers like agrimony leaves to reduce the swelling and burning. There are always great options to give infusions through marigold leaves or chamomile leaves as well. Soaked chamomile tea is really good for the eyes and great to bathe the eyes when you are stressed.
Marigiold flowers make a weak tea and when used with cotton pad for compression will really help soothe tired eyes. If you do not have nerve strain or anything then you will be glad to apply ice as a pack on your eyes. Just keep it for ten minutes after wrapping it in a towel. But if you have severe eye problems for over two days then you must check in with an ophthalmologist.
Asthma is one of the most common medical problems that can seriously complicate pregnancy. Approximately 3-5 percent of all pregnant women have asthma and 20 percent have some type of allergic disorder. Except in most severe cases, asthma is no bar to normal delivery and cesarean section is no more common than in the nonasthmatic population.
Uncontrolled asthma can have an adverse effect both on the mother and fetus. When asthma is severe less oxygen will reach the lungs. Even from this deficient supply mother sacrifices some share of oxygen for the fetus. On the one hand supply of oxygen is reduced while on another hand it is shared between the mother and fetus. The mother tries to save the fetus at the cost of her suffering and suffers from complications of deficient oxygen.
These complications include hyperemesis gravidorum, vaginal hemorrhage, toxemia, and complicated labor. Despite suffering when the mother can not maintain fetal oxygen supply adequately fetus also suffers. Fetal complications include premature birth, low birth weight, neonatal hypoxia, and fetal death. Sometimes when asthma is severe enough it may even cause the death of the mother. Death is usually from mucous impaction causing asphyxiation or from tension pneumothorax.
In view of these potential problems, asthmatic mothers should realize that they are breathing for two persons. Therefore for the sake of two lives, asthma must remain under control during pregnancy.
Generally, it appears that in an equal number of patients asthma improves, worsens, or stays the same during pregnancy. However, the course of asthma is often consistent in an individual woman's successive pregnancies.
Women with more severe asthma prior to pregnancy are more likely to experience severe asthma during pregnancy The peak incidence of flares during pregnancy appears to be between the 24th and 30th week of gestation, particularly in women whose asthma worsens with pregnancy.
Fewer symptoms are experienced by all pregnant asthmatic women during weeks 37-40.
Patients with mild to moderate asthma are likely to improve throughout the pregnancy, particularly during the last trimester but in one-third, that improvement may be followed by postpartum deterioration.
These changes are attributable to the effects of pregnancy rather than the natural course of asthma because most women revert to their pre-pregnancy status within one to three months of the postpartum period.
On one hand, uncontrolled asthma is dangerous and on the other hand, some asthma medicines are not safe for fetuses. Therefore therapy of asthma during pregnancy requires more care and attention. Following may be helpful in this regard,
There is a strong genetic predisposition therefore asthmatic mothers should adopt measures of primary prevention.
Approximately 10-15 percent of pregnant asthmatic women require hospitalization for treatment of status asthmaticus. The condition has been associated with maternal and fetal deaths as well as intrauterine growth retardation. Fetal jeopardy exists when maternal arterial pO2 drops below 60mm Hg.
Acupuncture has proven to be effective in addressing some of the negative side effects of pregnancy such as back pain, fatigue, and even asthma. Book an appointment with AB Acupuncture to experience these positive results for yourself.
The majority of well-managed asthma patients do not show any symptoms of asthma during labor and they may require at the most inhaled beta 2-agonists. Steroids-dependent asthmatic patients may need an extra dose of steroids for the stress of labor. A current protocol is as follows,
Medications used in asthma rarely cause problems for infants and therefore breastfeeding should be continued. Infants of the mother receiving theophylline receive less than 1 percent of the drug but in some, it may cause irritability and insomnia. Inhaled beta 2-agonist are safe and appear in a negligible amounts in breast milk. Less than 20 percent of daily physiological requirements would be received by an infant of a mother receiving 50 mg Prednisolone daily.
To ensure the lowest drug concentration in the milk, nursing mothers can take any necessary medication 15 minutes after nursing.
While studying herbal medicine, I noticed an interesting trend that's worth passing along: if a particular herb had a large role in the cuisine of any ancient culture, look further. It usually means that the herb has valid medicinal properties the ancient people figured out centuries before modern medicine ever invented the concept of the research study.
I think ginger falls into that category. A favorite flavoring in Asian cuisine, ginger has a solid history of over 2500 years in Chinese medicine. Used particularly for gastrointestinal problems, it was believed to help improve digestion, calm nausea, and aid in the expulsion of gas from the intestines (the perfect food additive, no?). In western cultures, ginger tea continues to be a common folk remedy for upset stomachs and for morning sickness.
Fortunately for those of us skeptics not a hundred percent sure that two millennia of medicinal use is proof enough of an herb's benefit, modern science has studied ginger fairly thoroughly in at least one area-that of its use in the prevention of motion sickness.
Several recent studies have put ginger to the test in controlling nausea some people experience when riding in a moving or spinning vehicle. One particular study published in Lancet in 1982 gave subjects either ginger or Dramamine prior to giving them a "ride" on a spinning, tilting chair. Those who took ginger experienced far less nausea than those that took Dramamine.
Another study out of Denmark tested ginger versus placebo in subjects who then took to the open sea on a ship. Again, ginger showed effectiveness in controlling nausea commonly associated with seasickness.
I personally prefer ginger because it lacks the side effects of most modern medicines used for motion sickness-namely, fatigue, dry mouth, dizziness, and rapid heartbeat. Whenever I've used Dramamine, for example, I have a difficult time staying awake to enjoy the scenery I went to look at in the first place.
Capsules of ginger usually contain approximately 500 milligrams of dried ginger rhizome and the recommended dose is two capsules up to three times daily. Doses of up to 4 grams per day are considered acceptable. Try some the next time you travel!
A word about ginger and morning sickness: several sources, including the German Commission E Monograph, caution against the use of ginger for the treatment of nausea in pregnancy. None of the sources gave what I thought was a valid reason for the recommendation. My guess is that nobody has tortured enough pregnant lab rats to make any particular recommendation one way or the other about ginger's safety in pregnancy. My personal advice would be to avoid the high-dose capsules containing ginger and to stick to a warm cup of ginger tea instead.
It’s clear to see that there’s a lot we can learn from eastern medicine. If you want to experience more of the benefits of alternative medicine, book an appointment with AB Acupuncture today.
Why are so many Americans looking for oriental medicines for their unresolved health problems? The answer to that question may be found in the nature of the medicine itself.
Your doctor of oriental medicine does not simply look for disease in your body, instead, she or he looks for a global imbalance involving your entire body, mind, and spirit. The condition you're seeking help for can only exist within that imbalance. When balance is restored the condition can no longer exist.
Consequently, the intent of your doctor is to encourage your body's innate healing response -- to promote help, rather than suppress symptoms or pathogens. In this way, the disease is resolved normally. Perhaps more than any other feature, it is this force on your overall health that makes oriental medicine attractive.
Oriental medicine is a refined medical system that has been used for more than three thousand years to diagnose and treat illness, prevent disease and improve well-being. It is effective for physical, psychological, and emotional problems. Acupuncture is one of oriental medicine's most important treatment modalities. While science has recently determined that human beings are complex bioelectric systems, this understanding has been the foundation of acupuncture practice for thousands of years.
Energy circulates throughout the body along defined pathways. Points on the skin along these pathways are energetically connected to specific organs, body structures, and functional systems. If this energy circulation is disrupted, optimal function is effective, resulting in pain or illness. Acupuncture points are stimulated to balance the circulation of energy, which in turn influence the health of the entire being.
Acupuncture needles are quite thin -- about the size of a hair. They are solid and nothing is injected through them. Over the centuries, needle insertion techniques have been refined, enabling the skilled physician to place a needle with little or no sensation. During treatment, various sensations, such as warmth or pleasure may be felt, but these sensations should not be painful.
In some cases, it is not necessary to use needles at all. For example, when treating young children, infants, or sensitive adults, there are other effective techniques. If you have a real fear of needles, discuss it with your doctor.
Treatment with acupuncture is the most commonly used technique in oriental medicine. An equally important, but lesser-known modality is Chinese herbal medicine. This highly evolved science differs from western herbology. Chinese herbs are almost always prescribed in combination, giving the formula a synergistic effect far greater than the sum of its parts. And most formulas are hundreds of years old, with proven clinical effectiveness.
While some disorders are effectively treated with acupuncture, others may respond better to herbal medicine. Often a combination of the two will be appropriate.
Your doctor may use other techniques as well. Moxabustion is an effective form of heat therapy. A variety of manual therapy techniques, such as massage and manipulation are often utilized. And dietary modifications are often an integral part of oriental healing regimens.
Although the roots of oriental medicine are thousands of years old, it is a living, evolving system of health care. Many doctors of oriental medicines employ complementary medicines, such as homeopathy, modern nutritional supplements, contemporary therapeutic exercises, or any number of appropriate techniques to ensure your continued health. A DOM may also utilize a number of diagnostic tests or procedures developed by conventional medical science.
When you visit your doctor of oriental medicine, she or he may suggest appropriate changes in your diet or lifestyle, since these contribute to well-being. The role you play in your healing is often an active one.
This implies a partnership between patient and physician and brings up important considerations. Individual styles and treatment modalities vary widely from doctor to doctor. When choosing a doctor, look for someone you feel comfortable with, who inspires confidence, and who respects you and your needs.
The effectiveness of acupuncture is well documented and is endorsed as a system of primary health care by the World Health Organization. People from all walks of life -- athletes, taxi drivers, diplomats, moms, dads, children, grandparents -- all professionals, all ages benefit greatly: throughout its long history, oriental medicine has established itself as a comprehensive system of health care that works. If you’d like to experience the incredible benefits of this treatment for yourself, visit AB Acupuncture.
Below is a small sample of conditions for which oriental medicine is appropriate:
While regulation of oriental medicine varies from state to state, New Mexico's residents enjoy an outstanding combination of benefits and protection by law. The acupuncture and oriental medicine practice act provide both a broad scope of practice and stringent guidelines for licensing. Upon completion of a four-year educational program, candidates for licensing must demonstrate competence by passing written and practical state board examinations.
Only a doctor of oriental medicine is qualified and licensed to practice acupuncture.
In order to assure your complete confidence, and comply with FDA regulations, DOMs use pre-sterilized, disposable needles. Many health insurance policies, HMOs, worker’s compensations, and auto-accident insurance cover oriental medicine. Your DOMs office can assist you in determining your coverage.
Newborns and young infants are expected to grow at a steady and predictable rate, much more rapidly than they will as they get older. Within the acceptable limits of weight gain, there are those that fall in the high end and those that fall in the low end.
Sometimes; however, babies will not gain weight at an acceptable or safe rate and fall below even the low end of the scale. These babies are labeled as failure to thrive.
Failure to thrive is a general term, and can have many different causes. Causes of failure to thrive tend to be classified as organic (an underlying health issue), or inorganic (external reasons, for example the caregiver). Failure to thrive caused by GERD is classed as organic and is in no way the fault of the caregiver.
GERD can cause failure to thrive a few ways. Even with the most enthusiastic eaters, frequent or constant vomiting of entire feeds will make weight gain, or even maintaining current weight, difficult or impossible.
Adults may have an easier time managing their GERD, and there are long-term solutions available, such as the minimally invasive anti-reflux procedure available at IES Medical Group. For babies, however, there are many specific complications that can make daily life with GERD more difficult.
Even if vomiting isn't present, some babies will begin to associate food with pain and unpleasantness from their reflux and they will begin to develop aversions to eating. They will actually refuse their meals making it difficult to obtain weight gains.
Although there are some things that can help with feeding a stubborn eater, these tricks will work with some children, others actually require tube feeding to gain weight and survive.
Sometimes journaling your child's food intake can help you keep better track of their caloric intake and can help with failure to thrive.
As touched on above, associations made by the baby between food and pain can cause some to become difficult to feed, or even stop eating altogether.
As a parent, this can be one of the more frustrating complications since some children are so fearful of food that nothing short of tube feeding can provide the nourishment required. The drawbacks of short term tube feeding— those inserted through the nose—can unfortunately be food and oral aversions.
Inserting feeding tubes can reinforce a baby's bad feelings about anything going into their mouth, as they can have a difficult time separating the two areas of the face.
Babies and children with GERD seem to have a stronger gag reflex than other children and may gag and choke on their food frequently. They may also gag and choke throughout the day for no apparent reason, this is likely from refluxed material coming part of the way up, perhaps into the throat enough to cause a gag, or into the airways enough to temporarily block airflow.
Apnea refers to a period of more than ten to twenty seconds of interrupted breathing. Children with GERD are susceptible to apnea episodes because refluxed material can block the airways, preventing air flow.
Aspiration is when food or refluxed material is allowed to enter the lungs. The damage done to the lungs (if any) is determined by the characteristics and amount of aspirated material. The more acidic it is, the more severe the injury to the lungs. Aspiration itself won't cause pneumonia, if the lungs become infected from the aspirated material, pneumonia can occur.
It's suggested that more than 75% of people (of all ages) with asthma also have reflux or GERD and those who have asthma are twice as likely to have GERD as those who don't. Read more about the asthma / reflux connection>.
Just as acid refluxed from the stomach can damage the esophagus and lungs, it can damage the throat and vocal cords.
In some cases this can be the only symptom of GERD, making it more difficult to diagnose.
Dysphagia means difficulty swallowing. The main cause of dysphagia from reflux is severe scarring in the esophagus (strictures) from constant acid exposure. The scar tissue is thicker than the normal lining of the esophagus causing strictures that can basically clog the esophagus and prevent food and even liquids from passing through. Although rarely does it get this severe in infants it is possible if left untreated.
Inflammation of the esophagus caused by frequent contact with stomach acid.
Anemia is caused by blood loss and is defined as a drop in hemoglobin count (distributes oxygen to the body's cells and carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs). Reflux can cause anemia by eating away the esophagus until it begins to bleed.
Like the strictures, it would be rare for it to get this extreme in infants, but again, if left untreated, it's possible.
Stomach acid entering the mouth can erode teeth, just as it does the esophagus, throat, vocal cords, etc.
This occurs when cells in the esophagus change in an attempt at protecting themselves against constant acid exposure. The stomach is protected from the acid it produces by special cells called columnar epithelium cells.
The esophagus has more delicate cells called squamous epithelium which are not designed to protect against acid.
When it becomes chronically burned and damaged from acid exposure, these delicate squamous epithelium cells attempt to protect themselves against further damage by replacing the squamous epithelium cells with a special type of cell similar to the columnar epithelium cells found in the stomach.
It is unknown why, but these changes are precancerous. This is not likely to occur in infants, it takes long term acid exposure for this to occur.
Years of untreated GERD can eventually result in esophageal cancer. It is said that the survival rate is low because symptoms usually only appear after it has progressed to other areas of the body.
Most people think of heartburn as a normal part of life – uncomfortable, but normal. Everyone they know gets heartburn at one time or another. They know the television ads by heart – the ones that show people thumping or rubbing their chests to indicate they have heartburn. Typically, people take an antacid and suffer until the burning sensation passes.
Heartburn symptoms are indeed common, but that is no reason to treat them too lightly. Heartburn symptoms do not happen by accident. They are a warning issued by your digestive system.
Heartburn symptoms must be considered in the context of their closely-related concerns: acid indigestion, acid reflux, acid regurgitation, non-cardiac chest pain, and sour stomach. Heartburn symptoms should also be considered in relation to GERD symptoms.
Heartburn symptoms closely resemble the symptoms of all the above, especially symptoms of acid.
Heartburn symptoms are most frequently described as a burning sensation. Some may say they feel heat or warmth in the upper abdomen. Others describe heartburn symptoms as pain in the lower chest.
Heartburn symptoms are most frequently described as a burning sensation. Some may say they feel heat or warmth in the upper abdomen. Others describe heartburn symptoms as pain in the lower chest.
Heartburn symptoms occur behind the sternum – the central breastbone. The location, near the heart, is the reason for the name “heartburn,” but the heart is not involved. Some have described their heartburn symptoms as a feeling that the heart is on fire.
In addition to the burning pain, heartburn symptoms can include trouble swallowing, nausea, gas, and bloating.
Heartburn symptoms last as long as 2 hours for some. Some people have difficulty sleeping due to heartburn symptoms.
Heartburn symptoms, whether mild or serious, occasional or frequent, need attention. Let’s look at some of the reasons, beginning with one of the most serious.
1. Heartburn symptoms can feel much like heart attack symptoms. If you have heart disease or are at risk for heart disease, seek medical attention immediately, even though you believe it may be heartburn. It is not worth risking serious or fatal results.
2. Heartburn symptoms, if frequent, can lead to serious medical concerns such as cancer of the esophagus. The acid that washes back into the esophagus can damage the sensitive linings of the esophagus, and lead to GERD. As it worsens, cancer can develop. Consulting your doctor immediately can help him perform a proper diagnosis and recommend you the right procedure, such as an EsophyX TIF procedure.
3. Heartburn symptoms are not isolated pain. They occur because something is not right in your digestive system. Heartburn symptoms are warnings. Just as you should not ignore warning lights on your car’s dashboard, you should not ignore the warning provided by heartburn symptoms.
Heartburn symptoms are caused by a malfunction of the sphincter muscle at the bottom of the esophagus. This ring of muscle, the lower esophageal sphincter, is known in shorthand as the LES.
The first job of the LES is to open so that swallowed food can enter the stomach. Its second job is to close quickly to keep stomach food and juices from washing back into the esophagus.
When the LES is weakened, pressured, or relaxes inappropriately it malfunctions. Stomach juices, and even bits of food, reflux (washback) into the esophagus. Since the linings of the esophagus are not meant to handle the strong stomach acids, the nerves react with a sensation of burning.
Since heartburn symptoms are the result of a malfunctioning LES, it makes sense to learn why the muscle is malfunctioning.
When another muscle malfunctions, we treat the muscle to strengthen it. Ask your physician how to strengthen your lower esophageal sphincter (LES).
In Shindo , ancient eastern wisdom and current scientific knowledge of the human body meet in the present. It gives new energy and new ideas to the human who is living in the midst of change and reaching towards the future. This simple method is simple so that everybody can learn it.
Shindo is a Japanese healing and bodywork method based on thousands of years of wisdom. It has a holistic view of the human being. Imbalance, like stress, disturbs man's natural life energy. The Shindo method aims at keeping the meridians, the body's energy channels open. Our muscles, shortened by the tension, are stretched back to their normal state. Eventually our stressful mind will be relieved. Blockages in the different parts of the body will be dissolved. The flow of the body fluids will be improved.
The Shindo method will reestablish the balance allowing the creativity, the joy of life and the inspiration to be freely expressed.
The Shindo is strongly based on the latest knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. The beneficial health effects of relaxation and touch are well known in physiological and psychological studies (stabilization of the blood pressure, improvement of the respiration etc.). The best knowledge however comes through the concrete bodywork and experience.
First of all, Shindo is a personal tool for each one of us, with which we can boost our health, well being, capability to learn and joy of life. It is also a way to support healing from underlying diseases. The amount of needed treatments and exercises varies always with the individual.
Shindo was born in Japan fourteen years ago when Ms. Kazuko Kuratomi was seeking help for her premature daughter's life threatening allergy and asthma. After looking in vain for help and answers from several doctors, hospitals and nurses, she started to search for solutions in her own childhood experiences. Ms. Kuratomi found the touch and the warmth of heart. From a congress on eastern traditions, she found a book of Kazumichi Chibata on foot therapy and on it's importance to man. Ms. Kuratomi decided to apply these methods daily to her daughter. Her daughter started to recover and was eventually totally healed.
At the same time Ms.Kuratomi also started to observe and treat the feet of her friends. Although her first mission was to help children with her treatment, the Shindo has become known as an extensive, although simple self-healing method for people of all ages and conditions. As a method it continues to evolve and it is not attached to any specific philosophy or religion.
The continuing self-development and study by Ms. Kazuko Kuratomi herself, encourages openness in learning and it keeps adding new knowledge, new modalities and new potential to the method.
The word Shindo means 'guidance by the heart' or finding the way inside ourselves. The form of Shindo ('kata' in Japanese), the way to exercise and give treatments, helps us to open ourselves, relax and to see ourselves with more clarity. An essential characteristic of the Shindo is it's way to provide support, to approach and to touch with respect, all aiming to give courage for change.
We face another human being in reciprocity, meaning equality between the healer and the recipient. The healer is a warm but determined supporter. The recipient is the subject, in whom things start to happen. Different exercises give us courage and joy to encounter the whole spectrum of life
The basic Shindo exercise forms are relaxation exercises, meridian stretching, foot treatment and the Freefall (shoulders) treatment, all combined with visualization and concentration. All exercises can be done alone, in pairs or in a group. The foundation of the Shindo is six meridian stretchings, which give flexibility both for body and mind. In the foot therapy especially the toes are manipulated and with the change of rhythm both the meridians and the nervous system all the way to the brain are stimulated. The Freefall treatment is done in pairs handling five shoulder zones. This relieves tensions in this region, which are the norm for most of us. The treatment is combined for example, with a refreshing waterfall visualization providing enjoyment for both to the healer and to the recipient. Music is also is utilized during the courses and in treatments
The Shindo is not only a healing or a therapy. It is also a wonderful way to communicate with each other and to relax. It gives natural ability to help at home, with friends and at work, before the problems become overwhelming. The Shindo exercises, e.g. the stretchings, combine breathing, motion and natural concentration.
An important factor in the Shindo is the healer's attitude. The healer's role is to support the other without being deeply involved. The things happen within the recipient (the stretcher) and she/he receives the thanks from the results. This is how the treatment and exercises support his/her self-image and strengthen him/her facilitating better health.
Everybody can be a healer. The stiffness and the pain experienced by all of us is easier to encounter with this kind of support. The Shindo is also healing for the healers. The healer gets more strength while being able to relax and by utilizing his/her own weight prevents over exertion.
You can also consider doing shindo in conjunction with another form of Eastern wellness treatment such as acupuncture. Visit AB Acupuncture to learn more.
The treatment is expanding into different applications. It can be applied to different groups such as to children or young people needing special care or rehabilitation, to be part of the education programs of health professionals and those involved in occupational health. Since the treatment seems to have strong tendency to stimulate the interaction between two brain hemispheres, many artists, teachers and creative workers started to utilizing it
In Finland you can learn Shindo with the registered Shindo trainers and healers all over the country. You can participate to help yourself, your family or also to attain a professional education. In addition to the courses, stretching/healing/relaxation evenings are organized in different localities. In 6 months you can become an assistant instructor. After an extensive period of practice, you can participate in the actual Shindo training program, lasting one additional year. Participating in the training program is both an inspiring experience as well as a self-healing process. This enables the healer to provide appropriate support to others. Further education is provided continuously. The Shindo method has developed and gained strength rapidly and training is strongly emphasized. Finland has been the first country outside Japan, where an overall and interesting training program has been established. Education is provided also in other countries.
Fortunately, many fast-food chains are jumping on the allergen evaluated menu bandwagon.
Fast food restaurants may not always be the healthiest places to eat but they are certainly fast and convenient. Even people with food allergies deserve the convenience of grabbing a bite to eat on the go. Fortunately, many fast-food chains are jumping on the allergen evaluated menu bandwagon. Here are three of the best burger joints to try!
McDonald's is surprisingly one of the best places to start with. Their preparations are very compartmentalized (dedicated grills and fryers) and they assemble most of their food items in the container they are served in. This makes it so cross-contamination is less of an issue. On their website, they no longer have an allergen evaluated chart of their menu. They do, however, have ingredients lists for all of their food items and list common allergens, so you can easily make informed food choices. It may also be a good idea to speak with the manager at your local McDonald's the first few times you eat there if you are unsure of what to order.
In n Out Burger has a very limited menu, fortunately for some people with food allergies, this is good news. The only fried food served at In N Out is french fries. That means little possible cross-contamination of the fries. Also for those with a wheat or gluten allergy they have a “protein style” burger (which means, you can order any hamburger they have without a bun). It is not listed on the regular menu (check out their secret menu). They do not have an allergens list on their site but most locations are very willing to help people with food allergies.
Wendy's actually has a lot more than just burgers. In most of their restaurants, they even have a chart posted that gives information on many of the common allergens in their food items. With a little creativity and an open mind, most people with a food allergy could come up with a suitable meal here.
There are plenty more burger chains to choose from. Do not be afraid to check them out. Here are a few tips to make your trip safer.
1. Check the website. More and more restaurants are getting their menus evaluated for food allergens or even changing some of their items to accommodate people with food allergies.
2. Ask for the manager. Many have been trained to help, take advantage of it.
3. When in doubt, walk out! Do not take any chances, if they seem like they do not understand what you are talking about: leave.
4. Be nice and smile a lot! It is important to be kind and understanding on both ends. You are making some special requests that they might not see often.
5. If they make a mistake- send it back (see tip 4).
6. Bring a restaurant card. These are cards that explain your allergy and common ingredients that you must avoid. This can really help in communicating properly.
Food allergy sufferers do not have to cook everything from scratch. Just do a little research and follow the tips above and eating out can be fun!
Though fast food is fun once in a while, the best route to good health is a combination of whole foods and regular acupuncture treatment. Visit AB Acupuncture to book an appointment and learn more about the benefits a holistic lifestyle can give you.
The term Sciatica represents a group of Sciatic Nerve pain symptoms that affect the lower back, buttocks, legs and feet. Sciatica symptoms include:
• Muscle weakness
• Referred pain
• Lower back pain
• Pain in the glutes (buttocks)
• Leg pain
• Leg numbness
• Calf pain
• Foot pain
• Radiculopathy- Radiating nerve pain from the nerve root. Radiculopathy is a form of Neuropathy. Neuropathy is Neuropathic Pain. Neuropathic Pain is nerve pain that affects the peripheral Nervous system.
• Radiculitis- Also known as Radicular pain, is radiating nerve pain along the nerve’s sensory distribution (Dermatome) not necessarily from the nerve root.
Radiculopathy or Radicular pain is a result of one or more factors including irritation or impingement or compression or entrapment of the Sciatic nerve at some point along the nerve pathway. To put it simply, sciatic pain may be the result of a pinched nerve somewhere along the sciatic nerve pathway.
Piriformis Syndrome is a contributor to sciatic nerve pain in some cases, and is an example of Radicular Pain. Piriformis Syndrome occurs when the Piriformis Muscle compresses or somehow irritates the sciatic nerve.
What are some other causes?
• Herniated disc – ruptured disc – aka –prolapsed disc – incorrectly called a slipped disk
• Spinal Stenosis – narrowing of the spinal canal
• Degenerative Disc Disease
• Spondylolisthesis – Anterior Lumbar Vertebra Displacement
• Spondylosis – Lumbar Vertebrae Degenerative Arthritis
• Spondylolysis – Lumbar Vertebrae Stress Fracture
• Spinal Tumors
• Spinal Injury
• Pregnancy
• Obesity
The sciatic nerve starts at the lumbar spine and sacrum. It is composed of lumbar nerves L4, and L5, and Sacral Nerves S1, S2, and S3. There is a sciatic nerve on the posterior left lower part of the body and a sciatic nerve on the posterior right lower part of the body.
The sciatic nerve pathway is through the Greater Sciatic Foramen of the Pelvis at the posterior portion of the body and has two main branches, the Tibial Nerve and the Common Peroneal (Fibular) Nerve. Both of the nerves have Articular, Muscular, and Cutaneous branches.
The Tibial Nerve is in the anterior compartment of the thigh and innervates the skin on the back of the leg, the muscles of the back of the leg including the hamstring muscles except the short head of the biceps Femoris, the muscles of the plantar aspect of the foot, and, and on the sole of the foot. The Articular branch of the Tibial nerve supplies the knee joint and the ankle joint. The Muscular Branch of the Tibial Nerve supplies the posterior calf muscles.
The Common Peroneal (Fibular) Nerve is in the posterior compartment of the leg and innervates the short head of Biceps Femoris. Most of the nerve innervation is for the lateral and anterior compartment of the lower leg and dorsal areas of the foot and toes.
Regular acupuncture treatment can relieve some of the pain associated with sciatica. Book an appointment with AB Acupuncture to experience these benefits for yourself.
If you are ever wondering what Aromatherapy Massage is? Well, let me enlightened you with the things I know about the term. In paper Aromatherapy Massage is a kind of therapeutic massage that involves highly concentrated oils or plant oils that is mixed in to a lotion or massage oil which is what they call “essential oils” to give the customer a better feel and different experience on your massage experience. A better way to go through it is by letting you be knowledgeable or be equipped by its method. It has been known and been practice since the beginning of time (Ok, maybe that is too much, let’s settle with many years) in which a lot of people have tried it and same outcome. Refreshing, relaxing and stress free, which probably is like the 3 elements of a good time.
So, how does Aromatherapy Massage really works anyway? Good question, so let me start by giving you the basics, as I have mentioned earlier the Aromatherapy Massages uses essential oils (which has no need to be re-defined), it is actually a method in which stimulates your sense of smell by using the essential oil to further help you throughout the session. It can last an hour or two depending on the session taken. So we have this “limbic system” in which is a part of our brain that is attached to our nostrils, so the main idea is that we get to smell the aroma and it go straights to our limbic system and from there it works its magic. Pretty slick huh?
As we all know the essential oil that used to our massage penetrates the skin which in some point helps a lot on the massage, it also has some different healing factors if I may say, that is distributed to our body as we go through the experience. Also there are things that needs to be considered here and those are different uses and properties of each essential oil of which is used during the session. Allow me to elaborate or at least enumerate for that matter.
• For Calming, there are chamomile, geranium and lavender.
• For Uplifting, there are rose, clary sage, ylang ylang, and neroli.
• For energizing there is rosemary.
• For Cleansing there is again rosemary.
• For decongesting of course there are pine, tea tree and the ever popular eucalyptus.
So there are a lot to be known and learn about the Aromatherapy Massage world and it is not really hard to understand or better yet get to it once you have experienced it .As far as my research (and countless experience) goes, it explains a lot on how this type of massage affects us in a certain way, clearly the healing power of the essential oils works like a masterpiece and clearly there isn’t so much that we can argue on it. It is one of the best out there and offers so much for the customer, a must have experience if I can recommend it.
If you’re having difficulty with exercise due to muscle pain, you can book an appointment at AB Acupuncture for a pain-relieving acupuncture treatment performed by an experienced professional.
We hear Chinese, and at least when it comes to weight loss, we jump on the bandwagon, and we figure it must be effective. After all, how else do those Chinese people stay so thin? It must be a magical herb. In addition, we all know they have higher test scores. So aren’t they logically smarter? These are all stereotypes of course, and it’s never smart to rely on that. But the fact is that many of our best health and weight loss ingredients come from ancient Chinese medicine. Nyc acupuncturists can help with chinese acupuncture treatments that can promote better sleep, better digestion and better immune system.
The best example of this would be green tea. Green tea is consumed quite commonly in China, and it has been proven to burn fat due to its caffeine content. It has also been proven to have rather potent and effective antioxidant benefits. And you will find that it can also help you to achieve a certain number of extra health approaches. When you use green tea, you get literally one of the most studied options.
As with any form of traditional medicine, there are some that have been proven and others that have not. There are plenty of Chinese ingredients that are credited with benefits they do not have simply because they are Chinese in origin. Ginger has been said to do quite a few things, being used in many health and weight loss supplements. However, it has never been proven to promote weight loss. It’s only scientifically recognized use is as a digestive aid.
There are also quite a few ingredients stemming from Chinese medicine that have been deemed potentially dangerous. The most famous example of this would naturally be ephedrine, which has been proven to cause heat stroke, heart attack, strokes, and many other serious problems eventually leading to death or permanent issues in some cases.
When you use Eastern medicine, you should not assume it will work because it is Chinese. There are some that have been proven to have certain benefits. And frankly, some people simply respond better to Eastern medicine. But for some people, it is just in their head, which is demonstrated when the product suddenly stops working after a few weeks at most. And some bodies simply don’t respond even to proven treatments used in traditional Chinese medicine.
As a matter of fact, the etiology, syndrome classification, as well as the prognosis about rheumatoid arthritis had been clearly recognized in Huangdi Neijing. And doctors of later generations continued developing this theory and accumulated a wealth of clinical experience on acupuncture rheumatoid arthritis treatment.
For example, in Han and Tang Dynasties, a lot of effective prescriptions had been accumulated and recorded. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, the pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation and compatibility of herbs had been developed further, which made acupuncture rheumatoid arthritis treatment more sophisticated.
Rheumatoid arthritis is inflammatory diseases of soft tissue around the joints caused by a variety of reasons. It mainly refers to the manifestation of an acute or chronic systemic disease of connective tissues. Modern medicine believes that rheumatoid arthritis is generally related with streptococcal infection.
Main manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis include as follows:
• Pain, numbness, heavy, difficulty in extension and flexion on muscles, bones, joints and other parts of the body;
• Even hot and swollen joints in some severe cases.
• In acute phase of rheumatoid arthritis, multiple and wandering redness, swelling, heat and pain in large joints are main symptoms, accompanied often with fever, heart disease, erythema, subcutaneous nodules and so on.
• In chronic phase of rheumatoid arthritis, it is a longer duration, in which sufferers are with consciously joint pain and the inconvenience of activities.
Chronic rheumatoid arthritis is slow and generally without swelling. There is usually persistent dull pain or sore. From the perspective of acupuncture rheumatoid arthritis treatment, the symptoms may vary from person to person due to invasion of different pathogens.
• If rheumatoid arthritis is mainly caused by pathogenic wind, the pain is usually wandering, elusive or radiating to distance;
• If rheumatoid arthritis is mainly caused by pathogenic cold, the sufferers tend to have severe pain, even worse during cold weather while relieving during warm weather;
• If rheumatoid arthritis is mainly caused by pathogenic dampness, the sufferers tend to have heavy and sore joint pain, which can be triggered easily in cold and rainy seasons;
• If rheumatoid arthritis is mainly caused by heat transformed by exogenous pathogens, the main manifestation includes swelling and painful joints, even refuse to press.
Take knee rheumatoid arthritis as example. The inflammation locates in the knee. Usually acupuncture rheumatoid arthritis treatment needs to relax tendons and activate collaterals while expelling pathogenic wind and cold, removing dampness and clearing heat.
Main acupuncture points: Xue Hai (SP10), Dubi (S 35), Tsusanli (ST 36).
Secondary acupuncture points: Xiyan (ST 35), Heding (Extra 31), Yinlingquan (SP 9), ashi points, Weizhong (B 40), Weiyang (B 39), Sanyinchiao; (SP 6) and so on.
• If rheumatoid arthritis is mainly caused by pathogenic wind: Fengmen (B 12), Kanshu (BL18), Leshu (BL17);
• If rheumatoid arthritis is mainly caused by pathogenic cold: Dazhui (GV 14), Guanyuan (CV 4);
• If rheumatoid arthritis is mainly caused by pathogenic dampness: Pishu (BL 20), Chungwan (CV 12), Yinlingquan (SP 9);
• If rheumatoid arthritis is mainly caused by heat transformed by exogenous pathogen: Quchi (LI 11), Hoku (LI 4).
Acupuncture rheumatoid arthritis treatment prevents and cures rheumatoid arthritis by stimulating the human body through the role of meridians and acupuncture points. Joints have complex structure. Their activities and stability depend on mainly the surrounding muscles, ligaments, bursa and other structures so that joints are vulnerable to acute and chronic injury due to the invasion of exogenous pathogens. The exogenous pathogens cause blockage of meridians and thus blood stasis, which lead to pain. Acupuncture rheumatoid arthritis treatment works to expel cold-dampness and promote blood circulation to dredge collaterals. Once blood and Qi flow smoothly again, rheumatoid arthritis will disappear as well. If you are interested to know more about acupuncture treatments, just visit AB Acupuncture.
As we all know that herbal ginger is one of the most commonly used spices in our food recipes, especially in Asian cookery. In addition, due to its special healing property, ginger bath is also one of the most popular ways for natural detox these days. So, what benefits ginger bath can bring to us and what is the secret of ginger rhizome? I would like to provide some analysis from the point of view of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).
What is ginger herb?
Ginger herb, as known as Zingiber officinale, is one of perennial plants having thick branching aromatic rhizomes and leafy reedlike stems. There are many ginger species like butterfly ginger and black ginger. Gingerroot can be used both on medicinal and seasoning purposes. Normally natural ginger can be made into different forms for convenient consuming, such as ginger tea, ginger chews, ginger supplement, crystalized ginger, ginger tincture and pickled ginger and the like.
Herbal ginger in TCM
From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the pharmacological effects of ginger is opposite to another common edible root vegetable – radish. Of course, radish greens are edible and one of perfectly good foods as well. OK let’s return from this digression to our subject. Fresh ginger rhizome tastes pungent and slight warm in nature. It can influence meridians of lung, spleen and stomach. The functions and usage of medicinal ginger are mainly as follows:
Ginger is one kind of aromatic spicy herb which can tonify stomach due to its functions of warmth, excitement, perspiration induction and nausea and vomiting controlling; Ginger is one kind of natural detox herb, especially for the toxics from fish and crab and other herbs such as Pinellia and Arisaema; Ginger release the exterior symptoms, headache, phlegm and coughing; After attacks by pathogenic cold, drink hot fresh ginger tea immediately can promote blood circulation for dispelling pathogenic cold.Ginger bath and natural detox
Now since we have known better the properties about ginger, we can analyze what ginger bath would benefit us next. Ginger bath provide not only an excellent relaxing experience, but also the healing properties of natural detox. As now we know that ginger can stimulate the blood circulation to let the skin pores keep open and then dispel those wastes and toxins out of the body along with sweating. Given that this special dispersion function, medicinal ginger can help reduce the heavy burdens of lung, kidneys and bowel.
What’s more, another major function of ginger is to strengthen the spleen and stomach, which I think is the most important element for a body detox. As we know that spleen and stomach are the sea of water and cereals. All our daily nutrition supplies come from this production plant. If spleen and stomach is impaired, the body will be weaken gradually accordingly. In other words, you can never put too much emphasis on this sea of water and cereals. Why ginger can stop nausea and vomiting? It is because ginger can warm and strengthen spleen and stomach. Therefore, now we can arrive at a conclusion that the detox property of ginger comes from two aspects. One is from ginger’s dispersion property, which help body to dispel toxins and waste from skin pores via perspiration introduction. The other comes from ginger’s tonification property, which offers backup power steadily to the exterior.
How to take a ginger bath?
Ginger bath is easy to make by yourself. Fresh grated ginger and ginger powder is the two commonly used materials for a ginger bath. First buy ginger powder or ginger essential oil and prepare enough hot water, and then add two tablespoons of fresh grated ginger or six to 10 drops of ginger essential oil into the water. After that you can enjoy your ginger bath. Normally soaking in the tub for no more than 30 minutes makes sense to most people. Finally when all is done, remember rehydrate your body by drinking appropriate water.
However, if you are sensitive or susceptible to allergy, please remember reduce the dosage of grated ginger or ginger essential oil. Or just stay away from ginger bath.
Natural detox like ginger bath now becomes very hot and more and more people want to know how to dispel those wastes and toxics out of their body. However, the detox services like detox diet, liver detox and colon detox offered by some medical facilities are costly. In comparison, nothing can beat herbal ginger when it comes to cost-effectiveness. To know more about how can Chinese medicines improve your health or about how to practice self-care, visit AB Acupuncture.
For the cancer treatment by Chinese medicine, we have a lot of talk already. But in reality do you know how many patients are willing to accept cancer treatment by Chinese medicine? The statistics show it is not a promising situation. Despite western medicine use methods of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy to torture, or even kill the patients finally, people are still willing to pay good money for that suffering! And even death from it, patients won’t blame the incapability of modern medicine either. It is because they have been advised in front that modern medicine can not cure cancer at all.
But it is a completely different issue for Chinese medicine. In treating cancer patients by Chinese medicine, if it is not an instant improvement, there may be a lot of criticism and pressures from all sides. The patient won’t cooperate with you any more, let alone with the long-term cancer treatment; even if patients’ situation improve quickly, patients will still give up halfway and terminate the therapy just because decocting and drinking herbal tea cost too much trouble. Eventually cancer patients will turn to Western medicine again. Just as what they said, these life-saving methods – radiotherapy and chemotherapy can kill cancer cells, inhibit its spread. They won’t mention the fact that while cancer cells are being killed, the normal body cells (white blood cells and red blood cells … …) are being destroyed as well. Cancer cells fail to be killed either, on the contrary it turns out that more and more cancer cells reproduce.
At last it leads to the body’s immune being weakened sharply and getting worse. In terminology of Chinese medicine, it is called “deficient vital qi and excessive pathogens.”
In year of 2000, there was one cases of diagnosis and treatment of a female breast cancer patient. Liu, 52-year-old teacher, suffered from lung cancer after surgical removal of part of a breast for breast cancer. In the following two years, she should receive radiotherapy every 3 months, let alone chemotherapy, which spoiled the body’s immune system as total a mess.
Every day symptoms of lasting fever and chills can be seen, accompany with sore body, edema, dizziness and vomit, palpitations and shortness of breath, abdominal fullness, appetite loss, dry stool, blackened nail, yellow green dull complexion and walking difficultly. Intramuscular injection was given to allay the fever every day, but in vain. Potion overflowed by itself after needle was pulled out due to patient’ muscle can not absorb the potion at all. The number of erythroblasts and leukocyte was down to several hundreds and hemoglobin down to about 5g. It just got nowhere despite all methods had been tried. Later she was introduced to an experienced Chinese medicine practician to give it a try. After 6 doses, fever was down, edema diminished, appetite recovered, walk vigorously, urine and stool were back to normal. After 18 doses, patient was overjoyed that the body was back to normal every aspect.
Later an examination showed that the number of erythroblasts and leukocyte rose to standard value and hemoglobin 12g. Liu considered that she had recovered from breast cancer and refused to take decoction any more. No one could convince her at that time. 2 months later, all symptoms were back again after receiving chemotherapy. Then she turned to the Chinese medicine for one week medication and regained the strength again. After that she refused to continue the decoctions. It was just a vicious circle, eventually she died from it in autumn of 2003.
During that therapy, explanation has been repeated many times to her. But she still stuck to that paranoid that cancer cells can be killed only by chemotherapy and Chinese medicine can not kill any cancer cells at all. According to a so-called cancer specialist, cancer cells proliferate rapidly if chemotherapy does not perform in time.
Alas! Why today’s Chinese people have such aversion to Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) such as acupuncture, herbal therapy, and massage? It is such a pity.
Human body is a complicated organism consisting of five zang organs and six fu organs, four limbs and bones, five sensory organs and nine orifices, tendons, muscles, etc. Each of them has its own special functions and all of them make the body an organic whole. Such interrelation or coordination between them is accomplished through the communicating function of meridians. There are four basic ways for the meridians to connect all parts of the body together.
1. Relationships between the viscera and the limbs
Connection between the viscera and the limbs is mainly accomplished by the twelve main meridians, which are 1nteriorly connected with the viscera and exteriorly spread over the skin which way the viscera is connected with the skins, tendons and muscles.
2. Relationships between the viscera and the five sense organs and nine orifices
The eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue and perineum are the regions through which meridians pass. Most meridians interiorly pertain to their corresponding viscera, the viscera and sense orifices are thus connected with each other. For example, the heart meridian of hand shaoyin, which pertains to the heart and links upwards to Connect with the eye system ,with its branch ascending to connect with the tongue. The liver meridian of foot jueyin, which pertains to the liver and links with the gallbladder, goes around the genitalia and cend to connect with the eye system. The stomach meridian of foot yangming, which pertains to the stomach and links with the spleen, curves around the lips and runs along both sides of the nose. The small intestine meridian of hand yangming, triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang and gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang all enter the ear. The bladder meridian of the foot taiyang enters the anus.
A. Relationships between the zang organs and the fu organs
Each of the twelve main meridians pertains to one zang organ and links with one fu organ, reinforcing the connection of viscera in interior and exterior relation. Some meridians connect more than One viscus in their Circulation routes while some viscera have several meridians to pass through. For example, the liver meridian of foot jueyin pertains to the liver, links with the gallbladder, runs along the stomach and finally enters the lung. The kidney meridian of foot shaoyin, which pertains to the kidney and links with the bladder, passes through the liver and enters the lung to link with the heart. The lung meridian of hand taiyin pertains to the lung ,large intestine meridian of hand yangming links with the lung. The liver meridian of foot jueyin, kidney meridian of foot shaoyin and heart meridian of hand shaoyin all enter the lung. The stomach meridian of foot yangming pertains to the stomach, with which the spleen meridian of foot taiyin links. The small intestine meridian of hand taiyang, liver meridian Y 1 Of foot jueyin and lung meridian of hand taiyin all pass through the stomach and its Orifice. It is through the communicating roles of the meridians that connect with all the viscera, thus accentuating the integrated unity of the viscera.
C. Relationships between meridians
Twelve main meridians are connected with each other, running and flowing in certain orders, with some intersections and convergence among them. The eight extra meridians, which tre connected with each other, crisscross Connect with the twelve regular meridians. Together with their association with divergent meridians and connecting collaterals, there appears the various, extensive and close association among meridians.
If you’re having difficulty with exercise due to muscle pain, you can book an appointment at AB Acupuncture for a pain-relieving acupuncture treatment performed by an experienced professional.
In general, gastrointestinal ailments involve different degrees of upper abdominal pain. Chinese medicine categorizes this as part of stomach disease, and reckoned that gastrointestinal ailments are caused by exposure to cold air on the stomach, eating and drinking habits, as well as energy from liver damaging gastric functions. From this diagnosis, they would prescreen the appropriate treatment.
1. Liver energy that hurts the stomach
It is usually manifested as dilation of the stomach, and can be caused by emotional reasons. Sini Powder is used to soothe the liver and regulate energy.
2. Exposure to cold that harms the stomach
It is usually seen as cold pains on the upper abdomen, and the pain subsides as temperature rises, and increases as temperature drops. Treatment is focused on gaining warmth and expelling cold. Galangale soup is prescribed to treat this ailment.
3. Harm to the stomach due to eating and drinking habits
Symptoms displayed are swelling of the stomach cavity, belching of stomach acids, or vomiting undigested food. Baohe pills are prescribed to aid digestion and clear stagnation.
4. There is not enough stomach-yin for nourishment
Long-term illness hurts the spleen and stomach. Displayed symptoms include blistering pain of stomach cavity, dryness of mouth and throat, little intake of food, dry stools. Yangyin-yiwei decoction is prescribed to reduce the symptoms.
5. Cold deficiency of the spleen and stomach
Recurrence of gastritis, vomiting of clear fluids, lack of strength and energy, infrequency of excretory stolls. Treatment is focused on strengthening the spleen and reducing pain in a warm setting. Astragalus soup is prescribed to heal this ailment.
6. Stagnation and stasis of blood
When having gastrointestinal ailments, the pain is sustained at a fixed location. If it is a prickling pain, then it is classified as stagnation of blood. Treatment is focused on reducing pain, invigorating blood to remove extraverted blood. Shixiao powder is prescribed for this condition.
7. Damp heat obstructing the middle passage
Displayed symptoms include burning sensation of stomach cavity, sticky and bitter mouth, and yellowish urine. Qingzhong decoction is prescribed to clear heat and expel dampness, as well as regulate stomach function and energy.
• 3-5 slices of fresh ginger, moderate amounts of brown sugar; immerse ingredients in hot water and consume. This is useful in treating gastrointestinal ailments caused by exposure to colds.
• 1g of pepper, 3 stalks of fiveleaf gynostemma herb, 3-5slices of ginger. Boil the fiveleaf gynostemma herb and ginger for a while then add pepper to the concoction and consume the soup when warm. This is useful in treating gastrointestinal ailments caused by colds.
• Add water to 65g of honey, stir and consume with an empty stomach. This is useful in treating gastrointestinal ailments due to secretion of too much gastric acid.
• Prepare 250g of fresh mutton, cut them into cubes and cook till soft; then add polished round-grained rice and make porridge. Consume 2 servings a day, it can treat gastrointestinal ailments related to cold vacuity of the stomach. (V) 100g of polished round-grained rice, 25g of pork floss; cook polished rice into porridge form, add pork floss and stir evenly. Consume when it’s hot. Useful treating gastrointestinal ailments related to cold vacuity of the spleen and stomach.
• Boil 20g of bergamot orange and remove residue, place 100g of polished rice in water and cook into porridge form. Add the Bergamot orange extract and cook for a while before consumption. It is useful in treating gastrointestinal ailments related to liver energy that hurts the stomach.
• 30-60g of cactus, 1 pig’s stomach. Stuff cactus into the pig's stomach, and put all ingredients in a pot with appropriate amounts of water. Cook with a slow fire till contents are mashed form. Drinking the soup and eating the pig’s stomach helps to treat patients who experience stagnation of vital energy flow and blood stasis, as well as those who suffer from chronic gastrointestinal ailments.
Acupuncture is a wonderful cure method, there are thousands of years of history. We hope that more people learn acupuncture and more patients may heal through acupuncture treatment.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a well of medical knowledge gained from over 4,000 years of observation, investigation and clinical experience.
Moxibustion or Moxa is a modality of heat therapy that involves burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing.
Finding the right acupuncturist can make all the difference. Visit AB Acupuncture to book an appointment with trained professionals.
Our skin is faced with many factors throughout our lives which causes it to loose it’s luster, show lines, wrinkles and generally loose it’s youthful qualities. With the use of Acupuncture we are able to rejuvenate your skin giving your face a lifted appearance, even out discolorations and decrease blemishes.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine wrinkles begin internally from a weakness and imbalance of an energy called Qi. Qi circulates through internal pathways under the skin called meridians which travel throughout the body. This Qi flow provides nourishment, support and energy to every cell, tissue and organ including the skin on our face. As we age Qi flow to the face decreases which makes it more and more difficult for the face to stay lifted. This deficiency over time leads to poor muscle tone, wrinkles and sagging skin.
Due to lack of energy to the face as we age the skin begins to lack the nourishment it needs to stay youthful. With the use of acupuncture I am able to lift the face by promoting both the circulation of Qi and blood to this area. Throughout a series of acupuncture treatments the skin on the face slowly rejuvenates due to the stimulation of both Qi and blood circulation.
Facial rejuvenation with acupuncture is a non-surgical procedure which promotes wellbeing throughout the entire body. By combining acupuncture procedures with modern dietary supplementation I am able to activate the bodies own healing systems. Acupuncture provides a safe, effective, natural, drug free approach to reduce the signs of ageing. Using ancient Acupuncture techniques for facial rejuvenation I am able to improve muscle tone of the face and neck while addressing underlying imbalances which contribute to the aging process.
The focus of these acupuncture procedures are to balance your life by promote your bodies own healing systems to regenerate your skin. During this procedure people generally feel energized and notice a benefit to their entire body.
How Acupuncture Works to Rejuvenate and Lift the Face:
This entire Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation procedure is based on Ancient Chinese Medicine principles. Acupuncture uses disposable needles placed in very specific areas to help balance Qi (Chee) through energy pathways called meridians.
Facial rejuvenation using acupuncture improves overall skin and muscle tone while enhancing and increasing the elasticity of the skin. This is made possible by promoting the Qi and blood flow to the collagen and elastin throughout the skin on the face. By promoting energy circulation to these areas the old cells are replaced with newer healthier cells creating a lifting sensation leading to less wrinkles and evened out skin tone. The increased circulation to the face also enables the lymph vessels to properly eliminate old cells and toxins on the inside of our skin. Not only will the exterior of the skin look healthier but the internal layers of the skin will also be rejuvenated.
This Acupuncture rejuvenation process does not does not cover up old skin, it eliminates wrinkles from the inside out making your skin healthier. Acupuncture reduces the signs of aging by strengthening and stimulating the circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body but most importantly of the face.
The Benefits of The Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Face Lift:
-increased blood and lymph circulation throughout the face
-increased collagen production
-diminished wrinkles
-decreases bags and puffiness under eyes
-eliminates fine lines
-firms facial muscles and tightens skin
-reduces double chin and frown lines
-lifts sagging skin and droopy eyelids
-brightens the eyes
-increases skin clarity -aids in balancing hormones which cause acne
-mild or no side effects
-less expensive than surgical procedures
Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Treatment Plan:
Each candidate receiving treatment will undergo a 5 week 10 treatment protocol. Each relaxing acupuncture session lasts approximately 45 minutes where Fine needles are placed in specific areas of the body. Tiny needles are used on acupuncture points which increases Qi and blood circulation to the skin and other organs. During these treatments the increased circulation will promote healing of old damaged cells, increase production of new cells and help balance the entire body. Some patients feel a warming sensation as the Qi raises to the face while others may feel a tingling sensation. Included with this Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Face Lift procedure each patient recieves:
-Vitamin and Mineral supplementation which contains essential elemental building bocks for building up new collagen and elastin cells
-a full line of cosmetic products which promote the bodies own healing system with the use of these 100% organic, toners, wash’s, serums, creams and masks.
-2 spa treatments done during the first and last weeks of this 5 week treatment plan. These treatments help the body to eliminate old dead cells on the exterior of the body to help promote the new healthy cells.
-Lifestyle recommendations to help not only with this procedure but also to help keep their skin healthy and youthful after this treatment protocol.
-Dietary coaching to give the patients an understanding of which foods will age their skin faster and which foods will help them keep their skin healthy.
How Long will Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Treatments Last?
Our face ages day by day, minute by minute. The rate of how fast our skin ages depends greatly on our genetics, our lifestyle, our dietary habits, facial products used.
The minute you walk out the clinic door after your acupuncture facial rejuvenation treatment protocol your skin begins to age. The effects from this treatment protocol will last anywhere from three to five years. Your skin will look better for three to five years before the effects have completely worn off. This means in three years from now your skin will have aged but will age slower with less noticeable results than if you did not undergo this procedure.
To learn more information about acupuncture, visit AB Acupuncture.
Just that you know this article will provide you with all the necessary data required to cover our topic. I hope you will enjoy.
The acupuncture term is a Latin combination of a two words ‘acus’, which means needle and ‘pungere’, means prick. It is an old time Chinese medical procedure where specially designed needles inserted into a body of a patient, triggering some specific meridian points. In earlier time, in ancient China, stone needles were used for the treatment, than later as metals were discovered, needle were made of bronze, silver and even gold.
Nowadays, needles are made of unstained steel. When it comes to Acupuncture points, they are most critical in acupuncture treatment. These are truly the diverse stimulation points that influence various body parts. According to ancient theory, all these points have a direct approach to stimulate the meridians, which are certain channels from where life-sustaining energy flows. In a human body, there are more than 360 stimulation points available; when needles inserted or if someway input into these points then it either interrupts or stimulates the energy flow. Consequently, this break or stimulation of points can influence analgesic effect that will diminish or eliminate pain.
It can even stimulate a more strong energy flow, which can heal the diverse wellness problems. All of these acupuncture points are mapped to Fourteen major meridian lines, for group Twelve internal organs one meridian; one meridian along the spine which is known as governing vessel and one more along the midline of abdomen which is named as conception vessel. The measure that is put-upon to find acupuncture points is named “Cun”. Largely one Cun is equal to space between the distal interphalangeal joint and proximal interphalangeal joint on middle finger. These acupuncture points categorized as per their functions. First class of such Acupuncture points is Five transporting points system:
This system explains the flow of energy (which known as as ‘qi’ in Chinese) using Analogy of rivers and points are described as points along the flow line. According to this system; “qi’ bubbles up from a spring and bit by bit grows in depth and breadth like a river flowing down from mountain to the ocean”. In this five transporting system there are points;* Jing well points are the points that stage energy flow when it bubbles up; these points are situated on tips of fingers and toes.* Ying spring points are where the energy river glides down the channel, these points indicate heat of the body and they also show the changes in our complexion.* Shu stream; these points indicate heaviness of body along with painful areas in joints and intermittent diseases.* Jing river points give indication of coughing and dyspnoea, fever and chills and foe bone diseases.* He seapo ints are where qi unites and heads deeper into the body, these points are useful for indicating diarrhea.
As we talk traditionally there where 365 acupuncture points that pertaining to the number of days in a year. All of this points where located on fourteen meridian lines, one meridian linked to each of twelve organs of the human body. One meridian called the governing meridian is located along the spinal cord and another one on the midline of the abdomen that is called the conception vessel.
Till now the number of points used has increased, there are many meridians with accupoints apart of the traditional once, there are also some special points that are not located on any of the meridians.
Some of the new acupuncture points include the ne along the outer ears, on the scalp, on the feet, wrists, hands and nose. However despite of this other points, traditional acupuncturist prefers to use the main fourteen points.
Here is the lost of some meridians names, classified by numbers and the name of the point.
• Large Intestine Meridian, Point NO.4 of 20, LI4, HEGU (Location of this point is at the back of the hand. It is situated in between the first finger and the thumb).
LI 11 is a key point which is also located on this meridian. (This meridian is also known as Quchi. This is located at the elbow and is used for treating various disorders in the upper body).• Lung Meridian, Point No.7 of 11, LU7, Lieque. (The lung meridian point is situated on the inside of the arm above the wrist).
• Stomach Meridian, Point No.36 of 45, ST36, Zusanli (The front side of the leg below the knee is where this point is located).
• Spleen Meridian, Point No.6 of 21, SP6, Sanyinjiao (The location of this point is just above the ankle on the inner side. Being located in the spleen meridian).
• Gallbladder Meridian, Point No.20 of 44, GB 20, Fengchi (The base of the skull where the neck joins the skull is where this point is located).
• Liver Meridian, Point No.3 of 14, LV3, Taichong (This point is present between the first and the second toes at the foot top).
• Pericardium Meridian, Point No.6 of 9, PC6, Neiguan (Situated just above the wrist on the inner arm,)
• Heart Meridian, Point 7 of 9, HT7, Shenmen (This point which is situated on the outer side of the wrist).
• Urinary Bladder Meridian, Point No.40 of 67, BL40, Weizhong (You will find this point behind the knee)
• Kidney Meridian, Point No.3 of 27, KI3, Taixi (This point is at the back of the inner ankle.)
• Triple Burner Meridian, Point No.5 of 23, TB5, Waigua (The type of organ system which spans the whole of the torso is the triple burner. The point is located on the outer side of the arm just above the wrist.)
• Small Intestine Meridian, Point No.3 of 19, SI3, Houxi (The region of your hand just below the small finger is where this point is situated.)
• Governing Vessel, Point No.20 of 28, GV20, Baihui (This is a point which is located on the head).
• Conception Vessel, Point No.4 of 24, CV4, Guanyuan (Situated just below the navel).
If you want to learn more about acupuncture points and other related topics, visit AB Acupuncture.
We all know something about biorhythms. Basically, a biorhythm is an internal clock that regulates our bodies in relation to the daily positions of the sun, and the monthly positions of the moon. This can be seen in the time it takes our bodies to adjust to small changes, such as the changes of daylight savings time, or in large changes, such as jet lag. Our understanding of and interest in biorhythms has been recent, within the last thirty or forty years.
The ancient Chinese observed this connection between our bodies and the planets many centuries ago, and use it in their practice of acupuncture. They list a number of different biorhythms, from the normal twenty four hour cycle up through longer several day periods. All of these are used to follow and influence fluctuations in body energy. In acupuncture, this energy circulates through each part of the body throughout the day, each organ having a two hour time for maximum energy and a time for minimum energy. For example, the major organs have their maximum energy in the following order: first the liver, then the lungs, large intestine, stomach, spleen, heart, etc., in sequence, for all of the twelve major organs. This order was discovered by years of observing the times of day that the disorders of the various organs displayed their worst symptoms. The acupuncture practitioner can use the times of a patient's symptoms to help determine which organs and energy channels are affected, and also help select the favorable times to treat the patient. For example, many of the worst asthma attacks take place during the wee hours, which is the maximum energy period of the lungs. The best time to treat these cases is at a time as close to this time as possible.
In the science behind acupuncture, a symptom may be caused by too much energy at an organ, and other symptoms by an insufficient amount of energy. (The determination of which symptoms fall into which category has been catalogued over many centuries, and there are many books on acupuncture detailing these for each of the major organs.) The best time to treat a symptom associated with too much energy is during its maximum energy output, and a symptom with a deficiency in energy is just after the maximum output is over. Of course, it may not be possible to get to your practitioner at those particular times, and there are also other good choices at other times of the day.
In addition to the daily biorhythm, there are also ten day intervals associated with the moon, and so the acupuncture practitioner might strongly suggest that a particular day would be better for treatment than another, based on the particular symptoms reported. Each day of the ten days is associated with one of two aspects of the Qi energy, and also associated with one of five elements. Particular organs are associated with particular elements, and so stimulation of these organs will be more successful on those days associated with the correct element.
It is important for us to take note of the times our symptoms occur as well as what our symptoms are, for that is important information in our acupuncture treatment plan. And know that the time and dates for our treatments are an important part of how well the treatment works.
Want to know more about the other benefits of acupuncture? Visit AB Acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a well-known natural medicine that has been present from the ancient times of Chinese and Japanese tradition to the modern generation. There are many advantages to applying this into your daily life. Aside from health benefits, it also offers the best feeling in the world. It relaxes and rejuvenates you, allowing you to perform better at work. In addition, it eliminates health ailments such as stomach discomfort, arthritis, indigestion and stress. It goes deeper than you think. The procedure might seem a little taboo but it actually is not. In fact, even if the specialized needles are just inserted on top of your skin or body surface, the effects go deeper and become more effective. Thus, you will certainly feel the effects afterward.
Acupuncture includes the procedure of inserting needles on to your skin, as mentioned earlier. However, it takes an experienced person to do it for you and each needle must be pointed properly, equally and on their designated points. Failure to do so might not give you much benefit as it should have. Nevertheless, nowadays, there are many spas around so you can actually go there and find this type of natural medicine or practice so that you can experience the effective stimulation of chi and qi in your body.
It is just right that you improve or maintain your life energy or life force, also known as qi or chi. It is what keeps us going. Sometimes it is what defines how we act, how we work and how we feel. Without Acupuncture, everyday it feels like you are tired and stressed out. There is no doubt that this feeling will hinder you from working properly and from interacting well with others because then you will feel tired by the end of the day. You should be energized inside to fuel your body and for you to work well.
Acupuncture is one way to boost your energy both at work and at play. As a matter of fact, the procedure allows it to create a pathway for the stimulation and regulation of your blood and system to work into your body. As it creates that passage, you feel light, relaxed and relieved from pain and stress. The procedure itself suggests that you deserve to improve your outlook in life and your feeling inside and out.
With Acupuncture, you are in good hands and you have nothing to worry about. It sure is worth it to resort to natural medicine to relieve you from body pain and even from stress.
Learn more about acupuncture. Stop by at AB Acupuncture where you can find out all about acupuncture alternative medicine and what it can do for you.
In these present times, there are different forms of treatments and remedies that are made available to the public. There are those that have been proven to be the most effective treatments. There are also those that do not truly provide outright relief. Nowadays, acupuncture is actually gaining wide popularity especially in the Western part of the world. There are countless people who are trying out acupuncture and incorporating it in their lifestyle. But, what is acupuncture really about and how does it treat a person’s ailment.
Acupuncture is actually a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has its origin in China. It has been practiced and used by the early Chinese in order to treat various ailments such as fevers, coughs, wounds and even infections. In the early days, not much is known about acupuncture. But, the early Chinese used it because it has been passed down from generation to generation as a traditional treatment to find easement from various conditions and diseases. Nowadays, there are numerous people who are introduced to this form of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Because it has its origin in China, it is also referred to as Oriental medicine.
Acupuncture actually uses acupuncture needles which oftentimes frightens some people. These needles are basically different from the ordinary needles that are used to sew clothes or those that are used in hospitals or clinics. These acupuncture needles are specifically made for acupuncture medicine only. These are smaller and thinner than the ordinary ones. They are actually designed to stimulate the body’s acupoints. A person has several acupoints in the areas of his body. These acupoints trigger the body’s natural healing properties.
There are some people who do not understand the workings of acupuncture or how acupuncture works. But, actually, there have been countless researches and studies that provide proofs that acupuncture has major improvements and positive results in a person’s health ailment. There are some people who underwent tests for several months and used acupuncture to treat their ailments. At the end of the trial month, they observed major improvements in their health. A number of ailments such as PMS, muscle pain, joint pain, arthritis and many others can be treated with acupuncture. In fact, this Oriental medicine is known to be the safest and most effective treatment around. There are no known side effects to using acupuncture because it is a natural way of triggering the body’s healing power.
Want to find out more about acupuncture, then visit AB Acupuncture.
In today’s stressful world, migraine headaches run rampant among a vast section of the population. Sufferers can expect four stages during the course of this intense headache: the prodrome, the aura, the attack, and the postdrome. The prodrome is a precursor to what one would generally consider the migraine itself, and is a set of symptoms that occurs a few days before a migraine. This can include general malaise and other disharmonies such as stiffness, gastrointestinal issues and depressed mood. The aura portion of the migraine includes sensory, visual and motor where the sufferer may experience temporary loss of vision or even numbness of limbs. The attack portion can last from four hours to three days, and will be characterized by pain in the head that pulsates and throbs. It is generally more prevalent on one side, and other symptoms include nausea and vomiting, extreme sensitivity to light and sound, blurred vision, lightheadedness, and diarrhea. After the attack subsides, the migraine enters the phase known as the postdrome, where the body feels depleted of energy and sometimes mildly euphoric (Migraine: Symptoms.)
The causes of migraines are varied and not entirely understood. Some common triggers include hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and oral contraceptives; foods such as chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, cheese, and anything containing MSG; changes in sleep patterns; intense sensory stimuli such as bright lights and strong smells; changes in one’s environment; intense physical exertion; certain medications; and of course, stress.
Additionally, genetics seem to play a role in whether one will fall victim to migraines. There is also a negative correlation present in bodily serotonin levels (a nervous system regulator) and the occurrence of migraine headaches. One possibility is that the low levels of serotonin cause the trigeminal nerve to release neuropeptides that cause pain in the meninges that cover and protect the brain (Migraine: Causes).
Treatment for migraines with acupuncture offers a solution that is both therapeutic and non-invasive, with little-to-no risk of side effects. A trained acupuncturist can work to rebalance energy blockages that may be causing the migraines, and an herbalist can prescribe Chinese herbal formulas that move the problem out of the system.
Western medicine’s answer to migraines often comes in the form of lifestyle changes (removing triggers) and pharmaceuticals to try and alter the brain chemistry that may or may not be causing the migraines. While taking steps towards health is always a great idea, putting chemicals into the body does not help to get to the root of the problems and can actually make the issue worse. Natural remedies are a fantastic alternative to help migraine sufferers who have been used to safe migraine treatment for thousands of years.
Click here to learn more other benefits of acupuncture in the human body.
Lyme disease is a serious illness that can have a lasting impact on your health. Unfortunately, mainstream medicine does not have a lot to offer when it comes to treating Lyme disease. However, there is an alternative treatment that has been proven to be effective in treating Lyme disease: acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves inserting thin needles into the skin at specific points on the body. This promotes healing by stimulating the release of endorphins and improving blood circulation. Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating a wide variety of conditions, including pain, anxiety, depression, and nausea.
There are a few ways in which acupuncture can help Lyme disease patients. First, acupuncture can help to relieve the pain caused by Lyme disease. Many patients suffer from intense headaches, joint pain, and muscle aches as a result of the disease. Acupuncture can help relieve this pain by stimulating the release of endorphins, natural painkillers produced by the body.
In addition to relieving pain, acupuncture can also help to improve energy levels and promote sleep. Patients with Lyme disease often suffer from fatigue and insomnia due to the disease and its treatments. Acupuncture can help to improve energy levels by increasing blood circulation and promoting the release of endorphins. The improved sleep that results from
acupuncture can also help patients with Lyme disease by giving their bodies much-needed rest so that they can heal more effectively.Lastly, acupuncture can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. The stress of dealing with a chronic illness can often be overwhelming for patients. Acupuncture can help to reduce stress levels by inducing relaxation and improving blood circulation. The improved circulation caused by acupuncture can also help to reduce inflammation throughout the body, which is often a primary symptom of Lyme disease.
For those who are suffering from Lyme disease, acupuncture may provide relief. Acupuncture has been shown to help ease pain and other symptoms associated with this illness including fatigue, insomnia, and stress.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of Lyme disease, please set an appointment with AB Acupuncture today. We have helped many people recover from this debilitating condition and we would love to help you too. Contact us today for more information or to schedule your appointment. We look forward to helping you get back to feeling like yourself again!