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undefined Motivational Fire Graphics

Firefighter's Prayer / Creed
When I'm called to duty god
wherever flames may rage
give me strength to save a life
whatever be its age

Help me to embrace a little child
before it is too late
or save an older person from
the horror of that fate

Enable me to be alert
to hear the weakest shout
and quickly and efficiently
to put the fire out

I want to fill my calling and
to give the best in me
to guard my neighbour and
protect his property

And if according to your will
I have to lose my life
bless with your protecting hand
my children and my wife

Firefighter Sayings

All men are created equal...then a few become firemen.
I Volunteer To Fight What You Fear!
Those who Those who can do more....volunteer.
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.
Never share a hoseline with anyone braver than you are.
Never forget that your truck was made by the lowest bidder.

You might be a fireman if...
You have ever spent 10 min trying to force open a door only to have someone come along and open it by turning the handle.
You have ever had a heated debate over the color of firetrucks.
You take great joy in smashing the windows of a car parked in a fire zone or in front of a hydrant.
You have ever played jingle bells at Xmas time on the air horns to clear traffic.
Your kids are afraid to get into water fights with you.
Your work gear makes you sound like Darth Vader.

Firefighter I Course

Fundamentals of sleeping
Tactics of contract negotiation
SKILLS LAB: Bed Making
Radio Communications I: Grunting and Squawking
Well-Being of the Firefighter - Dealing with nightmares and overweightedness
SKILLS LAB: Beating shit down with an ax
Fundamentals of screwing up an EMS system - the FDNY experience
Firefighter economics - $500,000 truck with two jobs on the odometer
First Aid - Walking the patient with a C-Collar
SKILLS LAB - Resuscitation with a non-rebreathing mask
Fire Abatement I - saving the foundation
Fire Abatement II - making it look good for the press

What is a Fire Fighter?
He's the guy next door - a man's man with the memory of a little boy.
He has never gotten over the excitement of engines and sirens and danger.
He's a guy like you and me with warts and worries and unfulfilled dreams.
Yet he stands taller than most of us.
He's a fireman.
He puts it all on the line when the bell rings.
A fireman is at once the most fortunate and the least fortunate of men.
He's a man who saves lives because he has seen too much death.
He's a gentle man because he has seen the awesome power of violence out of control.
He's responsive to a child's laughter because his arms have held too many small bodies that will never laugh again.
He's a man who appreciates the simple pleasures of life - hot coffee held in numb, unbending fingers - a warm bed for bone and muscle compelled beyond feeling - the camaraderie of brave men - the divine peace and selfless service of a job well done in the name of all men.
He doesn't wear buttons or wave flags or shout obscenities.
When he marches, it is to honor a fallen comrade.
He doesn't preach the brotherhood of man.
He lives it.

A Hero at a Glance

Smoke showing in the distance as the fire engine draws near,
You see the firefighter reaching to fasten his gear.

And to look at the firefighter after the job,
You see this man and think, "My what a slob!"

On top of his head is that ugly helment made of leather
That protects him fire and the coldest of weather.

It's bent and deformed. What shape really is true?
It stands as a proud symbol of the hell he's been through.

Covered with ashes, and sweat, ceiling plaster and more,
You wonder why he went through that smokey front door.

His facial expressions seemed to have changed in a split second or two,
At least a thousand times as he gave that Red Devil his due.

His face showed excitement, determination and fear,
Exhaustion and sadness and then even a tear.

You might now see him laughing, smiling, and joking,
But did you see him when he was coughing, gasping and choking?

You squirm as you see the mucus running from his nose,
Did you know this man had faced death on the end of the hose?

So as you look at the firefighter with his rake, hose or axe,
His beet red face or ice covered mustache,

You should know why he goes through that smokey front door,
And is forced to crawl like a baby down on the floor.

He does it to save both lives nd property,
All that is precious to you and to me.

So take a good look at this modern warrior who serves his call proud and true,
And know that he would die just to save me and you.

Robert J. Athans
FDNY/Rescue Co.3

**Note**Pictures above compliments of Fire Nuggets


What direction is the helmet supposed to be going? Thanks E-Bay...

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