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The Laos List

US personnel (and others) that served in Laos during the Secret War

This project is to document US personnel, military and non-military, that served in Laos during the Secret War from its inception in the late 1950's through the demise of the Kingdom of Laos in 1975. Most of this time, many of these warriors did not officially exist because according to the Geneva Accords the military members could not be where they were. Many of us that served in Laos were illegal warriors serving the United States and the Kingdom of Laos. We came from many organizations, such as White Star, the Ravens, Project 404, Heavy Green, Air America, USAID and the US Embassy. Many were on temporary dury, some were permanently assigned, others were just passing through. Possibly this list will provide recognition for those people who served in "The Other War".

The list originated as I began writing my experiences. I realized that there was no consolidated accounting of who served in Laos, in what capacity, when and where - to support research of the war, or just to remember your buddy. I began with the "military" Savannakhet folks where I was located, but soon saw the need to expand the scope. The initial focus was on those persons that were the military "in-country" members just to keep the project from being overwhelming. Gradually I am adding those served in other capacities, those who visited (, rescues, captures and escapees), and those who visited and tragically stayed until their remains were recovered decades later. And we cannot forget those whose fate remains unknown. Most of these incidents are documented in the companion Laos Incident List.

The organization of the list displayed here consists of a roster of names displayed by alphabet that is associated with more detailed information about the individual in a detailed listing. It is not elegant but it is functional for the time being. The web list is posted by alphabetic letter, except there are no entries for the letter "X". The current master list is over 1800 entries and growing daily. They will be entered as time permits. I have just begun linking names from the alphabetic list and the Incident List to the Detailed List.

The information is gleaned from many sources - published accounts, personal experiences, e-mails, web postings and oral history. It is compiled the old fashioned way: one name or bit of information at a time. The source list is also posted. There are omissions, discrepancies and errors, but they will ultimately be filled or corrected. My thanks to all who have assisted thus far, and I trust others will join them in providing needed information. If you are not on the list, are on the list with incorrect information, or can contribute to its accuracy, please contact the Webmaster with the subject of "Laos List". Please refer to the reference number to correct posted information.

Tom Lee
Project 404
Savannakhet, Laos 1968-1969
January 2001 Revised September 2004

The List

 "A"  "B"  "C"  "D"  "E"  "F"  "G"  "H"  "I"  "J"  "K"  "L"  "M"

 "N"  "O"  "P"  "Q"  "R"  "S"  "T"  "U"  "V"  "W"  "Y"  "Z"

Last List update 16 January 2010

List Entry Explanation and other Stuff
For researchers and other interested persons

Summary statistics concerning the List

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