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Memorial Donations in Honor of

Our Precious Angel, Caroline Elizabeth

~ Her Spirit Lives On ~



"Today I stumbled and once again, was lifted by an unseen hand. What comfort and joy that knowledge brings, for I hear the whisper of angel wings. The guardian angels God sends to all, to bear us up when we stumble and fall. Trust Him, my friend, and often you'll hear, the whisper of angel wings, hovering near"




March/April 2001 2001 Buddy Walk Triangle Down Syndrome Network
June 2001 Children's Miracle Network Fund Duke Children's Hospital
June/July 2001 Blossoms for Life Western Wake Medical Center
September 2001 Gift-Partner Level Hospice of Wake County
December 2001 Starlight Children's Foundation, Fun Center Donation (click here for details) Brenner Children's Hospital, Winston-Salem, NC
February 2002 The Children's Learning Center Raleigh Rescue Mission
March 2002 Easter Dinner! Wake Crisis Center
April 17, 2002 Presents for Angel ~Caroline's~ 2nd Birthday Children at Raleigh Rescue Mission
May/June 2002 Send a Kid to Camp NC Kids
July 2002 Children's Miracle Network Fund Duke Children's Hospital
August 2002 Summer Fund for the Homeless Raleigh Rescue Mission
September 2002 Children St. Jude Children's Hospital
October 2002 2002 Buddy Walk Triangle Down Sydrome Network
November 2002 Annual Fund Drive Hospice of Wake County
December 2002 Christmas/Urgent Needs Raleigh Rescue Mission
December 2002 Christmas Ronald McDonald House of Durham
March 2003 Fund Drive Raleigh Rescue Mission
May 2003 Urgent Needs Ronald McDonald House
June 2003 Fund Drive March of Dimes
July 2003 Christmas in July St Andrews for Wake County
August 2003 Wish List Ronald McDonald House of Durham
September 2003 Fund Drive Raleigh Rescue Mission
November 2003 Thanksgiving Dinners Raleigh Rescue Mission
December 2003 Angel Tree Salvation Army
February 2004 Donation St. Jude's
April 2004 Gifts in Honor of Caroline's Birthday Raleigh Rescue Mission




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