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undefined It seems this old site still comes up when some of our names are searched. Check out the new and improved band HERE.



Sore is a new, DC rock band composed of Alexander, Homer, Alex and our new member Pablo. 
We're open to playing all kinds of rock music (Nirvana style, Deftones style, acoustic style...). Our band has existed since April of the year 2000, we've been practicing as much as we can and improving.

Alexander is our drummer. He was born in Peru, his mom is from France and his dad, Iran. He has been playing drums non-stop since he was twelve. He is currently taking bass lessons and and getting into turntables.

Homer is the bassist and the philosopher in our band. He plays both guitar and bass and even some drums. He has been playing guitar since he was 11, bass and drums since he was 12. He enjoys a wide variety a music (pretty much anything that sounds good)... punk, metal, alternative, oldies.

Then comes Alex, the guitarist. He's have been playing the guitar for about as long as Homer. His guitar riffs sound a lot like the Deftones. He can also play bass, but he sticks to guitar mostly. He enjoys solos from the blues and the 80s.

Last comes our most recent addition, Pablo, the lead vocalist and rythm guitarist,he is from Colombia and he is the oldest member of the band, he has been playing the drums for 3 years but also plays some bass and some guitar. He mainly likes alternative, punk, classic rock and latin music(creed,doors,living end).


Alexander Ameli: drums
Pablo Echeverri: lead vocals
Alex Gittelson: guitar
Homer Papadopoulos: bass





(when you get to the page the "music" link links to, click on Sore listening room to listen to the music.)

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