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Welcome to the Teutonic Fighting Company Homepage!!!!

Teutonic Fighting Company

Welcome to the Teutonic Fighting Company Homepage!!!!

Welcome to the Teutonic Fighting Company Home Page.

Once, long ago, there were knights and warriors who fought for the freedom of Christiandom. Taking on their name, we strive to live up to those days of honor, chivalry, and brotherhood. Here you shall find our codex, our history, ways to hire out our services and other things we deem important for you to know. It is rather odd for a group that is based out of the Middle Ages to work on something so amazingly advanced as the internet, so please bear with us. This site is under heavy construction.

Here you shall also learn of the basics of Amtgard, a world-wide re-enactment group with chapters probably close to you. We are located in the Celestial Kingdom, in Central Texas. A link to both Amtgard and the CK is at the bottom of this page.

The big change is an updated Roster, and an addition for the Festival of the Masque, the year's big celebration hosted by the Teutonics. Though not much as of yet, I'm hoping to get with the Autocrat for more information on Masque 2001.

Various Information

History of the Teutonic Order
History of The Teutonic Fighting Company
The Codex
Code of Chivalry
Amtgard in General
Mask 2001

The Official Amtgard Webpage
The Celestial Kingdom Home Page
Fan Fiction At It's Best

Visitors since 5/11/2001

Any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to send it to Conundrum, care of...

Really Stupid Starving Webmaster:

Updated 07/25/2001