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Viet Nam Vets Basecamp

Worlwide Top Veterans Site

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"It Dont Mean Nothin..."


Here I hope to provide some information and sources to foster and maintain Viet Nam veterans and their friends and families an ongoing awareness of our experience.
Further, we hope to have articles,pictures,infomation and other, hopefully, interesting items.

This site is not about me but rather about you the veteran. There is a page about me however, if you are curious...enjoy!

Reunions List...............................courtesy of   ""


  So relax, your "HOME" now, and enjoy your time at the base camp while you can...for tomorrow...well who knows? Light em up if you got em or crack open a beer..its Miller time or rather, its your time. At this point We would like to say sincerely and warmly WELCOME HOME. This from our friends and family past present and future.

Jerry Parr "jack" Comment: Great Site, "never let those who gave be forgotten & never let those who came back to speak be silenced" We gave it all when most didn't care, that's what sacrifice & loyality are all about. Just some of my thoughts... Semper Fi

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