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Historical Bratislava

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Bratislava - first settlement in Stone Age, Celtic Oppidum (Biatec coins), Limes Romanus (Gerulata Fort), Wogastiburg during Sam's Empire,
Preslava Civitas in Viking's era, Coronation city (Pressburg, Pozsony) during Hungarian Kingdom, current inhabitation - 450 000.
Milestones of the history of Bratislava

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Palackeho St.
Notre Dame Chapel (1754) / Mother Alexia's School
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Palackeho St.
Notre Dame Chapel / Mother Alexia's School
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Palisady St. - Baptist Church
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Bratislava Castle (west wall at sunset)
first habitation in early Stone Age
castle many times burn and rebuilt,
last reconstruction in 1968
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Sign at Michalska Tower from 1758 when Tower was rebuilt. Citizens of old Bratislava manifested their gratitude to Maria Theresia - Queen of Hungary and Bohemia & Archduchess of Austria been crowned in Bratislava in 1741
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Szegnerova Mansion, built in 1648

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Panska St.
Salvator's Pharmacy (object 1904, interier 1724)
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Kapitulska St.
Jezuites Collegium (1550)
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Fresco at Kapitulska St.
(Capitelgasse 1750, Pfafengasse 1443, Kirchgasse 1631)
from 18th century
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Fresco at Kapitulska St.
(Capitelgasse 1750, Pfafengasse 1443, Kirchgasse 1631)
from 18th century
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Kapitulska St. - Klarisky Church Tower on behind
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Farska St. - Klarisky Church Tower
First construction of 13th century,
current sign of about 1425
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Klariska St. (Nonnengasse 1232)
Klarisky Monastery (current structure of 1637)
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Unknown shabby but amiable building at Rudnayovo Sq.
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Rybne Sq. - Trinity Column
(1713 - year of plague disaster in the city)
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Frantiskanske Sq. - Tablet detached to St. Marry Column for memory of emperator Leopoldus I. and his victory of Turks near St. Gotthard in 1664 and defeating rebeletions of Old Hungarian peers Wesselenyi and Rakoczi during 1667-71
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Frantiskanske Sq. - St. Marry Column built in 1675
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View of Sturovo Sq.
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View of Mostova St.
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Ganymede's Fountain (1888)
in front of The Slovak National Theatre

Old Town Hall (1378)

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North Gate
(from Primacialne Sq.)
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Inner Courtyard
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Window and scripture above South Gate (Hlavne Sq.)
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Collection of renovated coats of arms hanging on the walls of Inner Courtyard:
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St.Martin's Dome - first structure known as of 13th century, current shape of 1318-1452

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View of Panska St. and Rybne Sq. corner
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View of Rudnayovo Sq.
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View of Rudnayovo Sq.
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North Passage
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In Dome 19 Kings were crowned (Maximilian II. 1563, Maria-Theresia 1741, Ferdinand V. 1830 e.g.)
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Rudnayovo Sq
Statue of Jan Holly (1785-1849)
Slovak National Activist

Primacialne Sq. - Archbishop's Palace (first structure burn in 1590, current built 1778-81)

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Primacialne Sq. (Old Town Hall on right)
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Memorial tablet of Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus (Paracelsus) of Hohenheim - medieval alchymist and scholar, been visiting Bratislava in 1537
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Memorial tablet of Pressburg Peace signed after a battle at Austerlitz (Slavkov) where Napoleon I. Bonaparte defeated German emperator Franz I. in 1805
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St. George Fountain originally stood in Archbishop's Gardens in 1614
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Sculpture of St. John Nepomucky (1725) - Patron of all bridges and homes and their protection of flood and river element

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Mausoleum of Chatam Sofer (Embankment of Ludvika Svobodu)

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Chatam Sofer (real name Moshe Schreiber) was born in Frankfurt, Germany on September 26, 1762 and died in Bratislava on October 3, 1839. He became famous world-wide for his knowledge and wisdom. He chose position of a Rabbi in Bratislava, an important cosmopolitan city of that time, in preference to many other offers. He became a Chief Rabbi there in 1806 and remained so for the next 33 years. Mausoleum was rebuilt and opened in 2002.

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New Bridge (1973) over Danube river, Petrzalka suburb (Incheba on right) - first "panelak" rose in 1976, 120 000 inhabitants live here today

Recommended books: Július Satinský - Chlapci z Dunajskej ulice (in Slovak), Karl Benyovszky - Spaziergang durch Alt-Pressburg (in German), Karl Benyovszky & Josef Grünsfeld - Pressburger Ghettobilder (in German)
Recommended music: Milan Lasica & Bratislava Hot Serenades - Ja Som Optimista, Preßburger Klezmer Band - Lajv

More about Bratislava:
Ultimate Guide to Bratislava
More about Slovakia:
The Slovak Spectator
Slovak Heritage
Bratislava Hotels:
Current weather in Bratislava:
The Weather Underground

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Equipment used: Canon PowerShot A10