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  • Abbey Culp - 2nd place Individual Horse Judging
  • Amanda Barrett - 4th place Individual Horse Judging
  • Malynda Barrett - 9th place Individual Horse Judging
  • Jessica Evans - 8th place Individual Examination
  • Senior A - 7th place Overall High Team
  • Senior B - 10th place Overall High Team
  • Senior B - 3rd place High Horse Judging Team
  • Malynda Barrett - 8th place High Individual

Senior "A" Team was made up of: Malynda Barrett, Jessica Evans, Jessica Doyle and Tori Rudolph
Senior "B" Team was made up of: Amanda Barrett, Abby Cilp and Ashley Overdorf
Junior Team was made up of: Racheal Baker, Kaileen Brennan and Julia Skettini

Everyone did an outstanding job and Karen McClure was an excellent coach going above and beyond. When you see Karen, thank her for her hard work. And Congradulation to all who participated.

Is Hippology the study of HIPPOs, I don't think so!


Malynda Barrett and Tori Rudolph were selected to represent the state of New Jersey at the Eastern National Roundup in Louisville, KY the beginning of November. Wish them both good luck!

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