Hello And Welcome, You may have noticed my page has been going thru a few changes lately I am in the process of updating my place my goal is to make it a more useful, fun place for all that visit, I will also be adding and replacing some of the games in the game room, I have had a few people e-mail me and say that some of them were slow in loading, it is a problem I am working on, and I hope to have it fixed soon, If you have ideas of what you would like to see here or have any other sugguestions or comments just drop me an e-mail, Or you can send me a direct message by using this form, By the way, if you are using a PC and don't have ICQ you have no idea of what your missing, it will tell you when friends or family are online, you can open direct chat with other ICQ users and much more, It is truly awesome, And its worth every penny, oh wait....IT'S FREE!!!! This page is dedicated to all gypsies everywhere, And i want to thank everybody who has visited this page since it started, Without you this page would not exist,
WARNING The links on this page are links to other peoples sites. I have no control over there content, Therefore I cannot assume any responsibility for anything you will find there, I say this because I am tired of people calling me or e-mailing me saying they read something on my site about them or there family, When it was really posted on another site that is linked to mine, If you find something you dont like on there site, Contact them! NOT ME!! Also there is one more thing I need to get out of the way, I have been getting calls from people saying I was on of the webtv chat rooms cussing people and there dead, Well it was not me, It was somebody copying my name, To to the people that are doing this i say the following, Whoever knowingly copies my name of "Machu10" and poses as me to curse people and there dead will be destined to a life of poverty, Will never make another dollar and will never live a peaceful healthy day again,
Link to other parts of my site
Links to some of my friends gypsy pages
NOTICE!!! All of the links below are pointed to sites that belong to other people, I assume no responsibility for the content of these sites,
Gypsy Information Links Links that have info on the history of our people
The Patrin Gypsy Remedies Other Links Links to other fun and interesting sites
I thank you for visiting, Come back again real soon!!!