Molly's Place for Transgendered Girls

Mission Statement: My place is where we transgendered girls can meet and share ideas. It is a safe web site. No Nudity or other X rated stuff. I hope all that come here can feel safe and have fun!

Hugs Molly

I have been a transgendered girl for about 20 years now. I have been dressing daily now for about ten. years, at this site I hope to have intresting things and animated gifs, that are fun too look at as well as read and listen too.

I am now owned by Mistress Lisa and serve her with all my heart and soul. I am the pet to Lady Topaz who i love dearly and wish to bring her nothing but happiness as well. I love being in Mistress Lisa's Family and look foward to serving her and bringing honor to the family.

On a personal note I have decided that I am going to seek SRS or a sex change operation. At the very least breast implants at the most complete sex change. Below there will be a link to paypal for anyone who is kind enough to help with a donation. This of course is no attemp for me to beg or plead for donations but merly a chance for anyone to help if they so wish.

I have made some revisions to this site. My web rings and Now a special serach engine have their own page. This should not only make the front page load faster but also cut down on the clutter. This will also help those people wanting information or links to pages find them easier. If you wish for me to return to the old way please write me and know Your imput is important to me and I do read all letters. Page two will still be my advice page.

On this page I hope to give advice that we girls can use such as make up and fashion advice. If it is beyond my scope I would recomend visiting Jamie Austin's site for make up tips and such and The Glamour Boutique for clothing. Both sites are listed below. Just click and enjoy!

I have also added several new pages,my chat room is now running:)This chat room is free and I hope people will enjoy it. I hope this site continues to be fun and helpful to all who visit. Please sign my guest book and leave a message on my message board. I really do care what you think and love hearing from you.

Update I just wanted to take this time to wish everyone a happy and safe Holiday season. I hope that the New Year will bring everyone peace and a hope for a better future. I am putting up pics from my halloween party and hope that you all will enjoy Them :)

I have also won two awards for this site which I am very proud of. I really do want this place to be a safe haven for T girls, women or anyone who supports the GBLT community. On another note my bulleton board is down for now. I am not sure If I will restore it. If there is an intrest Please let me know if not I will leave it down.

Lets rember and support our troops in Iraq and lets hope for thier safe return after winning ther hard fight. Hugs Molly

My Favorite Links

pierresilber shoes and Clothing

Jaime Austin's Makeover Girls

Legg's Homepage

Loréal Cosmetics Homepage

Fredricks Of Hollywood

Pierre Silber shoes and Clothing

Links to my Other pages

Please take time and sign my Guestbook. Thanks

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

please feel free to comment on my message board at just click on the link provided :)

Visit my message board: Molly's Closet

Here are the links to my other pages just click togo to them :)

Molly's Advice Page--->

NEW Page WebRings/search Engines--->NEW Page

Molly's Shopping Spree----->
Molly's favorite store!!!--->

Molly's Poem Page--->

Molly's friends a page dedicated to all those that have supported me

New Page Molly's Picture Page New page

NEW PAGE Molly's Doll collection--->

Molly's Poems----->

Molly's Diary personal thoughts and things

Old Letters Page --->
