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Queen Bee Webring

How to Join the ring:
1. Click on the link below to go to the sign-up page.
2. Fill out the form.
3. You will receive an email with the webring HTML code.
4. Add the HTML code to your page (a sample of how it should look on your page is below).
5. Email the RingMistress when the code has been placed on your site.
6. Your site will remain in the queue for 2 weeks; if, during that time, the HTML link is not added to your page, you will be automatically removed.

To Join the Queen Bee Webring, Click Here.

This is what the HTML code will look like on your site. The font colors and background will match your page:

Queen Bee Webring
Is Managed by: Orene Custer
This Queen Bee Webring site is owned by Queen Bee Webring.
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